ბიძინა ლებანიძე არის ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ასოცირებული პროფესორი საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების მიმართულებით. ასევე – ბრემენის უნივერსიტეტის ევროპული კვლევების ინსტიტუტის მკვლევარი და ლექტორი და საქართველოს პოლიტიკის ინსტიტუტის უფროსი ანალიტიკოსი. სხვადასხვა დროს მუშაობდა ფრაიბურგისა და ბერლინის თავისუფალ უნივერსიტეტებში, ბერლინის ეკონომიკისა და სამართლის სკოლაში და კონრად ადენაუერის ფონდში. ბიძინა ლებანიძეს მოპოვებული აქვს ბერლინის თავისუფალი უნივერსიტეტის პოლიტიკურ მეცნიერებათა დოქტორის ხარისხი, ასევე – ბერლინის ტრანსნაციონალური კვლევების დოქტორანტთა სკოლის ხარისხი, თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის მაგისტრის ხარისხი და ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ბაკალავრის ხარისხი საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების მიმართულებით.
სამეცნიერო ინტერესის სფეროები / კვლევითი ინტერესები
საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობები, საერთაშორისო ეკონომიკა, ევროპული ინტეგრაცია, ევროკავშირის საგარეო პოლიტიკა, რეგიონალიზმი, დემოკრატიზაცია
რეფერირებული პუბლიკაციები
- (Forthcoming) ‘The transformative power of Europe’ beyond enlargement: the EU’s performance in promoting democracy in its neighbourhood.’ In ‘The European Union and Central and Eastern Europe: Assessing Performance’, edited by Papadimitriou, Dimitris, Dorina Baltag, and Neculai-Cristian Surubaru Routlidge. Co-authored with Tanja Börzel.
- (2017) ‘Informal Governance & Electorate Perceptions in Hybrid Regimes: The 2016 Parliamentary Elections in Georgia.’ Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization 25 (1): 529–549. Co-authored with Kornely Kakachia.
- (2017) ‘Cohesiveness, Coherence, and Consistency in the ENP’, In ‘The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy’, edited by Thomas Demmelhuber, Andreas Marchetti and Tobias Schumacher, Routlidge. Co-authored with Tanja Börzel.
- (2017) ‘The transformative power of Europe’ beyond enlargement: the EU’s performance in promoting democracy in its neighbourhood.’ East European Politics 33 (1): 17–35. Co-authored with Tanja Börzel.
- (2017) ‘Human Security and Security Sector Reform in Georgia: A critical reflection,’ in ‘Human security and security sector reform in Eastern Europe’, edited by Maksym Khylko, Oleksandr Tytarchuk, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, EESRLORG: Kyiv. 31-36.
- (2016) ‘Civil society and party politics in Georgia – transformational crisis’, in ‘Unfinished Project: Achievements and Failures of Georgia’s Transformation’, edited by David Aprasidze, Tbilisi, Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Co-authored with Kornely Kakachia.
- (2016) ‘Building a Security Community in the EU’s Neighbourhood? Experiences from Georgia’, In ‘External governance as security community building – The limits and potential of the European Neighbourhood Policy’, edited by Pernille Rieker, Houndmills: Palgrave. Co-authored with Keti Bolkvadze. 79-105
- (2015) ‘European Neighbourhood Policy at the Cross-Roads: Evaluating the Past to Shape the Future.’ MAXCAP Working Paper No. 12, “Maximizing the integration capacity of the European Union: Lessons of and prospects for enlargement and beyond” (MAXCAP), Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin. Co-authored with Tanja Börzel.
- (2014) ‘What Makes Authoritarian Regimes Sweat? Linkage, Leverage and Democratization in post-Soviet South Caucasus’, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 14(2): 199-218
- (2013) ‘Thinking Outside the Bloc: Explaining the Foreign Policies of Small States’, Security Studies, 22(1): 98-131. Co-authored with G. Gvalia, D. Siroky and Z. Iashvili.
- (2012) ‘Political Elites, Ideas and Foreign Policy: Explaining and Understanding the International Behavior of Small States in the Former Soviet Union’. Co-authored with G. Gvalia and Z. Iashvili. Tbilisi: Ilia State University Press.
პოლიტიკის დოკუმენტები
- (2018) ‘Making Georgia’s democracy work: Western political conditionality and domestic agendas of Georgian political parties’, Policy Brief No. 10, Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2017) ‘Life Without EU Membership: The Case for a Multi-Speed EaP’, Policy Memo No. 24, Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2017) ‘Georgia’s European Integration: What comes after the Eastern Partnership?.’ Policy Paper No. 3. Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2017) ‘Surviving Apocalypto: A case for GD’s pragmatic foreign policy.’ Commentary No. 4. Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2017) ‘Who should elect the president? Myths about the parliamentary system.’ Commentary No. 3. Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2017) ‘100 days of new Georgian Government: Reality Check.’ Country Report 2017. Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2016) ‘Single Party Rule Returns to Georgia.’ Commentary No. 3, Georgian Institute of Politics. Co-authored with Joseph Larsen.
- (2016) ‘Georgia’s democratic dilemma.’ Commentary No. 1, Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2016) ‘Democracy under Stress: Western Fatigue, Russian Resurgence, and Their Implications for Democratic Processes in Georgia,’ Policy Brief No. 2, Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2014) ‘10 Years of the ENP – The Way Forward with the EaP,’ MAXCAP Policy Brief No. 1, August 2015, “Maximizing the integration capacity of the European Union: Lessons of and prospects for enlargement and beyond” (MAXCAP).
- (2012) ‘Political Elites, Ideas and Foreign Policy: Explaining and Understanding the International Behavior of Small States in the Former Soviet Union’. Co-authored with G. Gvalia and Z. Iashvili. Tbilisi: Ilia State University Press.
Refereed articles and book chapters
- (Forthcoming) ‘The transformative power of Europe’ beyond enlargement: the EU’s performance in promoting democracy in its neighbourhood.’ In ‘The European Union and Central and Eastern Europe: Assessing Performance’, edited by Papadimitriou, Dimitris, Dorina Baltag, and Neculai-Cristian Surubaru Routlidge. Co-authored with Tanja Börzel.
- (2017) ‘Informal Governance & Electorate Perceptions in Hybrid Regimes: The 2016 Parliamentary Elections in Georgia.’ Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization 25 (1): 529–549. Co-authored with Kornely Kakachia.
- (2017) ‘Cohesiveness, Coherence, and Consistency in the ENP’, In ‘The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy’, edited by Thomas Demmelhuber, Andreas Marchetti and Tobias Schumacher, Routlidge. Co-authored with Tanja Börzel.
- (2017) ‘The transformative power of Europe’ beyond enlargement: the EU’s performance in promoting democracy in its neighbourhood.’ East European Politics 33 (1): 17–35. Co-authored with Tanja Börzel.
- (2016) ‘Civil society and party politics in Georgia – transformational crisis’, in ‘Unfinished Project: Achievements and Failures of Georgia’s Transformation’, edited by David Aprasidze, Tbilisi, Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Co-authored with Kornely Kakachia.
- (2016) ‘Building a Security Community in the EU’s Neighbourhood? Experiences from Georgia’, In ‘External governance as security community building – The limits and potential of the European Neighbourhood Policy’, edited by Pernille Rieker, Houndmills: Palgrave. Co-authored with Keti Bolkvadze. 79-105
- (2015) ‘European Neighbourhood Policy at the Cross-Roads: Evaluating the Past to Shape the Future.’ MAXCAP Working Paper No. 12, “Maximizing the integration capacity of the European Union: Lessons of and prospects for enlargement and beyond” (MAXCAP), Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin. Co-authored with Tanja Börzel.
- (2014) ‘What Makes Authoritarian Regimes Sweat? Linkage, Leverage and Democratization in post-Soviet South Caucasus’, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 14(2): 199-218
- (2013) ‘Thinking Outside the Bloc: Explaining the Foreign Policies of Small States’, Security Studies, 22(1): 98-131. Co-authored with G. Gvalia, D. Siroky and Z. Iashvili.
Policy briefs, policy papers and op-eds
- (2018) ‘Making Georgia’s democracy work: Western political conditionality and domestic agendas of Georgian political parties’, Policy Brief No. 10, Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2017) ‘Life Without EU Membership: The Case for a Multi-Speed EaP’, Policy Memo No. 24, Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2017) ‘Between Trust and Cooperation: developing confidence building in Georgia’s protracted conflict zones.’ Paper prepared for the OSCE workshop “Confidence-Building Measures in the OSCE Economic and Environmental Dimension.” University of Birmingham, UK.
- (2017) ‘Georgia’s European Integration: What comes after the Eastern Partnership?.’ Policy Paper No. 3. Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2017) ‘Human Security and Security Sector Reform in Georgia: A critical reflection.’ Paper prepared for the OSCE Network Project “Human security and security sector reform in Eastern Europe”. Kyiv, Ukraine.
- (2017) ‘Surviving Apocalypto: A case for GD’s pragmatic foreign policy.’ Commentary No. 4. Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2017) ‘Who should elect the president? Myths about the parliamentary system.’ Commentary No. 3. Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2017) ‘100 days of new Georgian Government: Reality Check.’ Country Report 2017. Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2016) ‘Single Party Rule Returns to Georgia.’ Commentary No. 3, Georgian Institute of Politics. Co-authored with Joseph Larsen.
- (2016) ‘Georgia’s democratic dilemma.’ Commentary No. 1, Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2016) ‘Economic engagement and its spillover effect on conflict management.’ Paper prepared for the OSCE Network Workshop on Innovative Approaches to Protracted Conflicts. Vienna, Austria.
- (2016) ‘Democracy under Stress: Western Fatigue, Russian Resurgence, and Their Implications for Democratic Processes in Georgia,’ Policy Brief No. 2, Georgian Institute of Politics.
- (2016) ‘Constructing a framework of external democratization and autocratization in the EaP countries and beyond.’ Paper prepared for the workshop “Democratic Advances and Authoritarian Persistence in the European Neighbourhood”, 6-7 October 2016, Maastricht University – Brussels Campus. Brussels, Belgium.
- (2015) ‘Russia and the authoritarian diffusion in the post-Soviet world:
- A complicated relationship.’ Paper prepared for the workshop on Eurasian Integration and Authoritarian Diffusion. Leiden, Netherlands.
- (2015) ‘What went wrong in EU’s Eastern Neighborhood: Explaining the failure of the European Neighborhood Policy in the post-Soviet area,’ Paper prepared for MAXCAP Midterm Conference.’ Sabanci University. April 22-24 2015. Istanbul, Turkey.
- (2014) ‘10 Years of the ENP – The Way Forward with the EaP,’ MAXCAP Policy Brief No. 1, August 2015, “Maximizing the integration capacity of the European Union: Lessons of and prospects for enlargement and beyond” (MAXCAP).
- (2012) ‘The Discrete Charm of Authoritarianism in the post-Soviet Space.’ Paper prepared for the workshop “Transnational Dimensions of Global Governance.” Hertie School of Governance. 18-19 October, 2012. Berlin, Germany.
- (2012) ‘Östliche Partnerschaft anstatt NATO? Reaktivierung der europäischen Außenpolitik in Osteuropa.‘ Working Paper Series, Center for Strategic Studies.
- (2009) ‘Georgia as a New Challenge for the EU’. Konrad Adenauer Foundation Country Reports. Co-authored with Katja Christina Plate.