Position:Associate Professor

Born on April 27, 1976;  graduated Faculty of Mechanisms and Mathematics at I. Javakhishvili State University; worked at Meskhetian State University during 2000-2006, and carries out scientific activities at E. Karadze Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory since 2001, currently being a principal investigator of the research project “High-Enery Study of Active Galactic Nuclei”;  defended a PhD thesis at Ilia State University in 2010; thesis  name: Optical Behaviour of HBLs;  in the framework of different grant and scientific/academic exchange programs, carried out scientific activities at Italian National  Institute of Astrophysics and Space Physics – Palermo (2011-2013) and Department  of Astronomy at Michigan University (2013); main field of the research: active galactic nuclei; working at Ilia State University since 2008 (schools of Physics and Mathematics, Postgraduate Studies, Natural Science and Engineering); Principal Investigator  of fundamental research grant project “High-Energy Study of BL Lacertae Objects”, funded by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation;  Associated member of Brera Observatory (Merate, Milan, Italy; since 2017 May);  In 2021-2022, he was engaged in research work at the  Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg  (Germany) participant of  15 international scientific workshop;

Scientific interests / research interests

extragalactic astronomy; active galactic astronomy; black  holes; relativistic outflows; high-energy astronomy

Featured publications

  • Kapanadze, B.; Gurchumelia, A., Long-term multi-wavelength variability and extreme spectral properties of the TeV-detected blazar 1ES 0033+595, Astronomy & Astrophysics, DOI:, 2022, Vol. 668, A75
  • Kapanadze, B., The long-term multiwavelength observations of the blazar PKS 2005-489, Astroparticle Physics, 2021, Vol. 132, article id. 102620,…13202620K
  • Kapanadze, B.; Gurchumelia, A., Dorner, D.; Vercellone, S.; Romano, P.; + 4 თანაავტორი,
  • Swift Observations of Mrk 421 in Selected Epochs. III. Extreme X-Ra Timing/Spectral Properties and Multiwavelength Lognormality during 2015 December-2018 April, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2020, Vol. 247, Iss. 1, id. 27,
  • Kapanadze, B.; Vercellone, S.; Romano, P., Stochastic Acceleration in the relativistic jets of BL Lacertae objects, New Astronomy, 2020, Vol. 79, id. 101393
  • Kapanadze, S.; Kapanadze, B.; Vercellone, S.; Romano, P.; Neparidze, L., The swift observations of distant high-energy peaked BL Lacertae objects, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2020, Vol. 365, Iss. 4, id. 66,…66K/abstract
  • Kapanadze, B., BL Lacertae Objects: A Short Review, Communications of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (ComBAO), 2019, Vol. 66, Iss. 2, p. 121-142
  • Kapanadze, B.; Vercellone, S.; Romano, P., Relativistic Jet Of Markarian 421: Observational Evidences Of Particle Acceleration Mechanisms, Proceedings of Science, High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows VII. 9-12 July 2019; Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. Online at, id.15
  • Kapanadze, B.; Dorner, D.; Vercellone, S.; Romano, P.; Hughes, P.; + 5 თანაავტორი, Strong X-Ray and Multiwavelength Flaring Activity for 1ES 1959+650, 2016 August – 2017 November, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2018, Vol. 238, id. 13,…13K
  • apanadze, B.; Vercellone, S.; Romano, P.; Hughes, P.; Aller, M.; + 3 თანაავტორი, Strong X-ray flaring activity of the BL Lacertae source OJ 287 in 2016 October-2017 April, Montly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society, 2018, Vol. 480, pp. 407-430,
  • Kapanadze, b., Sub-Hour X-Ray Variability of High-Energy Peaked BL Lacertae Objects, Galaxies, 2018, Vol. 6, pp. 37-53,…6…37K
  • Kapanadze, B.; Vercellone, S.; Romano, P.; Hughes, P.; Aller, M.; + 4 თანაავტორი, An Extreme Spectral and Flux Variability in 2009-2012, The Astrophysical Journal , 2018, Vol. 858, id. 68, 26 pp.,…858…68K
  • Kapanadze, B.; Vercellone, S.; Romano, P.; Hughes, P.; Aller, M.; + 4 თანაავტორი, Swift Observations of Mrk 421 in Selected Epochs. I. The Spectral and Flux Variability in 2005-2008, The Astrophysical Journal, 2018, Vol. 854, id. 66, 27 pp.,…854…66K
  • Kapanadze, B.; Dorner, D.; Vercellone, S.; Romano, P.; Hughes, P.; + 5 თანაავტორი, The second strong X-ray flare and multifrequency variability of 1ES 1959+650 in 2016 January-August, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society, 2018, Vol. 473, pp. 2542-2564,
  • Kapanadze, B., The First- and Second-Order Fermi Acceleration Processes in BL Lacertae Objects, Galaxies, 2018, Vol. 6, 125-138,…6..125K/abstract
  • Kapanadze, B.; Dorner, D.; Romano, P.; Vercellone, S.; Mannheim, K.; + 6 თანაავტორი, 2017, The prolonged X-ray flaring activity of Mrk 501 in 2014, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, Vol. 469, pp. 1655-1672,
  • Kapanadze, B.; Dorner, D.; Romano, P.; Vercellone, S.; Kapanadze, S.; + 1 თანაავტორი, X-ray Flaring Activity of Mrk 421 in the First Half of 2013, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, Vol. 848, id. 103, 26 pp.,…848..103K
  • Kapanadze, S.; Kapanadze, B.; Romano, P.; Vercellone, S.; Tabagari, L., The swift observations of BL Lacertae object 1ES 2344+514, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2017, Vol. 362, id. 196, 14 pp.,
  • Kapanadze, B.; Dorner, D.; Vercellone, S.; Romano, P.; Kapanadze, S.; + 1 თანაავტორი, The GeV-band variability of Mrk 421, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 1792, id.050021, 6 pp.
  • Kapanadze, B.; Vercellone, S.; Romano, P.; Hughes, P., Aller, M., + 4 თანაავტორი, X-ray Flaring Activity of Markarian 421 in the First Half of 2013, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, Vol. 831, id. 102, 24 pp,…831..102K
  • Kapanadze, B.; Romano, P.; Vercellone, S.; Kapanadze, S.; Mdzinarishvili, T., A recent strong X-ray flaring activity of 1ES 1959+650 with possibly less efficient stochastic acceleration, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society, 2016, Vol. 461, pp. 26-31,
  • Kapanadze, B.; Romano, P.; Vercellone, S.; Kapanadze, S.; Mdzinarishvili, T.; + 1 თანაავტორი, The long- term Swift observations of the high-energy peaked BL Lacertae source 1ES 1959+650, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society, 2016, Vol. 457, 704-722,
  • Kapanadze, B.; Dorner, D.; Romano, P.; Vercellone, S.; Tabagari, L., The TeV blazar 1ES 1959+650 – a short review, 2017, Proceedings of the XII Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources Workshop, 12-17 June, 2017 Palermo, Italy (MULTIF2017) Online at, id.33,
  • Kapanadze, B.; Kapanadze, S.; Romano, P.; Vercellone, S.; Tabagari, L., Unprecedented X-ray Flaring Activity of Mrk 421 in 2013 April, Frontier Research in Astrophysics II, held 23-28 May, 2016 in Mondello (Palermo), Italy (FRAPWS2016). Online at bin/reader/conf.cgi?confid=269, id.33
  • Kapanadze, B.; Romano, P.; Vercellone, S.; Kapanadze, S.; Mdzinarishvili, T.; +1 თანაავტორი, The Presence of X-ray Spectral Curvature in HBLs at Different Redshifts, 2015, Proceedings of Science, online at, 56,
  • Kapanadze, B., Romano, P.; Vercellone, S.; Kapanadze, S., The X-ray behaviour of thehigh-energy peaked BL Lacertae source PKS 2155-304 in the 0.3-10 keV band, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, Vol. 444, 1077-1095,
  • Kapanadze, B.; Romano, P.; Vercellone, S.; Kapanadze, S.; Kharshiladze, G., The Swift-XRT observations of HBL Source 1ES 1959+650, 2014, Proceedings of Swift: 10 Years of Discovery (SWIFT 10), held 2-5 December 2014 at La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy. Online at,
  • Kapanadze, B., Kapanadze, S., Vardosanidze, M., Microvariability of 0.3-10 keV Flux in HBLSource PKS 2155-304, International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, 2014, Vol. 28, id. 1460179, 7 pp.,
  • Kapanadze, B., Microvariability of 0.3-10 keV Flux in HBL Source Mrk 421, Instability andEvolution of Stars, Proceedings of the Byurakan-Abastumani Colloquium dedicated to Ludwik Mirzoyan’s 90th anniversary, pp. 116-119, 2014, 1H/abstract
  • Kapanadze, Bidzina Z. , Catalog and Statistical Study of X-Ray Selected BL Lacertae Objects, The Astronomical Journal , 2013, Vol. 145, 31, 28 pp.,….145. 31K
  • Kapanadze, Bidzina Z.; Janiashvili, Edward, Variable synchrotron emission from BLLacertae objects. II. Optical and X-ray flares in HBL source 1ES 1959+650, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2012, Vol. 339, Issue 2, pp. 339-353,
  • Kapanadze, B.; Kapanadze, S., Swift/XRT observations of high-energy selected BLLacertae source PKS 2155-304, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 2013, Vol. 84, pp.737-742,
  • Kapanadze, Bidzina Z.; Janiashvili, Edward, Variable synchrotron emission from BLLacertae objects. I. Shick-in-Jet Scenario, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2012, Vol. 337, Iss. 1, pp. 343-351,
  • Kapanadze, B. Z., X-ray selected BL Lacertae objects: catalogue and statistical properties, Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics, 2012, Vol. 2, pp. 45-48,….2…45K/abstract
  • Kapanadze, B., Optical R band photometry of selected HBLs, Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 2010, Vol. 81, pp. 235-240,
  • Kapanadze, B., Optical R-band variability of seven X-ray-selected BL Lacertae objects, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2009, Vol. 398, pp. 832-840,
  • Kapanadze, B., Observational evidences of multiple shock waves in X-ray selected BL Lacerate objects, Astrophysics,   2009,      52,   pp.   358-368,            52..358K/abstract
  • Böttcher, M.; Basu, S.; Joshi, M.; Villata, M.; Arai, A.;+ 59 თანაავტორი, The WEBT Campaign on the Blazar 3C 279 in 2006, The WEBT Campaign on the Blazar 3C 279 in 2006, The Astrophysical Journal, 2007, Vol. 670, 968-977,…670..968B/abstract
  • Kurtanidze, O. M.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Kimeridze, G. N.; Sigua, L. A.; Kapanadze, B. Z., Optical variability of X-ray selected blazars, Proceedings of IAU Symposium, 2007, Vol. 238, pp. 399-400,
  • Kurtanidze, O. M.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Kimeridze, G. N.; Sigua, L. A.; Kapanadze, B. Z.; + 1 თანაავტორი, Long-term photometry of blazars at Abastumani Observatory, Proceedings of IAU Symposium, 2007, Vol. 238, 397-398,
  • Raiteri, C. M.; Villata, M.; Kadler, M.; Ibrahimov, M. A.; Kurtanidze, O. M. + 54 თანაავტორი, Multifrequency variability of the blazar AO 0235+164. The WEBT campaign in 2004-2005 and long- term SED analysis, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2006, Vol. 459, pp. 731-743,…459..731R/abstract
  • Kurtanidze, O. M.; Kapanadze, B. Z., Optical variability of X-ray selected Blazars, Cosmic Particle Acceleration, 26th meeting of the IAU, 2006, JD01, #23, 2 pp.
  • Kurtanidze, O. M.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Chanturiya, S. M.; Kimeridze, G. N.; Sigua, L. A.;
  • Kapanadze, B. Z.; Ivanidze, R. Z., CCD Photometry of X-ray Selected Blazars, Proceedings of the The X-ray Universe 2005 (ESA SP-604), 2006, pp. 637-638,…1E..23K/abstract
  • Kurtanidze, O. M.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Chanturiya, S. M.; Kimeridze, G. N.; Sigua, L. A.; +5 თანაავტორი, Activity of BL Lacertae during 1997-2005: Long-Term and Intraday Variability, Proceedings of the The X-ray Universe 2005 (ESA SP-604), 2006, pp. 635-636,
  • Villata, M.; Raiteri, C. M.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Ibrahimov, M. A.; +63 თანაავტორი, The WEBT BL Lacertae Campaign 2001 and its extension. Optical light curves and colour analysis 1994-2002, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2004, Vol. 421, pp. 103-114,…421..103V/abstract
  • Kurtanidze, O. M.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Kimeridze, G. N.; Sigua, L. A.; Kapanadze, B. Z.; +3 თანაავტორი, CCD photometry of blazars at Abastumani Observatory, Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements, 2004, Vol. 132, 197-199,
  • Kurtanidze, O. M.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Kapanadze, B. Z.; Kimeridze, G. N.; Sigua, L. A.; +3 თანაავტორი, R Band Photometry of X-Ray Selected BL Lacertae Objects: 1ES 0229+20, 1ES 0323+02, 1ES 0502+67, 1ES 0647+25, 1ES 0806+52, 1ES 0927+50, 1ES 1028+51, 1ES 1959+65 and 1ES 2344+51, Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements, 2004, Vol. 132, 193-196,
  • Kurtanidze, O. M.; Sikharulidze, M. A.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Kapanadze, B.; Urushadze, T., Optical R – band photometry of TeV BL Lac objects: 1ES1959 + 650 and 1ES2344 + 514, Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, 2003, Vol. 22, pp. 699-702,…22..703K/abstract
  • Kurtanidze, O. M.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Abuladze, O. P.; Chanturjia, S. M.; Kapanadze, B.; +2 თანაავტორი, BVRI charge-coupled device photometry of active galactic nuclei at Abastumani observatory, Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, 2003, Vol. 22, pp. 703-707,…22..699K/abstract

Astronomical Telegrams:

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Bachelor’s level

  • Stars, Galaxies and the Universe

Master’s level

  • Mathematical Physics

Bachelor’s level

  • Stars, Galaxies and the Universe

Master’s level

  • Stars Astronomy
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Observational Astronomy

2020-2021 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Introduction to Stellar and Extragalactic Astronomy
  • Modern Astronomical Observations
  • Introduction to Extragalactic Astronomy

Master’s level

  • Outer Galaxy Astronomy
  • Stars Astronomy

2019-2020 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Introduction to Stellar and Extragalactic Astronomy

Master’s level

  • Variable Stars
  • Stars Astronomy
  • Cosmic Rays Physics

2018-2019 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Introduction to Stellar and Extragalactic Astronomy

Master’s level

  • Outer Galaxy Astronomy

2017-2018 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Introduction to Stellar and Extragalactic Astronomy

2016-2017 Year

Bachelor’s level

  • Introduction to Stellar and Extragalactic Astronomy

Master’s level

  • Cosmic Rays Physics

2015-2016 Year

Master’s level

  • Multi-frequency Astronomy
  • Cosmic Rays Physics

2014-2015 Year

Master’s level

  • Selected Topics of Astronomy
  • Outer Galaxy Astronomy
  • Cosmic Rays Physics

 Doctoral level

  • Cosmic Rays Physics

2013-2014 Year

Master’s level

  • Outer Galaxy Astronomy
  • Cosmic Rays Physics

2012-2013 Year

Master’s level

  • Outer Galaxy Astronomy
  • Selected Topics of Astronomy

Doctoral level

  • Outer Galaxy Astronomy

2011-2012 Year

Master’s level

  • Outer Galaxy Astronomy
  • Cosmic Rays Physics

  • Referee of the journals: The Astrophysical Journal (American Astronomical Society) and Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society (Oxford University Press)
  • More than 140 my requests for the  Target of Opportunity observatuions with the NASA satellite Swift are approved
  • Close Scientific Contacts with
  • Stefano Vecellone and Partizia Romano (Brera Observatory, Merate, Italy)
  • Margo Aller, Hugh Aller, Philip Hughes, Mark Reynolds (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
  • Daniela Doner, Karl Mannheim, Amit Shukla (Julius-Maximillian Univesity, Wurzurg, Germany)
  • Sergio Cellone (CASLEO Observatory, Cordoba, Argentina)