Position:Full Professor

Zurab Tchiaberashvili studied at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, Tbilisi State University (1989–1994, MA degree) and the Institute of Philosophy, Georgian National Academy of Sciences (1994–1997, Doctorate Candiddate), and obtained Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Tbilisi State University (1999). He spent two Spring Semesters (2002 and 2003) at the Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, New School University, NY, USA. In 2009 he graduated from the Executive MBA Joint program with Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA, and WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany.

Zurab Tchiaberashvili was a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy (1998-2002), an assistant professor at the Tbilisi State University (1997-2001), an invited lecturer at the European School of Managmenet (1999-2002). He is a full professor at the Ilia State University since 2014.

Scientific interests / research interests

  • Political Theory
  • Democratization
  • International Relations
  •  Health Systems / Healthcare Management

Featured publications

„Right to Health and Rawls’ Difference Principle“, Applied Philosophy (in print)

“Problem of Stabity in Rawls’ Thery: from Theory of Justice to Political Liberalism”, Proceedings of the Institute of Philosophy, Ilia State University (in print)

„Rawls’ Notion of Self-respect and its Relevance for a Constitutional Democratic Regime“, Menschenrechte und Menschenwürde im kulturellen Kontext, Mentis Verlag, 2021

Education Sector Development Strategic Vision – with group of authors, EPRC, 2021

Strategiv Vision of Economic Development 2022-2028 – with group of authors, EPRC, 2021

Strategic Vision of Social Protection System Development – with group of authors, EPRC, 2021

“The end of Ajara crisis”, The Post-Soviet Conflicts, Eds. Ali Askerov, Stefan Brooks, and Lasha Tchantouridzé, Lexington Books, 2020

Health – Right or Individual Responsibility?, EPRC, 2020

Startegic Vision of Health Care Sector Development – with group of authors, EPRC, 2020

Chiaberashvili, Zurab and Gigi Tevzadze, 
“Power Elites in Georgia: Old and New”, From Revolution to Reform: Georgia’s Struggle with Democratic Institution Building and Security Sector Reform, Editors: Philipp H. Fluri and Eden Cole, Vienna-Geneva, 2005

Flanz, Gisbert H. and Zurab Tchiaberashvili, “Comparative Notes on the Constitution of Georgia and its Amendments”, Constitutions of the Countries of the World, Ed. Gisbert H. Flanz, Oceana Publications, Release 2002-3

“Stability Instead of Democracy”, Central Asia and The Caucasus (Journal of Social and Political Studies), Information and Analytical Center, Stokholm, #4, 2000

“Logic of Action of K. Segerberg and three-value logics”, Proceedings of International Conference “Petersburg Readings”, Saint Petersburg University Press, 2000 (in Russian)

“Main Concepts of Logics of Change and Action – according to G. H. von Wright”, MATSNE, Journal of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Series in Philosophy 1-2, “Metsniereba”, Tbilisi, 1999

“Элементарные типы действия в семантиках Логики Действия Г.Х. фон Вригта”, Смирновские чтения, Москва 1997

“On 8 types of judgement in S. Tsereteli’s Dialectical Logic”, in Savle Tsereteli, editors T. Buachidze, M. Makharadze,  “Metsniereba”, Tbilisi, 1997


Nikoloz Rurua, Law of Freedom, Editor Zurab Tchiaberashvili, Sulakauri Publishing, 2019

Editor (with Irakli Mchedlishvili), Georgia in Transition: the Role of Civic Education (Conference Proceedings, in English), CPIRS, Tbilisi, 2000

Editor (with Rick Swanson), Black Sea Region: Priorities and Perspectives for the 21st Century (Conference Materials, in English), CPIRS, Tbilisi, 1999


Putnem, Robert D. Making Democracy Work (Civic Traditions in Modern Italy), 2nd edition, editor of translation: Z. Saradze, translator Z. Tchiaberashvili, ISU Press, Tbilisi, 2021

Rawls, John. Political Liberalism, editor of translation Z. Saradze, translator Z. Tchiaberashvili, ISU Press, 2018

Putnem, Robert D. Making Democracy Work (Civic Traditions in Modern Italy), editor of translation: Z. Saradze, G. Zedania, L. Beraia, translator Z. Tchiaberashvili, “Logos Press”, Tbilisi, 2005

Poper, Carl. Conjectures and Refutations, editors of translation: M. Bezhanishvili, L. Mchedlishvili, translators: M. Ambokadze, Z. Mchedlishvili, L. Mchedlishvili, Z. Tchiaberashvili, “Kvari”, Tbilisi, 2000

Hayek, Friedrich A. von, The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism, translator A. Petriashvili, scientific editor Z. Tchiaberashvili, “Vephkhistkaosani”, Tbilisi, 2000

Gobar, Ash. “Critical Role of Weltanschauung”, in Philosophical Quest III, editor S. Avaliani, Press of the Georgian Academy of Pholosophical Sciences, Tbilisi, 1999

Articles in magazines

„Georgia in front of Death“, FORBES (in Georgian), November, 2021

„Let’s take care of elderly in the regions“,, 26 Septembet, 2021

“Vacination – what has to be done?”,, 22 March, 2021

„Who does manage the crisis – us or virus?“, FORBES (in Georgian), May, 2020

„Challenges of healthcare sector in confronting COVID-19“,, 13 March, 2020

„Universal Healthcare Program  – “patient” in intensive care“, FORBES (in Georgian), December, 2019

„Let’s save for old age, but at the expense of income tax“, FORBES (in Georgian), #81, December, 2018

„What do we do with increased poverty?“ FORBES (in Georgian), #78, August, 2018

“On Universal Helthcare Program”, FORBES (in Georgian), February, 2015

“New Reform will exclude solitary pensioners from TSA program”, LIBERALI, January, 2015

“Obamacare – swimming against the tide”, TABULA, March, 2014

“The utopia of Universal Healthcare Insurance”, TABULA, September, 2013

“The Council Europe and Georgia”, The Economist’ the World in 2009 (in Georgian)

“A death by vote”, ARILI, #17 (180), October, 2001

“In search of lost values”, ARILI, #4 (167), 8 March, 2001

“Ukraine as a Major Player in the Caucasus”, The Central Asia-Caucasus ANALYST, 30 August, 2000

“The Democratic Landscape in Georgia after September 11”, Bulletin of The Transregional Center for Democaric Studies, Vol. 12/1 (issue 40), March 2002

“Dual Vision: From Roots towards Horizons”, The Georgian Times, 4 October, 1995

Articles in newspapers

“Even talking about the Kosovo Model is dangerous”, 24 Hours, 3 June, 2013

“Reset in Georgian”, 24 Hours, 28 April, 2013

“Making relationship with Russia normal – at what price?”, 24 Hours, 3 February, 2013

“Uninsured Georgian Helthcare System”, 24 hours’ weekly edition Weekend, 24 February, 8 March, 31 March, 2013

“Insured Georgian Helthcare System”, 24 hours’ weekly edition Weekend,, 18 January, 2013

“The sign of future”, Resonance, #339, 27-28 June, 1995

“Dual gaze of philosophy: from foundations to horizons”, Resonance, #317, 29-30 April, 1995

An extensive list of publications

“Russia’s weakness”, , August, 2022,

„Russia’s Default“, , June, 2022,

“A mirror of public opinion for understanding Putin’s opportunism”, , December, 2021,

“A future of Geneva International Discussions”, TABULA, October, 2014

The Process of European Integration and the Growth of the Georgian Economy”, TABULA, January, 2014

The Price of Inactivity”, TABULA, October, 2013

“Tolerance – a lesson of democracy”, in For Liberty, editor T. Kintsurashvili, Liberty Institute Press, 2013

“Cinema and Age”, Tskheli Shokoladi quarterly addition CINEMA, #2, Autumn 2006

“Parisian Revolution in the city of Rose Revolution”, 24 Hours, #33 (582), 10 February, 2004

“Vita Activa”, in Society and Politics IV, editor G. Nodia, CIPDD Press, Tbilisi, 2002

“Military Assitance for Democratic Purposes”, in Proceedings of International Conference, Semipalatinsk University Press, 2002

“Про нацiональнi iнтереси Грузiï”, Стратегiя Нацiональноï Безпеки Украïни, САТСАНГА, Киïв, 2001 (in Ukrainian)

Чиаберашвили З. и Д. Бердзенишвили, “Место и роль силовых структур в Грузии”, Взгляд из Грузии, idee, Тбилиси, 2001

“Forward, to Ilia Chavchavadze!”, in Discussions at CIPDD 6, editor G. Nodia, CIPDD Press, Tbilisi, 2001

“Pragmatism or Idealism?”, in Discussions at CIPDD 3, editor G. Nodia, CIPDD Press, Tbilisi, 2000

«Украина – движущая сила ГУУАМ и новый большой игрок на Кавказе», ГУУАМ: Проблемы и Перспективы Развития Транспортно-Коммуникационных Коридоров, Киев, 2000

“Грузинская медия: вопросы и ответы”, Media Caucasica, IWPR-CIPDD, London, 2000

“A Democratic Blackout in Georgia”, Transitions online, 2 February, 2000

“Tunnel Vision”, Transitions online, 8 September, 1999

“Ash Gobar’s philosophical views”, in Philosophical Quest I, editor S. Avaliani, Press of the Georgian Academy of Pholosophical Sciences, Tbilisi, 1997

“Kant’s synthetic a priori judgments according to Ash Gobar”, Students’ Scientific Research, TSU Press, Tbilisi 1994

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Introduction to Contemporary Thought II; Political Philosophy
Introduction to Contemporary Thought I; Philosophical Aspects of International Law

Please, see Current Courses

  • Has a permanent rank of Ambassador of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia (since 2007)