Direction:Film Studies
Position:Full Professor

In 1990 graduated from Tbilisi State University, specialty of History and Theory of Art. In 1997 defended her candidate dissertation on “Mythological-Metaphorical World of Sergei  Parajanov”.

Associate professor of Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Cinema University in 1998-2014 and Ilia State University since 2014. In different years she taught the history of cinema in training-television centre, Grigol Robakidze State University, in the department of theory and history of art in Tbilisi State University.

Since 1990 co-operates with various print media. In 2006-2010 hosted the show “Good Evening, Babylon” on I Radio of Public Broadcasting. In 2007-2014 was the editor of the TV-show “Red Zone” (the joint project of Radio Freedom and Public Broadcasting). She is interested in researching gender aspects in cinema. In 1999-2001 she was the head of RSS group scientific-study project “Woman and Man in Cinema: Gender Stereotypes and their transformation”. In 2002-2004 was the member of women’s program board of “Open Society – Georgia” and in 2004 -2006 the member of the scenario committee of National Cinema Center of Ceorgia.

She is the member of cinematographers’ union.

Scientific interests / research interests

Tendencies of modern cinema, gender aspects in cinema, the study of historic and modern processes of Georgian cinema in political-cultural context

Featured publications

  • Adoration of Magi by Albert Serra, materials of the conference of Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Cinema University, 2018.
  • Gender Trouble – do the gender representations change in modern Georgian cinema? 2017  
  • In the name of God and Father, 2017
  • The Graveyard of Dreams on the both sides of the shore, 2017
  • Parajanov’s kitch – repetition of the traditional, as innovation, materials of the conference of Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Cinema University, 2017
  • Who is afraid of femme fatale. Digest of articles “Who is afraid of Feminism in Georgia”, Heinrich Boll Stiftung, 2013
  • Cinema chronicles of XX century (person and personal freedom). Digest of articles “Georgian Democracy: Myth or Reality”, 2011
  • TV Series, as socio-cultural phenomena and characteristics of Georgian TV series. “Art Science Studies.” N1 (34), 2008
  • Woman and Man in Cinema: Gender Stereotypes and their modifications. Gender. Culture. Modernity. Part I, 2005


  1. Teo Khatiashvili. “Mythological-Metaphorical World of Sergei Parajanov”, publishing house “Kentavri”, Tbilisi 2014
  • Teo Khatiashvili. “New Waves” in 50-60-s Western Cinema”, Ilia State University Publishing, 2015

Articles in magazines

  • Family portrait in exterior or Putin’s loveless Russia, Journal “Indigo”, 2017
  • The woman who left, “Indigo”, 2017
  • “Where magical fishes don’t see dreams any more”, “Indigo”, 2017

An extensive list of publications

  • An extensive list of publications
  • Parajanov – Kind Storyteller, “Georgia Cinema Directors”, part I, 2005
  • The eclectic value of unstable epoch: reanimation of traditional values and new images. Shota Rustaveli Cinema and Theatre University’s Conference materials, 2006.
  • looking for Pleasure – Genre and his structuring with “feminine” and “masculine” archetypes “Kino”, 2007/6
  • Unreachable Object of Desire. Lacanian interpretations of Louis Bunuel’s work. Journal “Art Science Studies.” N4 (37), 2009
  • Influence of Modernist Movements In Georgian Film of the 1920’s. Shota Rustaveli Cinema and Theatre University’s Conference materials, 2011
  • All (and Nothing) about Almodovar, 2011
  • Soviet mythic realism (Film of Aleksandr Medvedkin)Shota Rustaveli Cinema and Theatre University’s Conference materials, 2012
  • Freak as an expression of the idea of personal freedom. Shota Rustaveli Cinema and Theatre University’s Conference materials, 2013
  • Leni Riefenstahl- Aesthetic of Nazism. Shota Rustaveli Cinema and Theatre University’s Conference materials, 2014
  • Gender Trouble – Observations on recent Georgian Cinema. Shota Rustaveli Cinema and Theatre University’s Conference materials, 2015
  • Chantal Akerman’s “Art of Nothing” Shota Rustaveli Cinema and Theatre University’s Conference materials, 2016


Current Courses

Course Catalog

Modern Cinematography; History of World Film 2 – World Cinematography of 40s-60s; Gender Stereotypes and Modifications in Movies; Research of Modern World Cinema Problems and Tendencies
Critical Writing; “New Waves” in the Film of the 50s and 60s; Critical Writing