Salome Pataridze studied German Philology at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (2003-2011). In 2020 she defended her PhD thesis in literary studies at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on “Peculiarities of Feminine Narrative in German and Georgian Poetry of the Second Half of the 20th Century“ . She has received scholarships of German Academic Exchange Service – (DAAD), Austrian Exchange Service (OeAD), Erasmus+ and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation within the frameworks of which she has done research visits to the University of Jena and Vienna. Since 2011, she has been working at Ilia State University.
Scientific interests / research interests
- Feminist narratology, feminist studies, feminine writing, intercultural and comparative literary studies
Featured publications
- Pataridze, Salome. “Gender Semantics of Artistic Space (fictional space)” in Litinfo. Volume 14/2020.
- Pataridze, Salome. Prospects of using a narratological approach and possible world theory to the study of poetic texts based on the example of poems of Ingeborg Bachmann and Lia Sturua. IJLLL 2020 Vol.6(2):94-98ISSN:2382-6282 DOI:10.18178/IJLLL.2020.6.2.257
- Pataridze, Salome. Difficulties of Constructing the Feminine Subject Resulting from Limitations of Language – Based on Poetic Texts of Ingeborg Bachmann and Lia Sturua. Journal of Narrative and Language Studies – June 2019, Volume 7 – Issue 12
- Pataridze, Salome. Women’s constructed world in literature (vol.3. , issue: 8, August, 2017) of IJASOS-International e-Journal of Advances in Social
- Pataridze, Salome. Female language and self-expression problems in the poetic texts by Ingeborg Bachmann and Lia Sturua. in journal ‘Sjani’
- პატარიძე, სალომე, მადონა გიორგაძე და თინათინ საბაური. „ სამეცნიერო წყაროებისმოძიებისა დაშეფასების კრიტერიუმები აკადემიური ნაშრომის შექმნის პროცესში“ განათლების მეცნიერება
- Pataridze, Salome, Tinatin Sabauri and Tinatin Sakhelashvili . “Education and Democracy” in Sociology Study. Print ISSN: 2159- 5526 Online ISSN: 2159-5534 DOI: 10.17265/2159-5526, David Publishing Company.
Eramsus+Academic Integrity for Quality Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Institutions in Georgia (INTEGRITY)- Within the framework of the project textbook “Academic Work Techniques” co- author