Direction: Geophysics
Position:Full Professor

Tea Godoladze is a full professor of geophysics. Currently, she is engaged in scientific activities at Ilia State University, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Medicine. She is also the Acting Director at the Institute of Earth Sciences and NSMC at the Ilia State University since 2013.
Tea Godoladze has a PHD in physics and mathematics. She also completed a postdoctoral fellowship in seismology at the University of California, Berkeley, 2012-2013.
At various times Tea Godoladze has held the position of Head of the Department of Theoretical Seismology, Chairman of the Scientific Council and Deputy Director at the Institute of Earth Sciences.
Tea Godoladze conducted and participated in recearches such as: the introduction of a rapid detection and notification system for regional earthquake epicenters in Georgia, Uplift and SeismicStructure of the Greater Caucasus, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, Active geodynamics of Caucasus, Caucasus seismic hazard assessment, Seismic network expansion in Caucasus and Cental Asia etc.
Has published more than 15 scientific papers.

Scientific interests / research interests

Caucasus seismicity and seismic hazard, seismic study, earthquake core physics, natural disaster hazard and risk assessement

⦁ Featured publications
Moment magnitudes of local/regional events from 1D coda calibrations in the broader middle east region. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 106(5). 1926-1938. 2016

⦁ An extensive list of publications
Active convergence between the Lesser and Greater Caucasus in Georgia: Constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Lesser-Greater Caucasus continental collision.G.Sokhadze, M.Floyd, T.Godoladze, G. Hahubia, R. Reilinger. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 481. 154-161. 2018
Relict basin closure and crustal shortening budgets during continental collision: An example from Caucasus sediment provenance. E. Cowgill, AM Forte, N Niemi, B Avdeev, A Tye, C Trexler, Z Javakhishvili, M Elashvili, T Godoladze. Tectonics, volum 35, isuure 12, p. 2918-2947. 2016
Late Miocene to Pliocene stratigraphy of the kura basin, a subbasin of the south Caspian basin: Implications for the diachroneity of stage boundaries. A.M. Forte, D.Y. Sumner, E. Cowgill, T. Godoladze, Z. Javakhishvili. Basin Research 27(3); 247-271, 2015
Deep Earthquakes beneath the Northern Caucasus: Evidence of active or Recent Subduction in Western Asia. R.J. Mellors; J.Jackson; S. Myers; R. Gok; K.Priestley, g.Yetirmishli, N.Turkelli, T.Godoladze. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, April, 102: 862-866, 2012
Crustal Attenuation Tomography of Regional Pg within the northern Middle East. Bao Xueyang, Eric Sandvol1, JiakangXie, EkremZor, SakirSakin, Randa Mohamad, RenginGök, Robert Mellors, T. Godoladze, Arif H. GasanovNiyaziTürkelli, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101:1496-1506, 2011
Pg Attenuation Tomography within the Middle East. X. Bao, E. Sandvol, E.Zor, S.Sakin, R.Mohamad, R.Gok,R.Mellors, T.Godoladze,, G.Yetimishli, N.Turkelli, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101:1496-1506, 2011
Lithospheric velocity structure of the Anatolian plateau-Caucasus-Caspian region. R. Gök; R. J. Mellors; E. Sandvol; M. Pasyanos; T. Hauk; R. Takedatsu; G. Yetirmishli; U. Teoman and N. Turkelli; T. Godoladze; Z. Javakishvirli. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 116, XXXXXX, 14 PP, 2011
Seismic hazard assessments for the Tbilisi test area (Eastern Georgia). Slejko D., Z. Javakhishvili, A. Rebez, M. Santulin, M. Elashvili, P.L. Bragato, T. Godoladze and J. Garcia Seismic hazard assessments for the Tbilisi test area (Eastern Georgia), Bolletino di geofizika: TeoricaedApplckata. Vol. 49, n. 1, pp. 37-57, 2008
„Determination of Earthquake magnitude by Digital Data“Shengelia I., T. Chelidze, Z. Javakhishvili, T. Godoladze, M. Gigiberia, 2008. Bull. ofGeorgian Ac. Sci., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 80-82
„Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Caucasus region“ in the Atlas of GIS based maps of natural disaster hazards for the Southern Caucasus.Javakhishvili Z., M. Elashvili, T. Godoladze, N. Jorjiashvili, editor T. Chelidze, Tbilisi 2007, 6-13.
“Seismic hazard assessments for the Tbilisi test area (Eastern Georgia)” Slejko D., Z. Javakhishvili, A. Rebez, M. Santulin, M. Elashvili, P.L. Bragato, T. Godoladze and J. Garcia, 2007, Bolletino di geofizika: Teorica ed Applckata. Vol. 49, n. 1, pp. 37-57.
“Simulation of rupture initation” Journal of Georgian Geophysical Sosciety Issue (A) Physics of Solid Earth, T. Godoladze v.10.2005, pp. 68-76.
Structural model for seismic hazard analysis of Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia” Godoladze T., L. Hutchings, B. Foxal, Z. Javakhishvili, 2006, “Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society. Issue (A) Solid Earth, v. 10a. 2005. 77-82
“The Tbilisi earthquake of April 25, 2002 in the context of the seismic hazard of Tbilisi urban area” JavakhishviliZ., T. Godoladze, M. Elashvili, T. MukhadzeandI. Timchenko, Bolletinodigeofizika: TeoricaedApplckata. vol 45, n.3, pp. 169-185, September 2004


Current Courses

Course Catalog

Earth – Introduction to Geology – I; Structure of the Earth and Theory of Plate Tectonics; Historical Earthquakes (ArcheoSeismology); Practical Course in Seismological Observation; Tectonics and Seismology; Plate Tectonics; Master’s Thesis (Earth Sciences); Tectonic Geodesy and Geodetic Plan
Structure of the Earth and Theory of Plate Tectonics; Historical Earthquakes (ArcheoSeismology); Tectonics and Seismology; Global Tectonics and Geodynamics; Research Methods in Earth Sciences

Basic Seismology (Undergraduate), Seismology II (Master)