Position:Full Professor

Levan Tsagareli studied German Philology at Ivane Javakhishvili State University of Tbilisi (TSU, 1998-2004) as well as Comparative Literature and Scandinavian Studies at the Universities of Hamburg (2001), Vienna (2002, 2009) and Stockholm (2005). He participated in Internationale Schillertage (Weimar, 1999), Summer School at Innsbruck University (2000), Summer School in Literature (Marbach a.N., 2003), Education Program of Open World Leadership Center (Chicago, 2010) and Summer Academy of  Robert Bosch Foundation (Stuttgart, 2014). In 2006-2009 Levan Tsagareli worked as Assistant Professor and manager of studies at the Faculty of Humanities of TSU. He did his PhD about Arno Schmidt’s Late Prose as Metafiction (2008). Since 2009 Levan Tsagareli works at Ilia State University (ISU). In 2010-2011 he was dean of College of Arts and Sciences at ISU. He made short-term research visits at the Universities of Saarbrücken (2008) and Düsseldorf (2010, 2013, 2014, 2016), Humboldt University in Berlin (2014), University of Vienna (2009, 2015) and Universität Freiburg (2016). Levan Tsagareli is a jury member of ISU Award for Literature (The Best Novel of the Year) and a committee member at Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD). Within the scope of Go East program of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) he organized the annual summer school Fascination Caucasus for German students (2013-2014). Since 2016 Levan Tsagareli conducts research within the grant project Georgian Cultural Heritage in Germany financed by the Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Foundation. He facilitates regularly the Student’s Book Club meetings at ISU.

Scientific interests / research interests

  • German Literature in the twentieth century
  • Poetics of Postmodernist Novel
  • Narratology
  • Metafiction
  • Literary and Cultural Analysis (Deconstruction)
  • Intercultural and Comparative Literary Studies
  • Theory of Intermediality and Interart Studies (Literature and Arts)

Featured publications in German

  1. Tsagareli, Levan (2016) Die Dezentrierung als transkulturelles Merkmal der postmodernen österreichischen und georgischen Künstlernarrative. Chancen und Schwierigkeiten des interkulturellen Dialogs über ästhetische Fragen, 13. pp. 103-117. ISSN 978-3-643-50714-3
  2. Tsagareli, Levan (2014) William T. Kolderup als unzuverlässiger Erzähler (Zur narrativen Struktur von Arno Schmidts Roman Die Schule der Atheisten). Germanistische Studien (11). pp. 216-228. ISSN 1512-3251
  3. Tsagareli, Levan (2011) Der ‚Strom der Heldenlieder‘ vs. das ‚winzige Rinnsal‘. Epos als eine maskuline Konstruktion und deren Demontage in Christa Wolfs “Kassandra”. Sprache und Literatur im Spannungsfeld von Politik und Ästhetik. Christa Wolf zum 80. Geburtstag. Hg. v. Sabine Fischer-Kania & Daniel Schäf, 30-40. München: iudicium.
  4. Tsagareli, Levan (2011) Gefühl als Simulation in Patrick Süskinds “Das Parfum”. Germanistische Studien (10). pp. 274-280. ISSN 1512-3251
  5. Tsagareli, Levan (2010) Besonderheiten des eschatologischen Chronotopos in Christoph Ransmayrs Die letzte Welt. Modern Austrian Literature, 43 (3). pp. 55-75. ISSN 0026-7503
  6. Tsagareli, Levan (2010) Die Anfänge der Arno-Schmidt-Rezeption in Georgien. In: Arno Schmidt global. Eine Bestandsaufnahme der internationalen Rezeption 1950–2010. edition text+kritik, München, pp. 126-127. ISBN 978-3-86916-086-3
  7. Tsagareli, Levan (2009) Die Dekonstruktion der Figuren in Christoph Ransmayrs ”Die letzte Welt”. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, 155. pp. 134-147. ISSN 0049-8653
  8. Tsagareli, Levan (2007) Formen der Selbstreflexion in Arno Schmidts “Abend mit Goldrand”. Bargfelder Bote. Materialien zum Werk Arno Schmidts (301-2). pp. 21-30. ISSN 0342-8036
  9. Tsagareli, Levan (2007) Fiktionalität als Deviation des Erzählaktes. Germanistische Studien (7). pp. 107-113. ISSN 1512-3251
  10. Tsagareli, Levan (2006) Die Besonderheiten der Realitätskonstruktion in Arno Schmidts ”Abend mit Goldrand”. Literatur im Unterricht. Texte der Moderne und Postmoderne in der Schule, 3. pp. 209-220. ISSN 1615-6447

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Introduction to Applied German Studies; German Language Literature from Modernism to Postmodernism; Occidental Literature since Middle Ages; Theories of Literary Studies; Trauma in Literature and Culture: Theoretical Positions and Analytical Approaches; From Dialogicity towards Intermediality: Core Principles of Comparative Study of Literature

Introduction to Cultural Studies; Bachelor’s Thesis (Literary Studies); Fantastic Fiction; The Theory of Narrative; Literature and Culture of the German-Speaking World in the 20th Century; Sociology of Literature: Production, Distribution, Reception

  • BA course Medieval German Literature
  • BA course German Literature from Enlightenment to Romanticism
  • BA course German Literature from Realism to Expressionism
  • BA course German Literature from Modernism to Postmodernism
  • BA course Literature and Cinema
  • BA course Introduction to Cultural Studies
  • BA course History of Novel in the 18th-20th Centuries
  • BA course European Literature in the 18th-20th Centuries
  • BA course Literary Text Analysis
  • BA course Introduction to Literature
  • BA course Fantastic in the Western Literature
  • MA course Narratology
  • MA course Historical Poetics of Narrative Genres
  • MA course German Poetry
  • MA course German Literature in the 20th Century
  • MA course German Novel
  • MA course Methods of Literary Studies
  • PhD Seminar
  • Research Seminar (for PhD students)
  • PhD course Interpretation Theories (Literary Semantics)

Conference Papers (Unpublished):

  1. Tsagareli, Levan (2015) Zum Wandel der Semantik von grauer Farbe zwischen Moderne und Postmoderne. (Rilke, Mann, Ortheil, Modick). In: Rainer Maria Rilke-Tagung in Tbilisi, 29-30 Ovtober 2015, Tbilisi.
  2. Tsagareli, Levan (2009) Der Paradigmenwechsel im germanistischen Literaturunterricht an der Staatlichen Ivane Javakhishvili Universität Tbilisi. In: გერმანული ენა – გზა ევროპისკენ, 12-15.09.2007, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
  3. Tsagareli, Levan (2008) Kanonwechsel in den Lehrveranstaltungen zur neueren deutschsprachigen Literaturgeschichte an der Staatlichen Ivane Javakhishvili Universität Tbilisi. In: Zukunft der Germanistik an der Staatlichen Ivane Javakhishvili Universitaet Tbilissi, 08.10.2008 , Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.