ასოცირებული პროფესორი, ბიზნესის ადმინისტრირება
Nikoloz Koiava is since October 2016 Associated Professor in a faculty of Business Administration at the Ilia State University, Tbilisi and since July 2016 the head of Academic Programs Department at the Bank of Georgia University. Nikoloz is delivering lectures in Accounting (BBA and MBA), Financial Management (MBA) and Financial Analysis (MBA). He received his Diploma in Business Studies in 2008 in University of Bielefeld, Germany and his PhD in 2016 at the University of Bremen, Germany. His research areas are international and comparative research in the field of accounting and corporate governance with a particular focus on empirical methods. His research deals with the impact of regulatory variables such as corporate law, securities law, bank law on the capital market development. Dr. Koiava’s main publications are “The dominant structure of funding and its impact on capital markets regulation in Georgia, in: Economics and Business”, 2014, 5:1, Pages 147-166 and “Institutional Consistency of Capital Market Regulation in Georgia”, in: Dr. Kovac Verlag, Hamburg, Germany, 2017, (Forthcoming).
Accounting and Corporate Governance; International Accounting Standards; Financial Insturments; Capital Market Regulation
მიმდინარე სალექციო კურსები |
სალექციო კურსების კატალოგი |
ფინანსური მენეჯმენტი 1; ფინანსური მენეჯმენტი 2; ფინანსური აღრიცხვა |
ბუღალტრული აღრიცხვა; ფინანსური ანალიზი; ეკონომიკური ანალიზი; |