Direction:Arts and Cultural Studies
Position:Associate Professor

Manana Itonishvili, associate professor, worked as a deputy head of faculty of media communication at the University of Theater and Film from 1989 till 2010. She was conducting both Bachelor and Master degree courses.
In 1995-2003 Manana Itonishvili was a head of Rhetoric department at Batumi Art State University and a consultant at Adjara TV at the same time.
From 2008 till 2012 she worked as a consultant in TV “Sakartvelo”.
From 2003 till 2009 she was a Consultant of Social-Political Programs at the TV “Imedi”.
She worked as a consultant in media communication at TV “Tabula” and “TV-Pirveli” during a years.
From 2008 till now Manana Itonishvili is an Art Director of Expressive and visual direction at TV “Public Herald”.
From 2009 she has conducted courses in Rhetoric at different governmental and private institutions.
From 2010 she is a consultant in media communication at TV “Rustavi 2”.
From 2010 Manana Itonishvili works as a associate professor at Ilia State University leading bachelor and master degree courses. Under her supervision, Master Degree awarded to 20 Masters Students in media communication. She is a supervising 4 doctoral dissertation. The PhD students have completed prospectus and currently they are working on the finalization of the dissertation. She is the editor of several books, has translated book abstracts in media. She was participating in the international and local conferences. Also, number of masters and PhD students participated in international conferences under her supervision.

Scientific interests / research interests

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Speech Culture, Public Relations – Presentation; Principles of Business Communication; Types of public communication

Mastery of Media Communication

  • Basics of Business Communication (Part 1) (Bachelor)
  • Basics of Business Communication (Part 2) (Bachelor)
  • Speech culture, Presentation, public speeking (Bachelor)
  • Media and self-regulation (Master)
  • Basics of media theory (Master)
  • The art of media communication (Master)
  • The theory media communication and analysis of practice (Part 1) (Master)
  • The theory media communication and analysis of practice (Part 2) (Master)
  • The theory media communication and analysis of practice (Part 3) (Master)
  • The media Self-regulation (Master)
  • PhD course – Media communication

PhD practical course – Analysis of media communication and public relations

She is conducting courses for governmental and private institutions:

  • Verbal and nonverbal communication
  • The debate and critics
  • Presentation and the methods of presentation delivery
  • Informative public speaking
  • The structure of the text and implementation principles
  • Different types of public speaking
  • Communication to media
  • Busyness communication
