Direction:Plant Ecology
Position:Full Professor
Abdaladze Otar1981 graduated Faculty of Biology, Ivane Javakhishvili State University of Tbilisi, Georgia. 1982-1984 post-graduate studies in V. Komarov Botanical Institute of USSR Acad. Sci. (Leningrad, at present St. Petewrsburg). 1985 defended PhD thesis (“Plant CO2-gas exchange in subalpine zone of the Central Caucasus”). 1988-1990 several training courses in alpine plant ecology at the Institute of Botany of the University of Innsbruck. 1994 defended Doctoral thesis (“CO2-gas exchange in alpine plants of Georgia”). 1984-2011 worked at N. Ketskhoveli Institute of Botany. 2002-2011 Head of the Department of Alpine Vegetation Ecology and 2005-2006 Deputy Director of Science at above mentioned Institute. Cooperates with Ilia State University since 2006. Since 2009 Co-director of the Institute of Ecology and Head of the Alpine Ecosystems Research Program at Ilia State University. 2011 full professor of ecology. Published over 80 papers in scientific, educational and scientific-popular journals
Featured publications
Abdaladze O., Nakhutsrishvili G., Batsatsashvili K., Gigauri Kh., Jolokhava T., Mikeladze G. (2015): Sensitive Alpine Plant Communities to the Global Environmental Changes (Kazbegi Region, the Central Great Caucasus), American Journal of Environmental Protection. Special Issue. Applied Ecology: Problems, Innovations. Vol. 4, No. 3-1, 2015, pp. 93-100
Gigauri Kh., Akhalkatsi M., Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O. (2013): Monitoring of vascular plant diversity in a changing climate in the alpine zone of the Central Caucasus. – Turkish Journal of Botany, 37(6), pp. 1104-1114
Pauli H., Gottfried M., Dullinger S., Abdaladze O., Akhalkatsi M., Benito Alonso J. L., Coldea G., Dick J., Erschbamer B., Calzado R. F., Ghosn D., Holten J. I., Kanka R., Kazakis G., Kollár J., Larsson P., Moiseev P., Moiseev D., Molau U., Mesa J. M., Nagy L., Pelino G., Puşcaş M., Rossi G., Stanisci A., Syverhuset A. O., Theurillat J-P., Tomaselli M., Unterluggauer P., Villar L., Vittoz P., Grabherr G. (2012): Recent plant diversity changes on Europe’s mountain summits. Science vol. 336, no. 6070, pp. 353-355
Erschbamer B., Mallaun M., Unterluggauer P., Abdaladze O., Akhalkatsi M., Nakhutsrishvili G. (2010): Plant Diversity Along Altitudinal Gradients in the Central Alps (South Tyrol, Italy) and in the Central Greater Caucasus (Kazbegi Region, Georgia). – Tuexenia 30: 11–29. Göttingen
Hughes N.M., Johnson D.M., Akhalkatsi M., Abdaladze O. (2009): Characterizing Betula litwinowii Seedling Microsites at the Alpine-Treeline Ecotone, Central Greater Caucasus Mountains, Georgia. – Arctic, Antarctic & Alpine Research, vol. 41, № 1, pp. 112-118
Dullinger S., Kleinbauer I., Pauli H., Gottfried M., Klettner Ch., Brooker R., Nagy L., Theurillat J.-P., Holten J. I., Abdaladze O., Benito J-L., Borel J.-L., Coldea G., Ghosn D., Kanka R., Merzouki A., Moiseev P., Molau U., Reiter K., Rossi G., Stancisi A., Tomaselli M., Unterlugauer P., and Grabherr G. (2007): Weak and variable relationships between environmental severity and small-scale co-occurrence in alpine plant communities. – Journal of Ecology, 95, pp. 1284-1295.
Akhalkatsi M., Abdaladze O., Nakhutsrishvili G., Smith W. K. (2006): Facilitation of Seedling microsites by Rhododendron caucasicum Extends the Betula litwinowii Alpine Treeline, Caucasus Mountains, Republic of Georgia. – Arctic, Antarctic & Alpine Research vol. 38, № 4, pp. 481-488
Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O., Akhalkatsi M. (2006): Biotope Types of the Treeline of the Central Greater Caucasus. – In: D. Gafta, J. Akeroyd (eds.): Nature Conservation: Concepts and Practice, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 211-225
Nakhutsrishvili G., Sikharulidze Sh., Abdaladze O. (2006): Bakuriani – Natural and Cultural Resorses of the Borjomi Region. – Institute of Botany, Tbilisi, 56 p.
Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O., Kikodze A. (2005): Khevi: Kazbegi Region. – Tbilisi, 54 p.
Abdaladze O., R. Gobejishvili, G. Nakhutsrishvili, V. Neidze (1998): Khevi. – WWF Publ., Tbilisi, 48 p. (in Georgian)
Abdaladze O. (1994): CO2-Gas Exchange in Alpine Plants of Georgia (The Central and Lesser Caucasus). – Institute of Botany, Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, 25p.
Peer-reviwed international journals indexed in ISI:
Tephnadze N., Abdaladze O., Nakhutsrishvili G., Simmering D., Waldhardt R., Otte A. (2014): The impacts of management and site conditions on the phytodiversity of the upper montane and subalpine belts in the Central Greater Caucasus. Phytocoenologia, vol. 44, #3-4, pp. 255-291(37)
Akhalkatsi M., Ekhvaia, J., Mosulishvili M., Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O., Batsatsashvili K. (2010): Reasons and processes leading to the erosion of crop genetic diversity in mountainous regions of Georgia. – Mountain Research and Development (MRD), Vol. 30, № 3: 304-310.
Abdaladze O., Kikvidze Z. (1991): Herbage influence upon carbon dioxide absorption intensity in the clover Trifolium ambiguum M.B. in subalpine zone of the Central Caucasus. Ekologiya 22: 33-37 (Soviet J.Ecology, Engl.Tr. 1991, 22: 27-31).
Sikharulidze Sh., Abdaladze O. (1989): Some Ecological Peculiarities of Ferns in the Lesser caucasus. – Ecologiya, № 4, pp. 79-80 (Soviet J. Ecology, Engl. Tr. 1989, 4: 79-80).
Abdaladze O. (1987): Plant CO2-Gas Exchange in the Subalpine Zone of the Central Caucasus. – Bot. J., vol. 72, pp. 1042-1050. (Soviet J. Bot., Engl. Tr. 1987, 72: 1042-1050).
Peer-reviwed international journals not indexed in ISI:
Simmering, D., Abdaladze, O., Akhalkatsi, M., Batsatsashvili, K., Hübl, E., Magiera, A., Mikeladze,G., Nakhutsrishvili, G., Rauner, A., Tephnadze, N., Togonidze, N., Waldhardt, R. & Otte, A. (2015): The “Caucasus Vegetation Database Georgia”. – AS-GE-001 – Short database report. – Biodiversity & Ecology 5 (in press).
Gigauri Kh., Abdaladze O., Nakhutsrishvili G., Akhalkatsi M. (2014): Vascular plant diversity and climate change in the alpine zone of the Central Greater Caucasus. – International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science. ISSN 2224-4980, v. 4 (4), pp. 573-589.
Waldhardt R., Abdaladze O., Otte A., Simmering D. (2011): Landschaftswandel im Kaukasus Georgiens: Interdisziplinäre Forsehung für eine nachaltigere Zukunft. – Spiegel der Forschung, 28, № 2, pp. 4-15.
Akhalkatsi M., Ekhvaia, J., Mosulishvili M., Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O. (2010): Erosion of Crop Genetic Diversity in Mountainous Regions of Georgia. – Mountain Biodiversity.
Nakhutsrishvili G., Akhalkati M., Abdaladze O. (2009): Main Treats to the Mountain Biodiversity in Georgia (the Caucasus). – Mountain Forum Biulletin, vol. IX, Issue 2, pp. 18-19.
National journals:
Abdaladze O., Nakhutsrishvili G., Akhalkatsi M., Smith W. K. (2005): Treeline Ecotone Structure and Some Ecological Features of Betula litwinowii in the Central Greater Caucasus. – Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ser. B, vol.3, № 2, pp. 57-65.
Abdaladze O., Chiboshvili M. (2004): Ecological Analysis of Current State of Winter Pastures of Iori Plateau. – Bull. Georg. Acad. Scien., v. 170, № 2, pp. 317-321.
Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O., Akhalkatsi M. (2004): Global warming and Treeline. – Proc. Acad. Sci. Biol. Ser. B., vol. 2, № 3-4, pp. 87-90.
Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O., Akhalkatsi M. (2004): Concerning the Tree line Vegetation of the Kazbegi Region (the Central Caucasus). – Bull. Georg. Acad. sci. vol. 169, № 1, pp. 122-125.
Abdaladze O., M. Chiboshvili, T. Kurdadze (2003): Ecophysiological Adaptation Regularities in Alpine Early-Spring Ephemeroids in The Central and the Minor Caucasus. – Bull. Georg. Acad. Scien., v.168, № 1, pp.134-138.
Abdaladze O., L. Khetsuriani (2003): On Some Ecophysiological Peculiarities of Trifolium ambiguum in Subalpine Belt of the Central Caucasus. – Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci., vol. 167, № 2, 150-153.
Abdaladze O., Voznesenskyi V. (1984): On Alpine Plant Photosynthesis of the Central Caucasus. – Bull. Georg. Acad. Scien., Biol ser., v.10, № 5, pp.313-318. (in Russian with English summary).
Chapters in books with ISBN:
Erschbamer B., Mallaun M., Unterlugauer P., Nakhutsrishvili G., Akhalkatsi M., Abdaladze O. (2013): Plant diversity along altitudinal gradients in the Central Alps and in the Central Caucasus: The project GLORIA in south Tyrol (Italy) and in the Kazbegi region (Georgia). In: F. Pedrotti (ed.) Colloques Phytosociologiques, XXIX, Camerino, Italy, pp. 167-188.
Nakhutsrishvili G., Akhalkatsi M., Abdaladze O. (2013): First signs of transformation of alpine vegetation in the Caucasus as a result of climate warming (on the example of Kazbegi region). In: F. Pedrotti (ed.) Colloques Phytosociologiques, XXIX, Camerino, Italy, pp. 405-414.
Chapters in books without ISBN (including collected scientific and scientific-popular papers):
Abdaladze O. (2011): Functional Diversity of Alpine Plants of Georgia and Climate Global Change. – In: G. Nakhutsrishvili (ed.): Biodiversity of Georgia. Tbilisi, Georg. Nat. Acad. of Sci. Publ., pp. 15-18 (in Georgian with English summary).
Gigauri Kh., Akhalkatsi M., Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O. (2011): First Signs of Weak Thermophilisation on the GLORIA-EUROPE Target Region in the Central Caucasus GE-SAK). – In: G. Nakhutsrishvili (ed.): Biodiversity of Georgia. Tbilisi, Georg. Nat. Acad. of Sci. Publ., pp. 19-22 (in Georgian with English summary).
Sharikadze Kh., Nakhutsrishvili G., Akhlkatsi M., Abdaladze O. (2011): Species Diversity of Eroded Slopes in the Kazbegi Region. – In: G. Nakhutsrishvili (ed.): Biodiversity of Georgia. Tbilisi, Georg. Nat. Acad. of Sci. Publ., pp. 29-32 (in Georgian with English summary).
Akhalkats M.i, W.K. Smith, O. Abdaladze, G. Nakhutsrishvili (2007): Seed germination in two dominant treeline species Betula litwinowii and Rhododendron caucasicum in the Central caucasus. – Botanikertagung Hamburg, 307 September, 2007, Germany.
Akhalkatsi M., O. Abdaladze, G. Nakhutsrishvili, W.K. Smith (2006): Seed germination requirements in two dominant treeline species – Betula litwinowii and Rhododendron caucasicum in the Central Caucasus. Abstracts of scientific Meeting “Botany 2006”, (July 29-August 6, 2006), Ecological section, Chico, California, USA.
Arabuli G., Abdaladze O. (2005): Species & Habitats. – In: Georgian Biodiversity: Conservation Strategy & Action plan. – Tbilisi, pp. 62-66 (in Georgian).
Akhalkatsi M., Abdaladze O., Nakhutsrishvili G., Smith W. K. (2004): Global warming Effect on Birch Seedling Establishment at Tree Line in the Central Caucasus. – Botanikertagung 05 bis 10 September, 2004, Braunschweig, p. 386.
Akhalkatsi M., Abdaladze O., Smith W. K. Nakhutsrishvili G., (2004): Mechanisms of Treeline Stability in the Caucasus Mountains of Georgia: Low-Temperature Photoinhibition and Interspecific facilitation. – Abstracts of Scientific Meeting “Botany 2004”, Alpine Diversity: Adapted to the Peaks (July 31-August 5, 2004), Snowbird, Utah / Development and Structural Section / Ecological Section, p. 55.
Abdaladze O. (2003): Current State of Winter pastures in the South-East of Georgia (Iori upland, Vicinities of Chachuna State Reserve). – In: O. Abdaladze, j. badridze (eds): Conservation of Arid & Semiarid Ecosystems of the South Caucasus. Tbilisi, NACRES, “Ltd CGS”, pp. 4-11 (in Russian).
Abdaladze O. (2002): Biomes of Arid & Semiarid Zones of Georgia. – In I. Macharashvili (ed.): Hyanea, Viper & Others, “Ltd CGS”, pp. 138-148 (in Georgian).
Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O., Zazanashvili N., Gamkrelidze T., Chiboshvili M. (1999a): Excepted transformation of high-mountain vegetation of the Caucasus in connection with possible global climate change. – In: T. Gzirishvili, B. Beritashvili (eds.) Georgia’s Initial National Communication under the UN framework Convention on Climate Change, Tbilisi, pp. 77-88.
Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O., Zazanashvili N., Gamkrelidze T., Chiboshvili M. (1999b): Vulnerability of natural ecosystems. – In: Beritashvili B. & Janelidze P. (eds.): Georgia’s Initial National Communication Under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. UNDP/GEF-Government of Georgia, Project GEO/96/G31, Tbilisi, pp. 99-108.
Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O., Zazanashvili N., Gamkrelidze T., Chiboshvili M. (1999c): Caucasian Alpine Vegetation Transformation in Connection with Climate Global Change. – Climate Change National Bulletin of UN Framework Convention, № 8, Tbilisi, pp. 87-100 (in Georgian).
Abdaladze O., Sikharulidze Sh., & Kurdadze T. (1998): Light and Temperature Regimes, Water Balance and CO2-Gas Exchange in Some Forest Herbaceous Species in the Minor Caucasus. – In: G. Nakhutsrisvili & O. Abdaladze (eds.) Plant Life In High-Mountains, Tbilisi, Diogene Publishers, pp. 16-21.
Abdaladze, O. (1998): CO2-Gas Exchange Syndromes in High-Mountain Plants of the Central Caucasus. – In: G. Nakhutsrisvili & O. Abdaladze (eds.) Plant Life In High-Mountains, Tbilisi, Diogene Publishers, pp. 9-16.
Abdaladze O. & Sikharulidze Sh. (1990): Life Activity in High-Mountain Plants in Winter. – In: Nakhutsrishvili (ed.) Ecological and Geobotanical Stadies at the Kazbegi High-Mountain Station, Tbilisi, pp. 47-49.
Abdaladze O. (1990): CO2-Gas Exchange in Plants and Phytocenoses. – In: Nakhutsrishvili (ed.) Ecological and Geobotanical Stadies at the Kazbegi High-Mountain Station, Tbilisi, pp. 44-47.
Abdaladze O. (1988): Anthropogenic Impact on some Dominant Species CO2-Gas Exchange in the Subalpine Zone of the Central Caucasus. – Bull. Georg. Bot. Society, Tbilisi, “Metsniereba”, pp. 133-142 (in Russian with English summary).
Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O., Sikharulidze Sh. (1988): Alpine Plant Function in Winter. – In: Alpine Ecology. Tbilisi, “Metsniereba”, pp. 201-215 (in Russian with English summary).
Kikvidze Z. & Abdaladze O. (1988): On Temperature Relations & CO2-Gas Exchange in some Succulents of the Caucasus Highlands. – In: Alpine Ecology. Tbilisi, “Metsniereba”, pp. 169-174 (in Russian with English summary).
Abdaladze O. (1988): On in situ CO2-Gas Exchange Measurements in the Caucasus Mountains. – In: Alpine Ecology. Tbilisi, “Metsniereba”, pp. 63-75 (in Russian with English summary).
Abdaladze O., Gamkrelidze T., Sanadiradze G., Khetsuriani L. (1988): Ecophysiological Peculiarities of Anthriscus nemorosa (M. Bieb.) Spreng. according to the Vertical Distribution of Leaves. – In: Alpine Ecology. Tbilisi, “Metsniereba”, pp. 76-83 (in Russian with English summary).
Nakhutsrishvili G., Abdaladze O., Gamkrelidze T., Sanadiradze G., Sikharulidze Sh. (1988): Alpine Plant Activity in Winter. – Abstracts of Scientific Meeting of Botanical Society of USSR – Actual Questions in Botany in the USSR. Alma-Atha, “Nauka”, p. 481 (in Russian).
Abdaladze O. Voznesensky V. & Ivanova T. (1987): CO2-Gas Exchange in High-Mountain and Arctic Plants. – XIV International Botanical Congress, Berlin (West), July 24 to August 1. Abstracts of the General Lectures, Symposium papers and Posters, (ed. by W. Greuter & H.-D. Behnke), Berlin, p. 491.
Abdaladze O. (1986): Anthropogenic Impact on Plant CO2-Gas Exchange in Subalpine Meadows of the Central Caucasus. –Conference of Young Scientists of Georgia. Tbilisi, pp. 152-154 (in Russian).
Abdaladze O. & Lediaikina N. (1984): Comparative Characteristics of CO2-Gas Exchange of Genera Dryas Species. – Conference: “Vegetation Cover of Subarctic Alpine Regions & Problems of Arcto-Alpine Floristic Relationships”. Apatiti, pp. 83-84 (in Russian).
Abdaladze O. (1984): On the Photosynthesis of Plants in the Central Caucasus. –XII Conference of Young Botanists. Tbilisi, pp. 21-23 (in Russian).
Current Courses |
Course Catalog |
Field Experiment in Plant Ecology; Field Practice in Plant Ecology; Master’s Thesis (for ecologists); Master Seminar (For Ecology); Vegetation of Georgia Man and the Biosphere; Contemporary Research in Ecology and Biodiversity; Master’s Thesis (for ecologists); Synecology |
2020-2021 Year Bachelor’s level
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Doctoral level
2019-2020 Year Bachelor’s level
Master’s level
Doctoral level
2018-2019 Year Bachelor’s level
Master’s level
2017-2018 Year Bachelor’s level
Master’s level
2016-2017 Year Bachelor’s level
Master’s level
2015-2016 Year Bachelor’s level
Master’s level
2014-2015 Year Bachelor’s level
Master’s level
2013-2014 Year Bachelor’s level
Master’s level
Doctoral level
2012-2013 Year Bachelor’s level
Master’s level
2011-2012 Year Bachelor’s level
Master’s level
Doctoral level
2010-2011 Year Bachelor’s level
Master’s level
Doctoral level
2009-2010 Year Bachelor’s level
Master’s level
One of the translators and editors of Georgian version of books by well-known Austrian phytoecologists Christian Körner and Walter Larcher (Ch. Körner. Alpine Plant Ecology. 2008, Ilia State University Publ., Tbilisi, 361 p.; W. Larcher. Plant Ecology. 2006, Universal Publ., Tbilisi, 485 p.)
Member of GLORIA (Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments) consortium (since 2001)
Member of GMBA (Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment) (since 2005)
Member of editorial board of international scientific journal Applied Ecology and Environmental Research (since2014)