Direction:Educational Studies
Position:Full Professor

Professor of Education Sciences. Head of Innovative Education Research Center

Professor of Educational Sciences at Ilia State University, Georgia; Member of the Representative Council;

Owns the University Certificate German Studies (Didactics for German as a Foreign Language) and the degree of the Doctor of Philosophy from Kassel (Germany) University higher school.

2009-2015 held the position of the director of Research Centre for Language Didactics;

2015-2019 Worked as an expert in the department of the national curriculum in the Ministry of Education and actively participated and participates in the ongoing process in the educational politics in Georgia;

From 2019 she has been the head of the Innovative Educational Research Center;

Author of 3 monographs, 35 scientific articles; A co-author and an editor of the EFL/ESL teachers’ preparation curriculum, teaching courses and professional development modules. Also, the author of teaching materials;

One of the founders of German-language scientific and practical journal “MfG”;

She has 35 years professional working experience in public, private and non-governmental sectors in Georgia and abroad;

2000-2006 worked as a reviewer and an acting head of the Language Department in the Georgian branch of Goethe-Institut. Here she led different international projects (preparation and implementation of teacher professional development seminar modules for Georgian, Armenian and Azeri German language teachers. Preparation and coordination of the language teaching projects in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Counseling ongoing educational reforms etc.);

Since 2006 she has been a consultant and a trainer of the same Institute

2007-2015 she was the president of the International Association of the German Language Teachers in Georgia. As an international trainer she conducted trainings worldwide and in Georgia;

Since 2006 she has been a professor of Ilia State University; Participatesd in the EFL/ESL educational researches in the universities of Jena, Saarland, Kassel, Berlin, Bremen, Ludwigsburg, Bonn, Munster, Bielefeld, Leipzig, Salzburg and Montreal;

2009-2013 led from Georgian side the 4 year joint international teaching-research project- GIP (Germanistische Institutspartnerschaft/DAAD) of the Institute of German Studies (Jena University) and and Research Centre for Langauge Didactics (ISU);

2017 to present  she has been the head of the International program of teachers professional development DLL-Deutsch lehren und lernen (Learning how to teach German) from Georgian side. This was a collaborative project of Ilia State University, Goethe-Institute and Friedrich Schiller University, Jena;

2016-2019 she has been participating in the project ERASMUS+ CURE (Curriculum Reform for Promoting Civic Education and Democratic Principles in Israel and in Georgia) as a Consortium member;

From 2020 to present she has been participating in the project ERASMUS+ ESTA (Educating Science Teachers for All);

She received teaching and research individual grants (DAAD; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; EU; DfG; Gustav-Kettel-Stiftung; Goethe-Institut; რუსთაველის ფონდი etc.) multiple times; Took part in many international conferences and scientific forums (reported, participated as a sector leader, served as an editor of publications etc.). Also, she was actively engaged in the projects of foreign Universities with the aim of experience and teaching exchange;

Currently she is working as an invited expert and a trainer in different institutions (Goethe-Institut, GPIDA etc). She is a member of the organizations AVaKE (President), IDV, HoLLT, GI, GfdS etc. and the participant of international accomplished projects (IQN; DACHL etc.)

Scientific interests / research interests

  • Language policy (Language policy and second/foreign language teaching in Georgia; Language policy and minority languages);
  • Didactics of foreign and second language (Modern challenges and historical perspectives of language teaching); Analysis of coursebooks and principles of adapting text for second / foreign language teaching; Didactics of literature; Intercultural dialogue; Alternative methods and CLIL);
  • Values education (Values education and VaKE);
  • Usage of technologies in the teaching process and online teaching methods;
  • Alternative methods and CLIL…


Current Courses

Course Catalog

  • Intercultural Teaching (Georgian as a Second/Foreign Language);
  • Research Paper (German Language);
  • School Practice (German Language);
  • Values and Knowledge education;
  • Doctoral Colloquium 1;
  • Doctoral Colloquium 2;
  • Doctoral Colloquium 3;
  • Doctoral Colloquium
  • Philosophy of Teaching and Planning German Language Lessons;
  • Teaching German Language;
  • Working on Academic Paper;
  • Doctoral Colloquium 1;
  • Doctoral Colloquium 2