Associate Professor, Direction of Oriental Studies

Jaba Meskhishvili graduated from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in 2007 with a bachelor’s degree in specialty of expertise in international relations of eastern countries. In 2010 he received a Master’s degree in History at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. In 2010 he won a 2-year scholarship from the Government of Japan (MEXT) to study at Kobe University as a research student. In 2012 he won the Japanese Government 2-Year Scholarship (MEXT) for the second time and in 2014 received his Master’s degree (Kobe University, Department of Modern and Contemporary History of Japan). In 2012 – 2013 he worked as a lecturer assistant at Kobe University. In 2014, for the third time he won the Japanese Government 3-Year Scholarship (MEXT), and in 2017 he received a Ph.D in humanities (Kobe University, Department of Modern and Contemporary History of Japan – (title of the dissertation – “History of Japan-Georgia relations at the beginning of the 20th century”). In 2017-2022 he worked as an assistant researcher and associate researcher at the Giorgi Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies at Ilia State University. From 2018 he was the head of the Scientific Research and Development Department at the St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Georgian Patriarchate and a member of the Academic Council at the same institute. Since 2022 he is an Associate Professor at Ilia State University.

Scientific interests / research interests

Japanese Studies; History, culture, internal and foreign policy of the Far East; Connections between Georgia and the Far East;

Featured publications

  • “Russo-Japanese war and Georgians (1904-1905)”. The Near East and Georgia X, Ilia State University, 2018;
  • “Georgian Annexation into the Russia at the beginning of 19th century – re-examination of the purpose theory of expansion towards the black sea’’. Journal of Port Cities Studies, Kobe, 2017;

Articles in magazines

  • “Attitudes towards the Russia-Japan War (1904-1905) in Georgia Poetry’’. The Near East and Georgia X, Ilia State University, 2021;
  • “The Russo-Japanese War in Georgian Poetry’’. The Near East and Georgia X, Ilia State University, 2020;
  • “Several Reports About the First Republic of Georgia in the Japanese Press in 1918-1921 Years’’. The Near East and Georgia X, Ilia State University, 2019;

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Japanese Language Course A2; Japanese Language Course B1-2; General Course of the Far East

Japanese Language Course A1; Japanese Language Course B1-1;

  • Practical Course of Japanese Language B1.2 (Spring semester – BA, 2020 – )
  • Practical Course of Japanese Language B1.1 (Autumn semester – BA, 2019 – )
  • Practical Course of Japanese Language A2 (Spring semester – BA, 2018 – )
  • Practical Course of Japanese Language A1 (Autumn semester – BA, 2017 – )
  • General Course of Far East (Autumn and Spring semesters – BA, 2017 – )