Direction:Drama Directing
Position:Associate Professor

Ivane Khutsishvili graduated from Tbilisi Ekvtime Takaishvili University of Culture and Arts in 20001 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Acting for Theatre and Cinema. In 2011 he received a Master’s Degree in Drama Directing at Georgia State University of Theatre and Film and has been studying at PhD level at the same University. He is also a successful alumni of Temur Chkheidze Workshop of the Modern Theatre Art Development Centre. He  has been working at the Georgia State University of Theatre and Film as teaching assistant for Acting and Directing concentrations (in 2007-2016); held academic position of Assistant Professor (2016-2017).

Ivane Khutsishvili has been working at Ilia State University since 2016 as a supervisor of Drama Directing Concentration. He is currently an Associate Professor in Drama Directing and is supervising the Theatre Arts Program in general.

Ivane Khutsishvili has been a stage director at the Liberty Theatre, Tbilisi since 2012. He staged Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” as his Master’s project at the same theatre.

His performances received many professional awards: Best Directing 2015 for “No Time for Shakespeare”; Best Performance 2014 and Best Directing 2014 for “Macbeth”; Best Performance 2011-2013 for “Kennel”. He participated in various international theatre festivals.

Scientific interests / research interests

Drama Directing, Theatre Arts, Acting

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Drama Directing 2; Acting 2; Practice in Opera and Ballet Theater

Drama Directing 1; Acting 1; Practice in Puppet Theatre; Before the Rehearsal Begins

  • 2016-2017 academic year, Bachelor’s Level:
  • Directing 1 (Fall semester)
  • Directing 2 (Spring semester)
  • Directing 3 (Fall semester)
  • Directing 4 (Spring semester)
  • Directing 5 (Fall semester)
  • Supervisor of the Bachelor’s Project in Directing (Spring semester)
  • 2017-2018 academic year, Bachelor’s Level:
  • Directing 1 (Fall semester)
  • Directing 2 (Spring semester)
  • Directing 3 (Fall semester)
  • Directing 4 (Spring semester)
  • Directing 5 (Fall semester)
  • Supervisor of the Bachelor’s Project in Directing (Spring semester)
  • 2018-2019 academic year, Bachelor’s Level:
  • Directing 1 (Fall semester)
  • Directing 2 (Spring semester)
  • Directing 3 (Fall semester)
  • Directing 4 (Spring semester)
  • Directing 5 (Fall semester)
  • Supervisor of the Bachelor’s Project in Directing (Spring semester)
  • Supervisor of the Bachelor’s Project in Acting (Spring semester)