Ekaterine Berishvili Berney obtained her MD at the Tbilisi Medical Academy in Tbilisi in 1999. In 2003 she obtained her PhD in medicine. She did her postdoctoral work, at the Marion Bessin Liver Research Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University, Bronx, NY, USA between 2006 and 2007. In 2008, she was back to Tbilisi to be Director of Insititute of Experimental Medicine, Tbilisi State medical University. In 2000-2014 she was Associate Professor at the Tbilisi State Medical University. In 2009-2014 she was leading the cell transplantation unit at the university hospital in Tbilisi. Between 2013 and 2014 she worked as an invited professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University, Bronx, NY, USA . Between 2014 and 2017 she worked at the Laboratory of cell isolation and transplantation, University of Geneva. Her current position is associate professor at at Ilia State University.
Scientific interests / research interests
- hepatocyte transplantation
- Stem cell biology
- Type I diabetes
- Pancreatic islet transplantation
- Organ bioengineering
- Experimental surgery
- Translational and molecular biology
- Berishvili E†, Joseph B†, Benten D, Kumaran V, Liponava E, Bhargava K, Palestro C, Kakabadze Z, Gupta S. Isolated small intestinal segments support auxiliary livers with maintenance of hepatic functions. Nat Med 2004; 10: 749-53.
- Kakabadze Z, Gupta S, Brandhorst D, Korsgren O, Berishvili E. Long-term engraftment and function of transplanted pancreatic islets in vascularized segments of small intestine. Transpl Int 2011; 24: 175-83.
- Kakabadze Z, Shanava K, Ricordi C, Shapiro AM, Gupta S, Berishvili E. An isolated venous sac as a novel site for cell therapy in diabetes mellitus. Transplantation 2012; 94: 319-24.
- Kakabadze Z, Gupta S, Pileggi A, Molano RD, Ricordi C, Shatirishvili G, Loladze G, Mardaleishvili K, Kakabadze M, Berishvili E. Correction of Diabetes by Minimal Mass Islet transplantation into the Small Intestinal Submucosa. Am J Transplant 2013. 13: 2550-2557.
- Berney T, Berishvili E. Toward Clinical Application of the Bioartificial Pancreas. Transplantation. 2015 Nov;99(11):2241-2
Niclauss N, Meier R, Bédat B, Berishvili E, Berney T. Beta-Cell Replacement: Pancreas and Islet Cell Transplantation. Endocr Dev. 2016; 31:146-62.
- An extensive list of publications
- Kakabadze Z, Kakabadze A, Chakhunashvili D, Karalashvili L, Berishvili E, Sharma Y, Gupta S. Decellularized human placenta supports hepatic tissue and allows rescue in acute liver failure. Hepatology. 2017 Dec 6.
- Anderson SJ, White MG, Armour SL, Maheshwari R, Tiniakos D, Muller YD, Berishvili E, Berney T, Shaw JAM. Loss of end-differentiated β-cell phenotype following pancreatic islet transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2017 Sep 26.
- Nordmann TM, Dror E, Schulze F, Traub S, Berishvili E, Barbieux C, Böni-Schnetzler M, Donath MY. The Role of Inflammation in β-cell Dedifferentiation. Sci Rep. 2017 Jul 24;7(1):6285
- Phelps EA, Cianciaruso C, Santo-Domingo J, Pasquier M, Galliverti G, Piemonti L, Berishvili E, Burri O, Wiederkehr A, Hubbell JA, Baekkeskov S. Corrigendum: Advances in pancreatic islet monolayer culture on glass surfaces enable super-resolution microscopy and insights into beta cell ciliogenesis and proliferation. Sci Rep. 2017 May 9;7:46801.
- Phelps EA, Cianciaruso C, Santo-Domingo J, Pasquier M, Galliverti G, Piemonti L, Berishvili E, Burri O, Wiederkehr A, Hubbell JA, Baekkeskov S. Advances in pancreatic islet monolayer culture on glass surfaces enable super-resolution microscopy and insights into beta cell ciliogenesis and proliferation. Sci Rep. 2017 Apr 12;7:45961.
- Li J, Casteels T, Frogne T, Ingvorsen C, Honoré C, Courtney M, Huber KVM, Schmitner N, Kimmel RA, Romanov RA, Sturtzel C, Lardeau CH, Klughammer J, Farlik M, Sdelci S, Vieira A, Avolio F, Briand F, Baburin I, Májek P, Pauler FM, Penz T, Stukalov A, Gridling M, Parapatics K, Barbieux C, Berishvili E, Spittler A, Colinge J, Bennett KL, Hering S, Sulpice T, Bock C, Distel M, Harkany T, Meyer D, Superti-Furga G, Collombat P, Hecksher-Sørensen J, Kubicek S. Artemisinins Target GABA(A) Receptor Signaling and Impair α Cell Identity. Cell. 2017 Jan 12;168(1-2):86-100.e15.
- Johnston NR, Mitchell RK, Haythorne E, Pessoa MP, Semplici F, Ferrer J, Piemonti L, Marchetti P, Bugliani M, Bosco D, Berishvili E, Duncanson P, Watkinson M, Broichhagen J, Trauner D, Rutter GA, Hodson DJ. Beta Cell Hubs Dictate Pancreatic Islet Responses to Glucose. Cell Metab. 2016 Sep 13;24(3):389-401.
- Fuijkschot WW, de Graaff HJ, Berishvili E, Kakabadze Z, Kupreishvili K, Meinster E, Houtman M, van Broekhoven A, Schalkwijk CG, Vonk AB, Krijnen PA, Smulders YM, Niessen HW. Prevention of age-induced N(ε)-(carboxymethyl)lysine accumulation in the microvasculature. Eur J Clin Invest. 2016 Apr;46(4):334-41.
- Li J, Klughammer J, Farlik M, Penz T, Spittler A, Barbieux C, Berishvili E, Bock C, Kubicek S. Single-cell transcriptomes reveal characteristic features of human pancreatic islet cell types. EMBO Rep. 2016 Feb;17(2):178-87.
- Niclauss N, Meier R, Bédat B, Berishvili E, Berney T. Beta-Cell Replacement: Pancreas and Islet Cell Transplantation. Endocr Dev. 2016;31:146-62.
- Berney T, Berishvili E. Toward Clinical Application of the Bioartificial Pancreas. Transplantation. 2015 Nov;99(11):2241-2.
- Kapoor S, Berishvili E, Bandi S, Gupta S. Ischemic preconditioning affects long-term cell fate through DNA damage-related molecular signaling and altered proliferation. Am J Pathol. 2014 Oct;184(10):2779-90.
- Kakabadze Z, Gupta S, Pileggi A, Molano RD, Ricordi C, Shatirishvili G, Loladze G, Mardaleishvili K, Kakabadze M, Berishvili E. Correction of diabetes mellitus by transplanting minimal mass of syngeneic islets into vascularized small intestinal segment. Am J Transplant. 2013 Oct;13(10):2550-7
- Azmaiparashvili E, Berishvili E, Kakabadze Z, Pilishvili O, Mikautadze E, Solomonia R, Jangavadze M, Kordzaia D. Ductular reaction at the early terms of common bile duct ligation in the rats. Acta Biol Hung. 2012 Sep;63(3):321-32.
- Kakabadze Z, Shanava K, Ricordi C, Shapiro AM, Gupta S, Berishvili E. An isolated venous sac as a novel site for cell therapy in diabetes mellitus. Transplantation. 2012 Aug 27;94(4):319-24
- Meskheli MB, Antelava NA, Bakuridze AD, Berishvili ER, Pachkoriia KZ. [Antidiabetic activity of berberin and extract, obtained from the bark of Phellodendron lavalei, introduced in subtropic regions of Georgia, in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats]. Georgian Med News. 2011 Feb;(191):53-60.
- Kakabadze Z, Gupta S, Brandhorst D, Korsgren O, Berishvili E. Long-term engraftment and function of transplanted pancreatic islets in vascularized segments of small intestine. Transpl Int. 2011 Feb;24(2):175-83.
- Bandi S, Joseph B, Berishvili E, Singhania R, Wu YM, Cheng K, Gupta S. Perturbations in ataxia telangiectasia mutant signaling pathways after drug-induced acute liver failure and their reversal during rescue of animals by cell therapy. Am J Pathol. 2011 Jan;178(1):161-74.
- Menabde G, Gogilashvili K, Kakabadze Z, Berishvili E. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell plasticity and their application perspectives. Georgian Med News. 2009 Feb;(167):71-6.
- Inada M, Benten D, Cheng K, Joseph B, Berishvili E, Badve S, Logdberg L, Dabeva M, Gupta S. Stage-specific regulation of adhesion molecule expression segregates epithelial stem/progenitor cells in fetal and adult human livers. Hepatol Int. 2008 Mar;2(1):50-62. doi: 10.1007/s12072-007-9023-4. Epub 2007 Nov 27.
- Wu YM, Joseph B, Berishvili E, Kumaran V, Gupta S. Hepatocyte transplantation and drug-induced perturbations in liver cell compartments. Hepatology. 2008 Jan;47(1):279-87.
- Joseph B, Kumaran V, Berishvili E, Bhargava KK, Palestro CJ, Gupta S. Monocrotaline promotes transplanted cell engraftment and advances liver repopulation in rats via liver conditioning. Hepatology. 2006 Dec;44(6):1411-20.
- Durglishvili N, Apridonidze K, Tevzadze M, Berishvili E. The method of melanocytes isolation. Georgian Med News. 2006 Feb;(131):99-101.
- Amiranashvili ID, Kavtaradze MN, Berishvili ER. [Hepaticocholedoch reconstruction by explants and autotransplants]. Georgian Med News. 2005 Dec;(129):120-3.
- Amiranashvili I, Berishvili E. New method for treatment of high hepaticocholedoch strictures (experimental research). Georgian Med News. 2005 Oct;(127):81-4.
- Mestiashvili MZ, Berishvili ER, Bukia TSh. [Alternative to donor organs–the method of cultivation from fragments of tissues of “new organs” in an organism of the recipient]. Georgian Med News. 2005 Mar;(120):65-7.
- Joseph B, Berishvili E, Benten D, Kumaran V, Liponava E, Bhargava K, Palestro C, Kakabadze Z, Gupta S. Isolated small intestinal segments support auxiliary livers with maintenance of hepatic functions. Nat Med. 2004 Jul;10(7):749-53. Epub 2004 May 30.
- Berishvili E, Liponava E, Kochlavashvili N, Kalandarishvili K, Benashvili L, Gupta S, Kakabadze Z. Heterotopic auxiliary liver in an isolated and vascularized segment of the small intestine in rats. Transplantation. 2003 Jun 15;75(11):1827-32.
- Kakabadze Z, Berishvili E, Długosz JW. The experimental distention of dissected bile duct for the restoration of its continuity in dogs using a device of own construction. Rocz Akad Med Bialymst. 2003;48:52-6.
- Kakabadze Z, Benashvili L, Berishvili E. The intracorporeal autoorganic biofilter of portal blood in portal hypertension surgery. Hepatogastroenterology. 2001 May-Jun;48(39):752-6.