Direction:Astronomy and Astrophysics
Position:Associate Professor
Bidzina Shergelashvili was born on 28th April 1972. In 1989 he graduated from Andria Razmadze Tbilisi 25th physics-mathematics school (currently 7th gymnasium).Then he was enrolled to Faculty of physics at I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and completed studies in1994: speciality theoretical physics, astrophysics. In 1996 started his predoctoral aspiranture at Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory of Georgian Academy of Sciences. Later, in 1999 he was appointed as early stage researcher in the same observatory.In 2003 was admitted for doctoral studies at Centre for Plasma Astrophysics (CPA), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. In 2006 obtained degree: doctor of science,PhD, speciality mathematics, plasma astrophysics. He worked as post doctoral researcher during years 2006-2008 in Institute of Theoretical Physics, K.U.Leuven, Belgium. From 2008 works at K.U. Leuven department of computer science in the research group Combinatorial Optimization and Decision Support (CODeS). In 2009 was appointed as assistanet professor and since 2010 as associated profesor at Ilia Statze University, Georgia. He also worked as postdoctoral researcher in Institute of Theoretical Physics of Ruhr University of Bochum, germany (2010-2011), Institute of Space Research, Austria (2014-2017). He is developer and participant/leader of many national and international collaborative research projects. Among them he was a scientific manager of European Commission FP7 project SOLSPANET. He is married and has two children.
Modeling of the solar wind wave turbulent heating and acceleration. Impact of the distribution of wave sources on the heating process.
Conceptual and statistical modeling of the contribution shear flow and other nonequilibrium process induced wave phenomena in the heating and acceleration of the solar wind and dynamics of the magnetic structures in the solar corona and beyond.
Solar wind and CME observations and analytic/numerical modeling.
Development of the Solar and Space weather monitoring and forecasting tools within the framework of the internationally driven space weather services and in line with the general ESA awareness program and consistent with ESA Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre (VSWMC).
Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and thermodynamics
Waves and oscillations in non-equilibrium plasmas (applications to variable stars, solar flares and CME’s).
Events of self-organized criticality in the solar atmosphere (numerical modelling of solar flare statistics).
Nonequilibrium fluctuation theory (large deviation approach).
Fundamental statistical properties of the systems close/far from their equilibrium; applications to astrophysical situations.
Wave dynamics and interactions
Wave dynamics in shear flows. Non-modal changes and mutual conversion of the MHD wave modes and their dissipation in shear flows.
Waves in the thermally nonequilibrium and inhomogeneous astrophysical plasmas.
Pulsations and oscillations of the inhomogeneous magnetic structures (slabs and cylinders, coronal seismology).
Featured publications
1. Evidence for precursors of the coronal hole jets in solar bright points, Bagashvili S. R., Shergelashvili B. M., Japaridze D. R., Kukhianidze V., Poedts S., Zaqarashvili T. V., Khodachenko M. L., De Causmaecker P., ApJ, 2018, In press, ARXIV: arXiv:1803.00551
2. Statistical properties of coronal hole rotation rates: Are they linked to the solar interior? Bagashvili S. R., Shergelashvili B. M., Japaridze D. R., Chargeishvili B. B., Kosovichev A. G., Kukhianidze V., Ramishvili G., Zaqarashvili T. V., Poedts S., Khodachenko M. L., De Causmaecker P., 2017, A&A, 603, A134, ARXIV: arXiv:1706.04464, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201630377
3. Quasi-oscillatory dynamics observed in ascending phase of the flare on March 6, 2012, Philishvili E., Shergelashvili B. M., Zaqarashvili T. V., Kukhianidze V., Ramishvili G., Khodachenko M., Poedts S., De Causmaecker P., A&A, 600, A67, ARXIV: arXiv:1612.09562, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201629495
4. Long-period oscillations of active region patterns: least-squares mapping on second-order curves, Dumbadze G., Shergelashvili B. M., Kukhianidze V., Ramishvili G., Zaqarashvili T. V., Khodachenko M., Gurgenashvili E., Poedts S., De Causmaecker P., 2017, A&A, 597, A93, ARXIV: arXiv:1610.01509, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201628213
5. Rieger-type Periodicity during Solar Cycles 14-24: Estimation of Dynamo Magnetic Field Strength in the Solar Interior, Gurgenashvili E. Zaqarashvili T. V., Kukhianidze V. Oliver R. Ballester J. L. Ramishvili G. Shergelashvili B. Hanslmeier A. Poedts S., 2016, ApJ, 826, 55, ARXIV: arXiv:1605.04162, DOI: 10.3847/0004-637x/826/1/55
6. Dynamics of a Solar Prominence Tornado Observed by SDO/AIA on 2012 November 7-8, Mghebrishvili I., Zaqarashvili T. V., Kukhianidze V., Ramishvili G., Shergelashvili B. M., Veronig A. Poedts S., 2015, ApJ, 810, 89, ARXIV: arXiv:1508.06788, DOI: 10.1088/0004-637x/810/2/89
7. Formation and evolution of coronal rain observed by SDO/AIA on February 22, 2012, Vashalomidze Z., Kukhianidze V., Zaqarashvili T. V., Oliver R., Shergelashvili B. M., Ramishvili G., Poedts S., De Causmaecker P., 2015, A&A, 577, A136, ARXIV: arXiv:1504.03471, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201424101
8. Overstability of acoustic waves in strongly magnetized anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic shear flows, Uchava E.S., Shergelashvili B. M., Tevzadze A. G., Poedts S., 2014, Phys. Plasmas, 21, 082902, ARXIV: arXiv:1407.6943, DOI: 10.1063/1.4892402
9. On the Low-frequency Boundary of Sun-generated Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in the Slow Solar Wind, Shergelashvili B.M., Fichtner H., 2012, ApJ, 752, id.142, ARXIV: arXiv:1204.3189, DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/752/2/142
10. Nonequilibrium relation between potential and stationary distribution for driven diffusion, Maes C., Netoˇcn´y K., Shergelashvili B.M., 2009, Phys. Rev. E, 80, id. 011121, ARXIV: arXiv:0902.3555
DOI: 10.1103/physreve.80.011121
11. Acoustic oscillations in the field-free, gravitationally stratified cavities under solar bipolar magnetic canopies, Kuridze D., Zaqarashvili T. V., Shergelashvili B. M., Poedts S., 2008, A&A, 505, 763-770,
ARXIV: arXiv:0905.2302, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/200811484
12. Acoustic oscillations in a field-free cavity under solar small-scale bipolar magnetic canopy, Kuridze D., Zaqarashvili T. V., Shergelashvili B. M., Poedts S., 2008, Ann. Geoph., 26, 2983-2989, ARXIV: arXiv:0801.2877, DOI: 10.5194/angeo-26-2983-2008
13. Amplification of compressional magnetohydrodynamic waves in systems with forced entropy oscillations, Shergelashvili B.M., Maes C., Poedts S., Zaqarashvili T. V., 2007, Phys. Rev. E, 76, 046404, ARXIV: arXiv:0709.0846, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.76.046404
14. Rossby waves in “shallow water” magnetohydrodynamics, Zaqarashvili T. V, Oliver R., Ballester J. L., Shergelashvili B. M., 2007, A&A, 470, 815-820, ARXIV: astro-ph/0703105, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20077382
15. Nonmodal cascade in the compressible solar atmosphere: self-heating, an alternative way to enhance wave heating, Shergelashvili, B.M., Poedts, S., Pataraya, A.D., 2006, ApJ Letters, 642, L73-L76, DOI: 10.1086/504350
16. On the effect of the inhomogeneous subsurface flows on the high degree solar p-modes, Shergelashvili, B.M. and Poedts, S., 2005, A&A, 438, 1083-1097, ARXIV: astro-ph/0504314
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20052695
17. “Swing Absorption” of fast magnetosonic waves in inhomogeneous mediaShergelashvili B. M., Zaqarashvili T. V., Poedts S., Roberts B., 2005, A&A, 429, 767-777, ARXIV: astro-ph/0408114
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20041494
An extensive list of publications
18. Decameter Type III Bursts with Changing Frequency Drift-Rate Signs, Melnik, V. N., Brazhenko, A. I., Konovalenko A. A., Briand C., Dorovskyy V. V., Zarka, P., Frantsuzenko A. V., Rucker H. O., Rutkevych, B.P., Panchenko, M., Denis L., Zaqarashvili T., Shergelashvili, B.M., 2015, Sol. Phys., 290, 193-203, ARXIV: arXiv:1802.08336, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-014-0577-8
19. Decameter type III bursts with positive and negative frequency drift rates, Melnik V. N., Brazhenko A. I., Konovalenko A. A., Briand C., Dorovskyy V. V., Zarka P., Frantzusenko A. V., Rucker H. O., Rutkevych B. P., Panchenko M., Zaqarashvili T. V., Shergelashvili B. M., European Planetary Science Congress, London, UK., 2013, Online at:, id.EPSC2013-738, BIBCODE: 2013EPSC….8..738M
20. A Selection of Nonequilibrium Issues, Maes C., Netoˇcn´y K., Shergelashvili B.M., 2007, Methods of Contemporary Mathematical Statistical Physics and 2009, Lect. Notes Math., 1970, 247 – 306, ARXIV: math-ph/0701047, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-92796-9_6
21. Correlated flares in models of a magnetized “canopy”, Baiesi M., Maes C., Shergelashvili B. M., 2008, Physica A, 387, 167-176, ARXIV: arXiv:0709.2053, DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2007.09.003
22. Transient amplification of disturbances in the solar atmosphere: a mechanism for CME initiation?Shergelashvili, B.M., Poedts, S., Pataraya, A.D., Proceedings of the 11th European Solar Physics Meeting, 2005, ESA SP-600, 165.1, BIBCODE: 2005ESASP.600E.165S
23. Non-modal self-heating of the solar atmosphere: an alternative way to enhance the wave heating process, Shergelashvili, B.M., Poedts, S., Pataraya, A.D., Proceedings of the 11th European Solar Physics Meeting, 2005, ESA SP-600, 98.1, BIBCODE: 2005ESASP.600E..98S
24. The Mechanism of Swing Absorption of Fast Magnetosonic Waves in Inhomogeneous MediaShergelashvili, B.M., Zaqarashvili, T.V., Poedts, S., Roberts, B., Proceedings of SOHO 15, St. Andrews, Scotland, UK, 2004, ESA SP-575, p.431, ARXIV: astro-ph/0410277, BIBCODE: 2004ESASP.575..431S
25. Is the Solar Corona Nonmodally Self-Heated?, Shergelashvili, B.M., Rogava, A.D., Poedts, S., Proceedings of SOHO 15, St. Andrews, Scotland, UK, 2004, ESA SP-575, p.437, ARXIV: astro-ph/0410279, BIBCODE: 2004ESASP.575..437S
26. On the effect of non-uniform subsurface flows on high degree p-modes, Shergelashvili, B.M. and Poedts, S., Proceedings of ‘SOHO 13, Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, 2004, ESA SP-547, p.87, BIBCODE: 2004ESASP.547…87S
27. Single-pulse spin echo in two-level systems inside amorphous ferromagnets, Chotorlishvili L. L., Lepsveridze R. L., Shergelashvili B. M., Khudjadze G. I. , 2002, Acta Physica Slovaca, 52, 447 – 452,
28. The theoretical explanation of solar p-mode frequency oscillations by α-ω dynamo waves theory, Pataraya, A.D., Pataraya, T.A., Shergelashvili, B.M., JOSO Annu. Rep., 1998, p. 130 – 132, BIBCODE: 1999joso.proc..130P
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