Direction:Public Administration
Position:Associate Professor

In the period of 2004-2018 Nino Dolidze worked at the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA), as a Head of Public Administration Unit and the Head of the Research Department. She is a Professor of Public Administration, conducts classes in public administration and organizational management and supervises researches at doctorate, master and undergraduate programs. In 2016, under the supervision of prof. J. Mahler from the George Mason University, USA, Nino Dolidze conducted the doctoral thesis on The Models of Training and Development in Georgian Public Sector and was awarded academic degree of Doctor of Social Sciences.
Nino Dolidze annually participates in international and local scientific conferences and workshops, publishes works on public administration issues. She is a co-author of several monographs, including Public Administration in Post-Communist Countries, Former Soviet Union, Central and Eastern Europe and Mongolia, published in 2013 by CRC Press.
As an expert and trainer she provides consultations and trainings in public administration, strategic planning, policy analysis, general management, organizational management and related fields for governmental and non-governmental organization. She is an author and director of several projects implemented at GIPA, such as: short-term training courses for the Georgian public servants, funded by the USAID under the Good Governance in Georgia (G3) project, organization of Students’ Debate Club funded by the OSI, qualification development courses for the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia etc.

Scientific interests / research interests

Public administration; civil service reform, public policy, organizational management, human resources management in public organizations

 Featured publications

⦁ Performance Appraisal of Cvil Servants – as Introduced by the New Law of Civil Service in the Georgian Public Sector; published in: The Choice-Architecture behind Policy Designs, From Policy Design to Policy Practice in the European Integration Context, editors de Vries M.S., Nemec J., Junjan V., NISPAcee, 2020
⦁ Training and Development Models for Public Sector Servants Envisaged by the New Law on Civil Service in Georgia; published in: European Administrative Space; Spreading Standards, Building Capacities, editors Ivan Koproc, Polonca Kovac, NISPAcee, 2017
⦁ Georgian Public Sector – Problems and Challenges in the Prism of the New Law on Civil Service; co-authors: Ghonghadze N., (GIPA), Edner S., (GMU) published in Ongoing Issues of Georgian Policy and Public Administration, ed. Bonnie Stabile, Nino Ghonghadze, Westphalia Press, 2017.

⦁ Public Administration in Georgia – Contemporary Cases, Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, School of Government, ISBN 978-9941-0-6747-1, (co-author), Tbilisi 2014
⦁ Public Administration in Post-Communist Countries, Former Soviet Union, Central and Eastern Europe and Mongolia, chapter: Public Administration in Georgia (co-author), CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), 2013

Articles in magazines
⦁ Public Administration Reforms in Georgia: Establishing Administrative Model for State Organizations In Caucasus Social Science Review (CSSR), vol 2, No1, 2015
⦁ Georgian Public Sector – Problems and Challenges (co-author Ghonghadze N.) Research conducted by the School of Government, Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, Tbilisi, April-October 2014
⦁ New Public Management Reform in Developing Countries. International Scientific Journal of the Georgian Social Academy of Young Scientists, Intellectual, N22, 2013

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Contemporary Management Principles in the Public Sector; Theories of the Origin of State; Comparative Public Administration

Intoduction to public administration, one semester, master’s, 2019
⦁ Public organizations’ management, one semester, bachelor’s 2019
⦁ Organizations’ theories, one semester, master’s 2017
⦁ Organizational management, one semester, bachelor’s 2018
⦁ Organizational behaviour, one semester, master’s, 2016
⦁ Introduction to general management, bachelor’s, 2016