Direction:Analytic Philosophy
Position:Associate Professor

Tamar Tskhadadze graduated from the Department of Philosophy and Sociology at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University with a specialization in Philosophy. She continued her PhD studies (aspirantura) at the same department, where she defended a PhD thesis in 2006. Tskhadadze worked as a lecturer of philosophy (2001-2006) and then as Assistant Professor of philosophy (2006-2008) at the Department of Philosophy at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. During 2009-2012 she held the position of Associate Professor of gender studies and Director of MA and PhD programs in gender studies at the same university. Since September 2012, she has been Associate Professor of philosophy at Ilia State University.

During 2003-2005, as a fellow of the Faculty Development Fellowship Program of the Open Society Institute, Tskhadadze was a visiting scholar at the Department of Philosophy and Religion of Appalachian State University (2003), and the Department of Philosophy of Stanford University (2004-2005). During the fall semester 2016, through the faculty exchange fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), she was a guest professor at Ruhr University Bochum, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Chair of Social Inequality and Gender.

Scientific interests / research interests

Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language, Feminist Theory

Featured Publications

  • A Coherentist Justification for Logic. In Matsne (Proceedings of The Georgian Academy of Sciences), Series of Philosophy, 2007, N1, pp. 114-125 (in Georgian)
  • On the A priory Nature of Modal Knowledge. In Aspects of Necessity: A Priory, Identity, Contradiction. Edited by L. Mchedlishvili and T. Tskhadadze. Tbilisi, S. Tsereteli Institute of Philosophy, 2009, pp. 65-110 (in Georgian)
  • Wittgenstein’s Private Language Argument and Its Interpretations. In Knowledge and Morality: Philosophical Papers. Edited by T. Iremadze, T. Tskhadadze, G. Kheoshvili. Tbilisi, S. Tsereteli Institute of Philosophy, 2012, pp. 84-100 (in Georgian)
  • “The West” and Georgian “Difference”: Discursive Politics of Gender and Sexuality in Georgia. In Gender in Georgia, Feminist Perspectives on Culture, Nation, and History in the South Caucasus. Edited by Maia Barkaia and Alisse Waterston. New York-Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2018, pp. 47-60.
  • Pain and Anger in Feminist P Voice of Georgian Woman, vol. 2, 2018 (electronic journal) (in Georgian, forthcoming)

Edited Volumes

  • Philosophy and Logic. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference Dedicated to the Memory of M. Bezhanishvili and L. Mchedlishvili. Edited by T. Tskhadadze. Tbilisi, Ilia State University Press, 2017 (in Georgian)
  • Electronic Dictionary of Social Sciences. Edited by N. Macharashvili, T. Tskhadadze, M. Chitashvili, D. Parjanadze, Z. Khechinashvili. Tbilisi, Center for Social Sciences, 2016 (editor of the gender and feminist theory component, 300 entries) (in Georgian)
  • Philosophy of Mind. A Reader. Edited by T. Tskhadadze. Tbilisi, Ilia State University Press, 2013 (in Georgian)
  • Knowledge and Morality: Philosophical Papers. Edited by T. Iremadze, T. Tskhadadze, G. Kheoshvili, Nekeri, Tbilisi 2012 (in Georgian)
  • Aspects of Necessity: A Priory, Identity, Contradiction. Edited by L. Mchedlishvili and T. Tskhadadze. Tbilisi, S. Tsereteli Institute of Philosophy, 2009 (in Georgian)
  • Philosophy, Theology, Culture: Problems and Perspectives. Jubilee Volume Dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of Guram Tevzadze. Edited by T. Iremadze, T. Tskhadadze, G. Kheoshvili, Nekeri, Tbilisi 2007 (in Georgian).

Articles in Magazines

  • Is Homophobia a Fear of Strangers? Why ‘Banal’ Does Not Mean ‘Natural’. May 17, 2014: 42-49 (in Georgian)

Extensive List of Publications

  • Pain and Anger in Feminist politics. Voice of Georgian Woman, vol. 2, 2018 (electronic journal) (in Georgian)
  • “The West” and Georgian “Difference”: Discursive Politics of Gender and Sexuality in Georgia. In Gender in Georgia, Feminist Perspectives on Culture, Nation, and History in the South Caucasus, edited by Maia Barkaia and Alisse Waterston. New York-Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2018, pp. 47-60.
  • Justice as Equality: Introduction to the Georgian Translation of Nancy Fraser’s Fortunes of Feminism. In Fortunes of Feminism, by N. Fraser. Tbilisi, Heinrich Boll Foundation South Caucasus, 2017, pp. 9-19 (in Georgian)
  • Constitution and Social Justice: In Search of the Declared Principle of Social State. In The Georgian Constitution after 20 Years. Edited by V. Natsvlishvili and D. Zedelashvili. Tbilisi, OSGF, 2016, pp. 205-226 (in Georgian)
  • Mary Wallstonecraft and Her In Introduction to Modern Thought, book I, Tbilisi, Ilia State University Press, 2014, pp. 267-276 (in Georgian)
  • John Stewart Mill and his Treatise On Liberty. In Introduction to Modern Thought, book II, Ilia State University Press, Tbilisi 2014, pp. 237-247 (in Georgian)
  • Saul Kripke’s Naming and Necessity, Translator’s Introduction, in S. A. Kripke, Naming and Necessity, Ilia State University Press, Tbilisi 2014, pp. vii-xii (in Georgian)
  • Dichotomy od Facts and Values and the Role of Values in the Process of Knowledge Production, in Humanities in the Information Society – II. Conference Proceedings, Batumi, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University Press, 2014, pp. 48-51 (in Georgian)
  • Debates on the Relation of Mind and Body in the 20th Century, in Philosophy of Mind. A Reader, edited by T. Tskhadadze, Ilia State University Press, Tbilisi 2013, pp. 1-22 (in Georgian)
  • Antifeminism: Ignorance, Irresponsibility or Fight to Maintain Privileges?, in Who is Afraid of Feminism in Georgia? Heinrich Boell Foundation, Tbilisi 2013, pp. 9-25 (in Georgian)
  • Wittgenstein’s Private Language Argument and Its Interpretations, in Knowledge and Morality: Philosophical Papers, ed. by T. Iremadze, T. Tskhadadze, G. Kheoshvili, Tbilisi 2012, pp. 84-100 (in Georgian)
  • On the A Priori Nature of Modal Knowledge. In Aspects of Necessity: A Priori, Identity, Contradiction, ed. by L. Mchedlishvili and T. Tskhadadze, Tbilisi 2009, pp. 65-110 (in Georgian)
  • A Coherentist Justification for Logic, in Matsne (Proceedings of The Georgian Academy of Sciences), Series of Philosophy, 2007, N1, pp. 114-125 (in Georgian)
  • Inter-subjectivity as the Basis of the Knowledge of the Objective World in Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations, in Proceedings of the Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 120th Anniversary of Akaki Shanidze, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of the Humanities, June 25-27, Tbilisi 2007, pp. 19-21 (in Georgian)
  • The Analytic: between A Priori and Necessary, in Philosophy, Theology, Culture: Problems and Perspectives. Jubilee Volume Dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of Guram Tevzadze, ed. by T. Iremadze, T. Tskhadadze, G. Kheoshvili, Tbilisi 2007, pp. 366-393 (in Georgian)
  • Goodman’s Conception of the Justification of Rules of Inference, in Modern Logic: Problems of Theory, History and Applications (Proceedings of the IX All-Russian Scientific Conference). St. Petersburg University Press, 2006, pp. 103-106 (in Russian)
  • Criticism of Sense-Data Empiricism by Wilfrid Sellars, in Philosophical Investigations, The Tenth Collected Papers of the Academy of Philosophical Sciences of Georgia, Tbilisi 2006, pp. 64-80 (in Georgian)
  • Conception of Justification as Reflective Equilibrium, in Matsne (Proceedings of The Georgian Academy of Sciences), Series of Philosophy, 2005, N2, pp. 68-79 (in Georgian)
  • Popper’s Conceptions of Rationality and Realism, in Matsne (Proceedings of The Georgian Academy of Sciences), Series of Philosophy, 2003, N1-2, pp. 176-192 (in Georgian)
  • The Place of ‘Incommensurability Thesis’ in Discussions of Scientific Rationality, in Matsne, Series of Philosophy, 2001, N1-2, pp. 88-100 (in Georgian)
  • ‘Incommensurability Thesis’ in the Kuhnian Model of Scientific Rationality, in Proceedings of the II joint scientific conference in philosophy of TSU Department of Philosophy and Sociology and GAS Institute of Philosophy. Tbilisi 2001, pp. 77-80 (in Georgian)
  • The Concept of Experience in Karl Popper’s Epistemology, in Philosophical Investigations, The Fourth Collected Papers of the Academy of Philosophical Sciences of Georgia, Tbilisi 2000, pp. 282-301 (in Georgian)

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Principles of Logics; Philosophical Theories of Moral Motivation: Historical and Contemporary Debates; Feminist Philosophy

Principles of Logics; Bachelor Thesis (Philosophy); Introduction to Contemporary Thought I; Principles of Philosophy of Consciousness; Ethical Theory

  • Philosophy of Social Science – PhD, Fall 2012, Spring 2014
  • Philosophy of Science – MA, Fall 2012, Spring 2016, Spring 2017
  • Analytic Philosophy of Language – MA, Spring 2013
  • Philosophy of Mind – MA, Spring 2014
  • Introduction to Gender Studies and Feminist Theory – BA, Spring 2013, 2015-2017
  • History of Modern Philosophy – BA, Spring 2014, 2016
  • Feminist Theory – MA, Fall 2017