Direction:Computer Science (computer graphics, programming)
Position:Associate Professor

Born in 1968 in Tbilisi, Georgia. 1985 graduated 42 physics – mathematical school. 1985-1992 – Georgian Technical University. (1987-1989 – military service). 1992-1996 – doctor study. 1993-1995 – working in Germany, at the University of Saarland (scholarship supported by German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD). 1998-2005 – worked in Czech Republic, Silesian University, faculty of business and economy, Department of Informatics. 2005 returned to Georgia. From the same year working in Georgian National Museum, Member of the Academic Council of the Museum. From 2015 – Associate professor at Ilia State University.

Scientific interests / research interests

Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics algorithms, 3D modelling. Historical cartography.


Partskhaladze, G. Počítačová grafika a design (Computer Graphics and Design). eLearning textbook. 191 p. Silesian University in Opava, Karviná 2005. ISBN 80-7248-315-3.

Partskhaladze, G. Programovací techniky (Programming Techniques). Distance learning textbook. 195 p. Silesian University in Opava, Karviná 2005. ISBN 80-7248-316-1.


Digital Reconstruction of Historical Areas and Buildings of the 19th century Tbilisi. Part 1: Erivansky Scuare (in print, a part is available at

Partskhaladze, G. Základy počítačové grafiky (Introduction to Computer Graphics). Textbook. 174 p. Silesian University in Opava, Karviná 2000. ISBN 80-7248-096-0.

Articles in magazines

Partskhaladze, G. Barevné formáty. Barevný prostor. (2.). CHIP 8/2002. Pp 122–125. Vogel Publishing, Praha 2002. ISSN 1210-0684.

Partskhaladze, G. Barevné formáty. Kódování barvy. (1.). CHIP 5/2002. Pp 122–125. Vogel Publishing, Praha 2002. ISSN 1210-0684.

Partskhaladze, G. Úvod do vizualizací. Textury. Computer Design 4/2000. Dílna. Pp 5–6. Computer Press, Praha 2000. ISSN 1210-4389.

Partskhaladze, G. 2D a 3D grafické systémy. Computer Design 1/2000. Dílna. P 10. Computer Press, Praha 2000. ISSN 1210-4389.

An extensive list of publications

Andersen A., Partskhaladze G. La guerre soviéto-géorgienne et la soviétisation de la Géorgie février mars 1921. Revue historique des armées 254/2009. Pp 67–75. Service historique de la Défence. Paris 2009. ISSN 0035-3299.

Partskhaladze, G. Rechnerunterstützte Konstruktion von modularen Vorrichtungen für die Fräsbearbeitung. Pp 396–400. Collection of the Vth International Conference „Nové smery vo výrobných technológiách“. Prešov, 15.–16.06.2000. Slovakia. Faculty of Manufacturing Košice with headquarters in Prešov. ISBN 80-7099-524-6.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

  • Algorithms and Data Structures (ENG);
  • Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures;
  • Algorithms and Data Structures;
  • Introduction to Programming;
  • Advanced Algorithms and Data Structure

Computer Graphics algorithms (spring 2019/2020, Master)

Programming Techniques (at Silesian University, in Czech lang. 1998-2005, bachelor)

Introduction to Programming (at Silesian University, in Czech lang. 1998-2005, bachelor)

Object-Oriented Programming (at Silesian University, in Czech lang. 2001-2002)