
Position:Full Professor

Ivane G. Murusidze graduated from Tbilisi State University with a honors diploma in physics in 1979. In 1983 he completed his graduate studies at the Institute of Physics of the Georgian Academy of Scienses, – PhD thesis in theoretical and mathematical physics: Radiation of low frequency waves by solitons in plasmas. From 1984 he worked at the Institute of Physics. In 1992-2006 he is Senior Research Scientist of the Institute. From 1995 to 2000  he conducted studies at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Trieste, Italy) as an associate member of the Centre. From 1999 to 2002 he carried out research projects at the Istituto di Fisica del Plasma (Associazione EURATOM-ENEA-CNR, Milan, Italy), inter alia, a project on the laser-plasma interactions under the NATO-CNR Senior Guest Fellowships grant. From 1998 he is engaged in the studies of interactions of microbial flora with heavy metals which were conducted at the Institute of Physics in colaboration with the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (USA). The studies are connected to biotechnology of bioremediation of the environment contaminated by heavy metals. These studies were continued at the Institute of Applied Physics of the Ilia State University along with the studies in nanobiotechnology of biosynthesis of noble metal nanoparticles by Archaea microorganisms. In 2006-2007 he conducted research on the interaction of strong laser radiation with plasmas at the Central Institute for Applied Mathematics of the Forschungszentrum Jülich (Jülich, Germany). From 2006 he is professor of the Ilia State University. He was dean of the faculty of physics and mathematics (2007-2009). At present he is head of the Institute of Applied Physics.

Scientific interests / research interests

  • Structural and electronic properties of nanostructures, low-dimensional systems and atomic clusters;
  • Biophysics of bacteria and archaea interactions with metals;
  • Microbial biosynthesis of noble metal nanoparticles;
  • Laser-plasma interactions;
  • Relativistic optics of ultra-strong laser pulses in plasmas;
  • Laser-plasma accelerators;
  • Emergence and dynamics of coherent structures in nonlinear dispersive media;
  • Computer modeling, algorithms and numerical methods.

  • Selected Publications

▪ T. L. Kalabegishvili, I. G. Murusidze, D. A. Prangishvili at al.,
“Silver Nanoparticles in Sulfolobus islandicus  Biomass for Technological Applications”
Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine,  7(9), 797-804 (2015).

▪ R. Becker, L. Chkhartishvili, R. Avci, I. Murusidze, O. Tsagareishvili and N. Maisuradze,
“’Metallic’ Boron Nitride”, European Chemical Bulletin, 4(1), 8-23 (2015).

▪ T. L. Kalabegishvili, I. G. Murusidze, D. A. Prangishvili, et al.,
“Gold Nanoparticles in Sulfolobus islandicus Biomass for Technological Applications”,
Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, 6(12), 1302-1308 (2014).

▪ Levan Chkhartishvili, Ivane Murusidze,
“Frequencies of Vibrations Localized on Interstitial Metal Impurities in Beta-Rhombohedral Boron Based Materials”, American Journal of Materials Science 4(2), 103-110 (2014).

▪ L. Chkhartishvili,  I. Murusidze,  M. Darchiashvili, O. Tsagareishvili, D. Gabunia,
“Metal impurities in crystallographic voids of beta-rhombohedral boron lattice: Binding energies and electron levels”, Solid State Sciences, 14(11–12), 1673-1682 (2012).

▪ Levan Chkhartishvili,  Ivane Murusidze,
“Relative stability of BN nanotubes”, Solid State Sciences, 14(11–12), 1664–1668 (2012).

▪ T. L. Kalabegishvili, E. I. Kirkesali, I. G. Murusidze, at al.,
“Characterization of Microbial Synthesis of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles with Electron Microscopy Techniques”, Journal of Advanced Microscopy Research, 6(4), 313-317 (2011).

▪ L. Chkhartishvili, I. Murusidze, “Molar Binding Energy of Zigzag and Armchair Single-Walled Boron Nitride Nanotubes”, Materials Sciences and Applications 1(4), 223-246 (2010).

▪ N. Tsibakhahsvili, L. Mosulishvili, E. Kirkesali, I. Murusidze, M. V. Frontasyeva, S. S. Pavlov, I.I. Zinicovscaia, P. Bode, and Th. G. van Meerten, “NAA for studying detoxification of Cr and Hg by Arthrobacter globiformis 151 B”, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 286(2), 533-537 (2010).

▪ N. Tsibakhashvili, T. Kalabegishvili, A. Rcheulishvili, I. Murusidze, O. Rcheulishvili S. Kerkenjia, H.‑Y. Holman, “Decomposition of Cr(V)-diols to Cr(III) complexes by Arthrobacter oxydans”, Microbial Ecology, 57(2), 360-365 (2009).

▪ N. Tsibakhashvili, L. Mosulishvili, T. Kalabegishvili, E. Kirkesali,  I. Murusidze, S. Kerkenjia, M. Frontasyeva, H.-Y. Holman, “Biotechnology of Cr(VI) transformation into Cr(III)  complexes”, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 278(3), 565-569 (2008).

Ivane G. Murusidze, Maurizio Lontano. “Self-Compression and Self-Focusing Instability of Femtosecond Multiterawatt Laser Pulses in Underdense Plasmas”, Superstrong Fields in Plasmas, New York: American Institute of Physics. Eds.: D. Batani, M. Lontano, AIP CP, V. 827(1), pp. 100-105 (2006).

▪ Rachel Codd, Peter A. Lay, Nelly Ya. Tsibakhashvili, Tamaz L. Kalabegishvili, Ivane G. Murusidze and Hoi-Ying N. Holman, “Chromium(V) complexes generated in Arthrobacter oxydans by simulation analysis of EPR spectra”, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 100(11), 1827-1833 (2006).

▪ Y. Tsibakhashvili, M. V. Frontasyeva, E. I. Kirkesali, N. G. Aksenova, T. L. Kalabegishvili, I. G. Murusidze, L. M. Mosulishvili, Hoi-Ying N. Holman, “Epithermal Neutron Activation Analysis of Cr(VI)-Reducer Basalt-Inhabiting Bacteria”. Analytical Chemistry, 78 (18), 6285 -6290 (2006).

▪ T. Kalabegishvili, N. Tsibakhashvili, I. Murusidze, D. Pataraya, M. Gurielidze, H.-Y. Holman, “Formation of Cr(V) and Cr)III) in Arthrobacter oxydans exposed to high concentrations of Cr(VI)”, in: Modern Multidisciplinary Applied Microbiology, Ed. by A. Mendez-Vilas, Wiley-VCH, Weinhem, pp. 516‑520 (2006).

▪ Maurizio Lontano and Ivane G. Murusidze, “Dynamics of space-time self-focusing of a femtosecond relativistic laser pulse in an underdense plasma”, Optics Express, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 248-258 (2003).

Ivane G. Murusidze, Givi I. Suramlishvili, Maurizio Lontano, “Spatiotemporal Self-Focusing and Splitting of a Femtosecond, Multiterawatt, Relativistic Laser Pulse in an Underdense Plasma“, Superstrong Fields in Plasmas, New York: American Institute of Physics. Eds.: M. Lontano, G. Mourou, O. Svelto, T. Tajima, AIP CP, V. 611(1), pp. 177‑ 184 (2002).

▪ D. Farina, M. Lontano, I. G. Murusidze, S. V. Mikeladze, “Hydrodynamic approach to the interaction of a relativistic ultrashort laser pulse with an underdense plasma”, Physical Review E, 63(5), 056409 (2001).

I. G. Murusidze, N. L. Tsintsadze, D. D. Tskhakaya, P. K. Shukla, “Radiation of Ion-Acoustic Waves by Supersonic Solitons”, Physica Scripta, Vol. 58, pp. 266-269 (1998).

▪ D. P. Garuchava, I. G. Murusidze, G. I. Suramlishvili, D. D. Tskhakaya, N. L. Tsintsadze, “Channeled propagation of an asymmetric relativistically strong laser pulse and generation   of a wake field in a plasma”. Physica Scripta, Vol. T75, pp. 270-272 (1998).

▪ D. P. Garuchava, I. G. Murusidze, G. I. Suramlishvili, D. D. Tskhakaya, N. L. Tsintsadze,

“Interaction of a non-symmetric powerful laser pulse with a plasma”, Journal of Plasma Physics v.59, part 1, pp.57-68 (1998).

▪ V. I. Berezhiani, S. M. Mahajan, I. G. Murusidze, “Photon accelerator: Large blueshifting of femtosecond pulses in semiconductors”, Physical Review A, 56(6), 5147-5151 (1997).

▪ D. P. Garuchava, I. G. Murusidze, G. I. Suramlishvili, D. D. Tskhakaya, N. L. Tsintsadze,

“Propagation of an asymmetric relativistic laser pulse in plasma”. Physical Review E, 56(4), 4591-4595 (1997).

▪ D. P. Garuchava, I. G. Murusidze, G. I. Suramlishvili, D. D. Tskhakaya, N. L. Tsintsadze, “Generation of a Wake Field and Formation of an Ion Channel during the Propagation of an Asymmetric Relativistically Strong Laser Pulse in a Plasma”, Plasma Physics Reports, 22(10), 841-851 (1996).

I. G. Murusidze and L. N. Tsintsadze, “Generation of large-amplitude plasma wakefields with low phase velocities by an intense short laser pulse”, Journal of Plasma Physics, v.48, part 3, pp.391-395 (1992).

▪ V. I. Berezhiani and I. G. Murusidze, “Interaction of highly relativistic short laser pulses with plasmas and nonlinear wake field generation”, Physica Scripta, Vol. 45(2), pp. 87-90 (1992).

▪ V. I. Berezhiani and I. G. Murusidze, “Relativistic wake-field generation by an intense laser pulse in a plasma”, Physics Letters A, v.148, no. 6, 7, pp. 338-340 (1990).

I. Murusidze, D. D. Tskhakaya, S. Kuhn, M. Horhager, “Radiation of ion-sound waves from a pulsating Langmuir soliton”, Physical Review A, 38(3), 1427-1432 (1988).

I. G. Murusidze, N. L. Tsintsadze, and D. D. Tskhakaya, ”Excitation of Alfven waves by a Langmuir soliton”, Sov. J. Plasma Phys., v. 11, no. 10, pp. 733-734 (1985).

I. G. Murusidze, N. L. Tsintsadze, D. D. Tskhakaya, “The theory of wave radiation by the Langmuir soliton”, in Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes in Physics,  R. Z. Sagdeev, editor, Gordon & Breach, Harwood Academic Publishers, New York,  v. 1, pp. 451- 454 (1984).

  • Books

რ. ბარლოუ, სტატისტიკა: სახელმძღვანელო  სტატისტიკის მეთოდებისა ფიზიკის მეცნიერებისათვის (Statistics: A Guide To The Use Of Statistical Methods In The Physical Sciences, by R. J. Barlow) – ქართული თარგმანი, ი. მურუსიძე,

ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის გამომცემლობა, თბილისი, 2011.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

  • Contemporary Physics in Modern Technologies;
  • Introduction to Computer Modeling;
  • Data Modeling and Computer Processing;
  • Data Modeling and Computer Processing;
  • Computational and Statistical Methods;
  • Principles of Numerical Methods (ENG).

Undergraduate Courses:

Modern Physics in Modern Technology (2007- to present);

Introduction to Computer Modeling (2008 – to present)

Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory (2015 – )

Data Modeling and Computer Processing (2015 – )

Electricity and Magnetism (2008-2013).

Origins of Molecular Genetics, – E. Schrodinger, “What Is Life?” (2007-2013);

Graduate Courses:

Data Modeling and Computer Processing (2007 – to present);

Computer Modeling (2014 – to present);

Electrodynamics of Condensed Media (2007 – to present);

Plasma Physics (2007 – to present);

Space Plasma Physics (1998 – 2005);

General Astrophysics (1998 – 2003);

Plasma Astrophysics (2005 – 2006);

Energy Sources and Their Physical Bases (1998 – 2001);

Doctoral Courses:

Data Modeling and Computer Processing (2007 – to present);

Plasma Physics I, II (2007 – to present);

Structure and States of Matter (2015 – ).