Position:Associate Professor
Ia Kupatadze is an Associate Professor and Head of the Architectural Program (BA and MA) at Ilia State University (ISU). Ia started to work on the architecture program development in 2009 and has been working as a program coordinator ever since. Ia’s daily job is to teach, research, and work with students. She also, as a head of an architectural program, has to work on the curriculum development, administer the program, and establish collaboration among national or international universities.
Ia’s personal interest is sustainable architecture. Her dissertation dealt with issues such as: what changes has sustainable architecture development brought in construction field; is architecture less aesthetically pleasing but more environmentally friendly or vice versa, or both; are we going back to fundamentals – to vernacular architecture.
Ia holds a Ph.D. from Georgia Technical University (Tbilisi, Georgia) and a Master of Fine Arts degree from Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia (Athens, GA, USA). Ia was a Fulbright Scholar at Cornell University (USA) from 2013 to 2014. She has prepared and led several international workshops for ISU/International students. Ia has been collaborating with TU Braunschweig (Institute of Sustainable Urbanism) on a topic – Mass housing developments in Georgia and Germany; Now she is working on a research of two cities in Georgia – Tskaltubo and Chiatura, which were developed during Soviet regime.
Ia is non-key expert in the “Demonstration Project – Eastern Partnership Program”; Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) which includes Georgia, Armenia, Belarus and Ukraine. She is an expert at National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement and a team member of an architectural and building construction educational sector.
Maisuradze M., Chanturia T., Kupatadze I., “Contemporary Architecture Composition Specifications”, Ganatleba #1(4), Georgia Technical University Editorial-publishing Group, 06.06.2014, Tbilisi
1. Maisuradze M., Kupatadze I., “Contemporary architecture and natural, alternative energy”, Ganatleba #1(4), 2012;
2. Maisuradze M., Kupatadze I., Contemporary architecture expressive tendencies”, Ganatleba #1(4), 2012;
3. Kupatadze I., Ethics vs. Aesthetics in Sustainable Architecture, Eco-Architecture V- Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature; Edited By: C.A. Brebbia, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK and R. Pulselli, University of Siena, Italy, 2014; pg-553-562;
Architectural projects
• Group projects developed at “” Ltd
• “Green Building” – reconstruction/new building
• Kutaisi rehabilitation/reconstruction project
• Mukhrani Palace and Winery
• Private Residence
As an independent architect
• Tbilisi rehabilitation project
• Private Residences
• Bagrati Cathedral measurement drawings
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