Direction:Public Policy

Hans Gutbrod has worked in diverse contexts with policy research, and think tanks. From 2014, he has worked (via Transparify) to increase the transparency of policy research around the world. Hans previously worked as regional director of the Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC), from 2006 to 2012, and has also done research and consulting across Eastern Europe and in Timor-Leste. Hans regularly writes in various outlets, also with the On Think Tanks group. Hans has been working in the Caucasus region since 1999 and holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics. He is on Twitter at @HansGutbrod.

Scientific interests / research interests

policy studies, policy research, think tanks, transparency, role of civil society in politics, social capital

Featured publications

  • Ethics of Political Commemoration: Towards a New Paradigm, book, with David Wood, forthcoming August 2023, Palgrave, link
  • Wie die Würfel fallen: Aussichten auf das 20. Jahrhundert, Lettre, September 2023, link
  • Yerevan’s Cascade Memorial to Victims of Repression: Returning from Hilltop Marginalization, Slovo, June 2023, link
  • The Longest Journey – the Bolnisi Museum, OC Media, August 2022, link
  • Briuni or Brijoni – How to Remember Tito on his Luxury Island, Baltic Worlds, October 2022, link
  • Just War Theory: The Only Winner Across Four Grim Conflicts, Opinio Juris, June 2022, link
  • The Ethics of Political Commemoration: The Stalin Museum and Thorny Legacies in the Post-Soviet Space, PONARS Policy Memo, March, 2022, link
  • Russia’s Recent Invasion of Ukraine: the Just War Perspective, Global Policy Journal, March 2022, link
  • Reframing the Armenia-Turkey Relationship, Foreign Policy, June 2021, link
  • Assembling the Moral Puzzle – Just War Tradition and Karabakh, Global Policy Journal, February 2021, link
  • Ministers Reflect – David Lezhava, MoF 2012-2016, Civil.GE, August 2023, link
  • Ministers Reflect – Kaha Baindurashvili, MoF 2008-2011, Civil.GE, August 2022, link
  • Ministers Reflect – Keti Bochorishvili, MoE 2012-2017, Civil.GE, June 2021, link
  • Ministers Reflect – Tamuna Karosanidze, MoD 2012-2014, Civil.GE, February 2021, link
  • Adapting the Congress of Vienna to Karabakh, Foreign Policy, December 2020, link
  • Six Moonshot Ideas for Georgia 2030, Civil.GE, February 2020, link
  • Distract, Divide, Detach: Using Transparency and Accountability to Justify Regulation of CSOs, Transparency & Accountability Initiative, 2017
  • upcoming: Social Capital in Georgia – Four Challenges for Modernizers, Book Chapter, Peter Lang


Handbook for Professional Communication, published in Georgia (Sani), Bulgaria (Ciela), Mongolia (Academy), Armenia (Yerevan State University Press), Ukraine (Mohyla Academy), Russia (Wolters Kluwer), Nicaragua.

Articles in magazines

Georgian Households: Positive Long-Term Trends, Though Poverty Remains,, Issue 4, 2018. August-September,

Making Do With The Crew, Open Democracy, 10 October, 2016

An extensive list of publications

  • contributor to org, the leading blog on policy research institutions, with more than 200.000 visits; selected entries:
    • Advice to Think Tank Start-Ups: Don’t Do It Alone, link
    • How Think Tanks Work: Analyzing Budgets, link
    • How did Leading US Think Tanks Fare in 2012? Analysis by Numbers, link
    • The Brookings Institution: What Do Its Numbers Tell us, link
    • The Case for Data-Focused Think Tanks, link
  • Contributions to a Caucasus’ research blog,, selected entries:
    • Weak State Institutions, Weak Social Capital? Link
    • Georgian Social Capital in the Media, link
    • Surveying Corruption? Details Matter, link
    • Incomplete Big Mac Index for the Caucasus, link
  • Editor at Caucasus Analytical Digest, 2011-2012
  • Implausible Incarceration Data needs to be Addressed, Lancet Global Health, November 2013
  • Climbing the Mountain of Languages: Learning Georgian, with Malte Viefhus, Caucasus Review of International Affairs, Spring 2010
  • Euphorie in Georgien [Georgian attitudes to Europe], with Martin Müller; Europa Regional, 17 (2009) 4,
  • Georgian Attitudes to Russia: Surprisingly Positive, with Nana Papiashvili, Russian Analytical Digest, December 2009
  • “Is Georgia a Democracy Now?” – Views of the Georgian Electorate, with Koba Turmanidze, in: Adam Hug (Editor): Spotlight on Georgia, Foreign Policy Centre, 2009
  • Opinion Surveys and Exit Polls in Georgia 2008: Lessons Learned, OSCE Publication, Tbilisi, 2009
  • “The Syllabus as Contract, Strategy and Hypothesis” — working and training paper for Tbilisi State University, 2005
  • “Assessment Methods: an Overview for Georgian Practitioners” — working and training paper for Tbilisi State University, 2005
  • “Teaching how to make balanced judgements: lessons learnt in Georgian Universities”; book section, in: Andreas Umland (Ed.): Hochschulen in den postkommunistischen Staaten. Frankfurt, Peter Lang Verlag, 2004
  • Report on experiences of setting up Germany’s first Liberal Arts College, published with Germany’s main Higher Education research institute; 2003;> (German)
  • Practical Training Article, Training and Management Development Methods, June 2001, English


Current Courses

Course Catalog

Turning Points in Recent Georgian Politics; Introduction to Policy Analysis (ENG)