Direction:Elementary Particles and Cosmology
Position:Associate Professor
Education: Postgraduate: Javakhishvili State University, 1998 – 2001; Field – theoretical physics; Degree – PhD, 2004. Undergraduate/Graduate: Javakhishvili State University, 1992 – 1998.
Professional Experience: Assistant at the chair of theoretical physics, Javakhishvili State Universoty, 2001 – 2005; Senior researcher at the High Energy Physics Institute, Javakhishvili State University, 2005 – 2006; Senior researcher at the Andronikashvili Institute of Physics, 2006 – 2011; Assistant, then Associate professor at Ilia State University, 2008 – present.
Quantum gravity phenomenology, Phase transitions in quantum field theory, Extra-dimensional models, Inflationary cosmology, Dark energy problem.
I am currently investigating the corrections to the lifetime of a metastable state due to non-exponential decay. It is based on the notion of non-escape probability and may have interesting consequences for the false vacuum decay in QFT. One can even try to use the non-escape probability description for estimating the dynamics of the decay of a metastable state at finite temperature. Also, at present, I am interested in various models related to the possible observational signatures of gravitational effects derived from the microphysics. One of such models arises due to non-commutativity of space-time. Because of the smallness of quantum gravity length Maßtab, gravitational effects from the standpoint of present experiments might be observable in presence of some efficient amplifying mechanisms provided by the modified theories. So far there are no observational clues for such theories.
List of publications from the database: HEP-SPIRES
Light incoherence due to background space fluctuations, Phys. Rev. D94, no. 12, 124044 (2016).
Extra-dimensional generalization of minimum-length deformed QM/QFT and some of its phenomenological consequences, Phys. Rev. D91, no. 6, 064040 (2015).
Field propagation in a stochastic background space: The rate of light incoherence in stellar interferometry, Phys. Rev. D86, 104066 (2012).
Cosmological implications of Karolyhazy uncertainty relation, Phys. Lett. B652, 165 (2007).
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2020-2021 Year Bachelor’s level
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2019-2020 Year Bachelor’s level
Master’s level
2018-2019 Year Master’s level
2017-2018 Year Bachelor’s level
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2016-2017 Year Bachelor’s level
2015-2016 Year Master’s level
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2014-2015 Year Bachelor’s level
2013-2014 Year Bachelor’s level
2012-2013 Year Bachelor’s level
2011-2012 Year Master’s level
Doctoral level
2010-2011 Year Master’s level
Doctoral level
2009-2010 Year Master’s level