Direction:Cultural Studies
Position:Full Professor
Nina Chichinadze, Assocate professor of Ilia State University from 2006, graduated from Tbilisi State Academy of Fne Arts (with Diploma of Honors in History and Theory of Art). From 1984 she occupies various positions in G. Chubinashvili Institute of History of Georgian Art, Georgian Academy of Sciences; From 1990 she is a Senior Researcher of the Institute. In 1990 She obtained her first degree of Candidat of Sciences (Candidatus scientiae in History of Art: “Seti Triptych – From the History of Georgian Icon Painting”), in 2004 – Doctoral Dissrtation (Historiical and Artistic Aspects of 11th-13th Georgan Icon Panting). In 1994-2007 she conducted her research in Dumbarton Oaks, Centre d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, University of Athens, Central European University, in Oxford University with fellowships and grants from Alexander Onassis Foundation (1999), Open Society Institute (1995-1997, 2000), State Scholarship Foundation (IKY, Greece 2002), Maison de science de l’homme (MSH) (2002 -2003), Bourse d Diderot (2004), Central European University Visiting Research Fellowship (2007) etc. She taught at Tbilisi State Academy of Fine Arts (1991-2006), Universty of Goergia (2005-2009). She regularly delivers lectures in various universities and research centers, in 2014 she delivered a bloc course “Medieval Art in Georgia” at Friebourg Uniersity Swizerland. She is an author of monographies and more than forty articles on varios problems of Christian visual culture. She is a member of editorial board of “Kadmos” (A Journal of the Humanities) and “Christian archaeological Studies”.
Byzantine and Medieval visual culture; Theological and socio-cultural aspects of cult of images and relics, artistc patronage, Christian iconography, artistic exchange between Byzantine and Medieval Georgian Art
Icon: Art and Cult, Tbilisi 2015 (in Georgian)
Medieval Georgian Icon Painting, Tbilisi 2011
Painted icons of Georgia (11th-14th cc.), Medieval painting in Georgia, Local Stylistic expression and
participation to Byzantine Oecumenicity, eds. M. Panagiotidi, S. Kalopissi, National and
Kapoddistrian University of Athens 2014, 71-93; 147-165
Articles in Journals and edited volumes (See
Representing Identities: The Icon of Ioane Tokhabi from Sinai, Le Museon, Le Museon, vol. 130, issue
3-4, 2017, pp. 401-421 (
Image and Identity – Visual Manifestation of Rulers’ Authority in the 7th Century Armenia and
Georgia, in L’Arménie et la Géorgie en dialogue avec Europe du Moyen Âge a nos jours
eds. I. Auge, G. Dedeyan et al. Paris (Geuthner) 2016, pp. 131-145
Perception of Icon in Bertubani Royal Panel, Iconographica, 15 (2016), pp. 83-92
For the History of Veneration of the Transfiguration Icon from Zarzma, Georgian Antiquities, N15,
2013, 33-48 (In Georgian, with English summary)
Artistic System of Georgian Icon from Sinai (Icon of the Miracles and Passion of Christ Accompanied
by Five Miracle-working Images of the Virgin), Proceedings of the International Conference – Georgian Culture Abroad, National Center of Manuscripts (in Georgian), Tbilisi 2013, 369-380
Royal Iconography and an Idea of Divine Protection in Epoch of Thamar (Interpreting Bertubani
Fresco composition), Political Theology Before and After Modernity, ed. G. Zedania, Tbilisi 2012, 234–256 (In Georgian, with English summary)
Les trésors monastiques de la Géorgie médiévale – la construction de l’identité culturelle, Actes du
colloque international. L`Europe et le Caucase – Les relations interrégionales et la question de
l`identité, Tbilisi, 2012, 240-252
Icons as relics – Re-interpreting Repoussé Revetments of Devotional images in Medieval Georgia,
Iconographica, Rivista di iconografia medievale e moderna, v. X, 2011, 47-57
Post-Byzantine Tradition and in 19th century art of Pontic Greeks, Byzantine Studies in Georgia -3,
eds. N. Makharadze, N. Sulava, Tbilisi 2011, 909-923
Relics and Reliquaries: Some Religious and Political Aspects, Byzantine Studies in Georgia -2, eds. N.
Makharadze, M. Giorgadze, Tbilisi 2009, 909-923
Icons as Symbols of Power in Medieval Georgia, Le Muséon, Revue d’études orientales, Louvain-La
Neuve, vol. 122, issue 3-4, 2009, 405-422
Greece Beyond Greece, Pontic Greek Religious Art in Georgia, Tbilisi, 2008
Georgian Icon-painting, in Georgian Christian Art, Tbilisi, 2008 (2nd edition 2010)
Interrelations between Georgia and Byzantine Icon-painting, Byzantine Studies in Georgia, eds. N.
Makharadze, T. Dolidze, Tbilisi 2007, 466-472
Икона “Собор Архангелов” из церкви Архангелов селения Пхотрери, (Верхняя Сванети, Грузия),
Памятники Культуры, Новые Открытия, Москвa, 2006, 352-363
Passion Cycle Triptych, Byzantion, LXXIII, 2003, fasc. 2, 339-359
The True Cross Reliquaries of Medieval Georgia, Studies in Iconography, vol. 20, 1999, 27-51;
Some Compositional Characteristics of XIII-XV century Georgian Triptychs, Gesta,
International Center of Medieval Art, New York, v. XXXV/1, 1996, 128-138
Current Courses |
Course Catalog |
Antique World Art; Georgian Art in the Feudal Period; History of Ancient World Art; Christian Iconography Byzantine and Medieval Western European Arts; History of Ancient World Art |