Direction:Education Administration
Position:Associate Professor

Elene is an education policy expert with over ten years’ experience in the areas of education system reforms in transition countries (post-Soviet region). She holds professional expertise in the areas of quality assurance in higher education. Her research interests cover educational quality, university autonomy and the concept of engaged university.
Prior to joining Ilia State University, Elene was a director of the Georgian National Centre for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE), responsible for the external quality assurance at higher, vocational and general education levels. In this capacity, she also represented Georgia at the Bologna Follow Up Group and acted as a liaison between this transnational policy platform and stakeholders at the national level. Elene has more than ten years of professional experience with non-governmental organizations and government agencies in the field of higher education and specifically related to the field of quality assurance.

Elene holds a PhD in political science from Central European University (Budapest) and an MEd from University of Pennsylvania (PA).

Scientific interests / research interests

Elene’s research interest lies in higher education system transformation in the transitioning states of post-Soviet bloc.  More broadly, she is interested in the impact of globalization processes on higher education systems of transitioning countries, observing institutional homogeneity, patterns of policy transfer and diffusion, and peculiarities of education policy implementation processes.

Featured publications

Jibladze, E and Glonti, L. (2019) Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Georgia in Teixeira, P and Shin, C. J eds. International Encyclopedia on Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Springer. In Press

Jibladze, E (2017) Reforms for the external legitimacy in the post Rose Revolution Georgia. Case of university autonomy. Hungarian Education Research journal, 7(1), 7-27

Jibladze, E (2013) Running around in circles: quality assurance reforms in Georgia. Quality in Higher Education , 19(3), 343-357

Jibladze, E (2013). Challenges of Transition. Journal of the European Higher Education Area, Issue 3.


Current Courses

Course Catalog

  • Doctoral Colloquium 2;
  • Policy Diffusion and Transfer: Theory and Practice;
  • Master’s Thesis -Education Management;
  • Higher Education Policy
  • Doctoral Colloquium 1;
  • Doctoral Colloquium 2;
  • Practice (at higher education institution);
  • Higher Education Policy;
  • Management of Changes in Higher Education
  • Higher Education Policy, 2017-2018 AY, fall semester, Master’s level course
  • Monitoring and Evaluation in Education, 2017-2018 AY, spring semester, Master’s level course
  • Higher education and globalization, 2016-2017 AY, spring semester, Master’s level course
  • 2015-2016 AY, spring semester, Master’s level course
  • Vocational Education system and policy, 2016-17 AY, spring semester, Master’s level course.