Position:Associate Professor

In 1998-2000 Nino Rodonaia studied at the faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University.

In 2000-2003 Nino pursued her postgraduate studies in the history of Philosophy at Tbilisi State University.

In 2006-2011 Nino Rodonaia pursued her PhD studies at Ilia State University. In 2012 she defended her PhD thesis titled “The Crisis of the German Idealism in “the Ages of the World” by Schelling”.

In 2008-2013 she was an Assistant Professor and since 2013 she has been an Associate Professor at Ilia State University.

Since 2012 she has been working for Savle Tsereteli Institute for Philosophy.

Since 2013 she has founded and managed the “Bioethics Center” at Ilia State University. The Center cooperates with “Centrum für Bioethik ” and “Kolleg-Forschergruppe „Theoretische Grundfragen der Normenbegründung in Medizinethik und Biopolitik“‘ at the University of Muenster.

In various years Nino won the following stipends and grants:

  • In 2019 – received the DAAD research stipend Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists at the University of Muenster;
  • In 2018 – received stipend of Joint Rustaveli-DAAD-fellowship programme at the University of Muenster;
  • In 2016 received the funding for DAAD Bilateral Exchange of Academics at the University of Jena.
  • In 2015 she was an fellow at the University of Muenster;
  • In 2013-2014 won an Erasmus post-doctoral stipend at the University of Jena;
  • In 2010-2011 – won a Heinrich-Hertz research stipend for PhD students at the University of Muenster and worked on her doctoral thesis with the scientific supervisor Prof. Ludwig Siep;
  • In 2010 – won a short-term grant from Academic Swiss Caucasus Net (ASCN) at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland);
  • In 2007 won a research stipend for PhD students at the University of Kassel;

In various years, Nino Rodonaia managed the project titled “Ethical Issues with Transplantation Medicine in Georgia”.

She along with the University of Muenster was a Coordinator for the project “The German-Georgian Project in Bioethics” (Financed by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschungfi). As a researcher she participated in projects “The Revival of Political Theology in Georgia” and “Recognition and Inter-subjectivity – the basis for the Democratic Society”.

Scientific interests / research interests

  • In the History of Philosophy:
  • Philosophy of German Idealism: Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Schelling
  • In Systematic Philosophy:
  • Ethics
  • Applied Ethics
  • Bioethics
  • Medical Ethics

Featured publications

“Meaning and Importance of Language in Hegel’s Philosophy and its Transformations in the Soviet Times”, In: Fondements historiques et ancrages culturels des langues, Série monographique en sciences humaines 20, sous la direction de Ali Reguigui, Julie Boissonneault et Mzago Dokhtourichvili, Human Sciences Monograph Series 20,  Sudbery, Ontario, Canada , 2017, 255-266.

On the Formation of the Concept of Human Dignity in Georgia from the Late 19th Century Until Today, In: Deutsch-Georgische Jahrbücher. (Preparation for publication).

Hegels Philosophie und der sowjetische Marxismus (Georgische Erfahrungen), In: Hegel-Jahrbuch. Hegel-Jahrbuch Volume 2015, Issue 1. Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2016, 221-225.

An extensive list of publications

The concept of Dignity and its philosophical basis, Logik und Philosophie, Tbilisi, 2017, 143-159.

Media Ethics and Human Dignity, In: Semiotics, XVII, 2017, 155-160.

Rezeptionen der Philosophie Hegels in Georgien seit dem 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart“. In: Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung N15-17, 2014, 137-158.

Thinking space in 19th century Georgia, In: Topic 19, Tbilisi, 2013. 7-9.

Love as an Expression of the Essence of Religion in Hegel’s Philosophy from the Frankfurt Period, Religion, 2004, p.p. 74-82.

Criticizing speculative philosophy in the papers of young Hegel, In: Religion, 2004. 7–8–9. 47–57.

Conceptions of Life and Love in Young Hegel’s Philosophy, Philosophical Insights, 2003, p.p. 119-136.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Introduction to Bioethics; Introduction to Ethics (Ethics); Introduction to Contemporary Thought II

Idea of Freedom in German Idealism; Bachelor Thesis (Philosophy); Introduction to Ethics (Ethics); Introduction to Contemporary Thought I

BA Level

  1. Idea of Freedom in German Idealism— 2019-20 spring semester; 2019-2020 winter semester; 2017-2018 spring semester; 2016-2017 winter semester; 2014-2015 winter semester; 2012-2013 winter semester; 2011-2012 winter semester; 2009-2010 spring semester; 2008-2009 spring semester.
  2. Introduction to Contemporary Thought I —2019-2020 winter semester; 2017-2018 winter semester; 2016-2017 winter semester; 2015-2016 spring semester; 2014-2015 winter semester; 2012-2013 winter semester; 2010-2011 spring semester; 2011-2012 winter semester; 2009-2010 winter semester.
  3. Introduction to Contemporary Thought II — 2019-2020 spring semester; 2018-2019 spring semester; 2017-2018 sprin semester; 2016-2017 spring semester; 2014-2015 spring semester; 2012-2013 spring semester; 2011-2012 spring semester; 2009-2010 spring semester.
  4. History of Modern philosophy— 2011-2012 spring semester; 2009-2010 winter semester.
  5. Empiricism and Rationalism — 2014-2015 spring semester; 2012-2013 spring semester.
  6. Philosophy of happiness — 2012-2013 spring semester.
  7. Ethics — 2019-2020 winter semester; 2017-2018 winter semester; 2016-2017 spring semester; 2015-2016 spring semester.
  8. History of Philosophy 2 — 2018-2019 spring semester.
  9. Introduction to Bioethics — 2019-2020 winter semester.