Professor Emeritus

E. Kochlamazashvili was born on 22 February, 1950, in the village of Kvemo Bodbe (Signagi region). In 1967 he graduated from the local High School. He continued his studies at and graduated from several Universities: Georgian Polytechnical University, in Electronic and Digital Machinary (graduated in 1973); Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Tbilisi State Pedagogical University, in Phylology (graduated in 1994), Tbilisi 4th Musical School (graduated in 1973); Theological Seminary of Mtskheta (graduated in 1976);The three-year Ulphan calsses in Hebrew at Sokhnut (graduated in 1998).

In 2002 he defended a doctoral thesis at the Institute of Literature, Georgian Academy of Sciences, and was awarded the degree of a candidate of Phylological Sciences.

In 1977-83 he served at the Georgian Church. In 1994-2006 he worked at Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Tbilisi State Pedagogical University, Chair of Religion and Culture, in a position of a teacher, and since 2002 as an Associate Professor. From 2006 to present E. Takaishvili works at Ilia State University and is a Full Professor. Simultaniously, from 2010 to present he has been a Senior Research Scholar st K. Kekelidze National Center of Manuscripts. He has been lecturing at several Universities.
E. Takaishvili has published some 120 scholarly works, including three books. He was a contributor of several local and International scholarly conferences. He is a publisher and an editor of a periodical “Studies in Christian Archaeology” (Since 2008 six volumes were published). He has been an editor of some 30 books.

Scientific interests / research interests

Old Georgian translated literature, Georgian-Byzantine literary relations, codicology, lexicology, hymnography, ethnology, liturgics.

Featured publications

  1. E. Kochlamazashvili, On the Issue of Interrelation of Three Ascetic Readings, Signed by Ephrem the Syrian: Studies in Christian Archeology IX, 2016-2017 , pp. 194-282.
  2. E. Kochlamazashvili, The Anonymous Praise Poem Appended to Giorgi the Athonite’s Translation of Paraklitikos From Mount Athos: Studies in Christian ArcheologyIX, 2016-2017, pp. 455-472.
  3. E. Kochlamazashvili, Z. Skhirtladze, Inscription from the Liparitisubani Church: Studies in Christian Archeology IX, 2016-2017, pp. 685-696.
  4. E. Kochlamazashvili, Concerning Origination of an Old Georgian Term მარტჳლია.Edited by DilianaAtanassova and TinatinChronz, ΣΥΝΑΞΙΣΚΑΘΟΛΙΚΗ. Contributions to Worship and History of the Five Old-Church Patriarchs, Dedicated to HeinzgerdBrakmann on his 70th birthday (orientalia – patristica – oecumenica vol. 6,1 + 6,2 ). Verlag Berlin, Münster, Wien 2014, pp. 381—390.
  5. E. Kochlamazashvili, Translation of St. Ephrem the Syrian’s « Teachings » by Ephrem Mtsire. Studies in Christian Archaeology, vol. VI, 2013, pp. 19-507.
  6. E. Kochlamazashvili, Orationis Dominicae Exclamatio, Studies in Christian Archaeology, vol. V, Publishing House “Akhali Sakartvelo”, Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 9-37
  7. E. Kochlamazashvili, Orationis Dominicae Brevis Expositio of St Maximus the Confessor in Euthymius the Athonite’s Translation, Studies in Christian Archaeology, V, Publishing House “Akhali Sakartvelo”, Tbilisi, 2012, pp. 38-78
  8. E. Kochlamazashvili, The Motives of Sactalization of Day and Years in Medieval Georgia and Nowadays. Political Theology: Prior to and after Modernity (Ed. Giga Zedania), Tbilisi 2012, pp. 167-186.
  9. E. Kochlamazashvili, A Hitherto Unknown Colophone by Ephrem Mtsire on the Literary source of the Life of St Ephraim the Syrian by Symeon the Metaphrastes. Studies in Christian Archaeology, IV Publishing House “Akhali Sakartvelo”, Tbilisi, 2011, 373-426.
  10. 10. T. Dolidze, E. Kochlamazashvili, Old Georgian Translations of Gregory of Nyssa’s Works: Gregory of Nyssa: The Minor Treatises on Trinitarian Theology and Apollinarsm. Proceedings of the 11th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa (Tuebingen 17-20 September 2008), Edited by Volker Henning Drecoll and Margitta Berghaus. Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae. Texts and Studies of Early Christian Life and Language,Vol. 106. Brill, Leiden-Boston 2011, 577-592.
  11. E. Kochlamazashvili, The Acoluthias of the Cathechesis and Baptism in the Early Georgian Collections of the Euchologion: Studies in Christian Archaeology, III, Publishing House “Akhali Sakartvelo”, Tbilisi, 2010, pp. 578-646.
  12. E. Kochlamazashvili, About an Attribution of Pseudo-Chrysostom’s Homily. Studies in Christian ArchaeologyII, Tbilisi 2009, pp. 342-374.
  13. E. Kochlamazashvili, St Giorgi the Hagiorite’s Translation of St Gregory of Nyssa’s Work De Hominis Opificio: Studies in Christian Archaeology, II, Publishing House “AkhaliSakartvelo”, Tbilisi, 2009, pp. 54-235.
  14. T. K. De Vita Gregorii Thaumaturgi: The Brill Dictionary of Gregory of Nyssa. Edited by L.F. Mateo-Seco and G. Maspero. Brill (Leiden, Boston) 2010, 718-720.
  15. Towards the Attribution of the Georgian Translation of the OratioCatechetica Magna of St Gregory of Nyssa.Kadmos (Journal of Studies of Humanities) I, Tbilisi 2009, 109-114


  1. The Life of the Holy Fathers Ioane and Eptvime the Athonites. Prepared for publication, translated into modern Georgian and supplied with footnotes by Ekvtime Kochlamazashvili. The Church Publishing House “New Iviron” (The series “Motherland, Language and Faith” , vol. 9), Tbilisi 2016.
  2. The Life of Giorgi the Athonite. Prepared for publication, translated into modern Georgian and supplied with footnotes by Ekvtime Kochlamazashvili. The Church Publishing House “New Iviron” (The series “Motherland, Language and Faith” , vol. 10), Tbilisi 2016.
  3. Kochlamazashvili, St.Ephraim the Syrian, The Teachings, Georgian version, vol. 1.The Teachings of St. Ephraim (Part 1) Translated by EphremMtsire (Karichis-dze).Prepared for publication by T. Kochlamazashvili. Publishing House “Alilo”, Tbilisi 2015.
  4. Jean de Bolnisi, Homélies des Dimanches de Carême Suivant la Tradition de Jérusalem et Autres Homélies (I-XIV). Texte géorgien S. Sardjveladze (I-X), T. Mgaloblišvili (XI et XIV), E.KoÇlamazašvili (XII- XIII). Introduction, traduction, choix des varianteset notes StéphaneVerhelst, Paris 2015.
  5. Comments on the Apostolicum, Selected Fragments from the Works of John the Chryzostom and of other Fathers, Translated by EphremMtsire (Karichis-dze), vol. 1. Prepared for publication by T. Kochlamazashvili. Publishing House “Alilo”, Tbilisi 2011.
  6. E. Kochlamazashvili and T. Dolidze, Description of Georgian Manuscripts Including St Gregory of Nyssa’s works, Tb., 2009.
  7. Typikon of Shiomgvime Monastery. Prepared for publication by T. Kochlamazashvili and E. Giunashvili, Tb. 2005
  8. Editorial Peculiarities of a Big Euchologion from Sinai, Tb. 2002.
  9. Commentaries on the Epistles of st Paul, edited by T. Kochlamazashvili, Tb., 2003.

An extensive list of publications

1.E. Kochlamazashvili,Teachings About Prayer Ascribed to St Nilus of Sinai and Its Georgian Translation: Studies in Christian Archeology, IX, 2016-2017, pp.163-193.

  1. E. Kochlamazashvili, For Publication of a Text of “St. Macrina’s Life” (Afterword of the Editor): Studies in Christian Archeology, IX, 2016-2017, pp. 370-381.
  2. E. Kochlamazashvili, Three Panegyrical Readings Glorifying the Holy Martyrs by St Gregory of Nyssa and Their Old Georgian Translation:Studies in Christian Archeology IX, 2016-2017, pp. 382-442.
  3. E. Kochlamazashvili, “Nation Called by Name of Christ”: For Understanding a Phrase From the Hymn„უფალო, შემიწყალენ ჩუენ“ (“Lord, have mercy on us…”): Studies in Christian ArcheologyIX, 2016-2017,pp. 474-490.
  4. E. Kochlamazashvili, Speech Delivered by Iona Khelashvili on St. Nino’s Feast Day. Uplis Ttsikhe no. 4, 2017, pp. 10-24.
  5. E. Kochlamazashvili, Once again about Armationi. Kadmos (Journal of Studies of Humanities), no. 7. Tbilisis 2015, pp. 319-325.
  6. E. Kochlamazashvili, For Explanation of the Name of St. George Church of Armationi (Hagionomic Comment). Kadmos (Journal of Studies of Humanities), no. 6, Tbilisi 2014, pp. 369-3758. ΕυθυμίουΚοτσλαμαζασβιλι, Πεντηκοστή, ηίασητηςυπερηφανείαςτουγένουςτωνανθρώπωνΑγιοςΣπυριδων, Περιοδικήέκδοσιςιεράςμητροπολεωςπριμυθούντος, Λευκωσία 2014, τευχοςε՛, 33-35.
  7. E. Kochlamazashvili, The Rule of Teaching: Uplis Tsikhe no. 3, 2014, pp. 27-38.
  8. E. Kochlamazashvili, What Kind of Feast is Otsoba? Kadmos (Journal of Studies of Humanities), no. 5, Tbilisi 2013, pp. 248-258.
  9. 11. Kochlamazashvili, Homily in Praise of a Miracle of St. Theodore Tiro by Nectarius of Constantinople. In a Collection of Works “Theological and Literary School of Athos”, ed. MakaElbakidze, Publishing House of the Institute of Literature, Tbilisi, 2013, pp. 307-326
  10. E. Kochlamazashvili, Z. Skhirtladze, Chants of All Saints in Zhamn-Gulani of Kanchaeti: Studies in Humanities (Annual), IV (Faculty of Humanities, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University), 2013, pp. 227-272.
  11. E. Kochlamazashvili, Selection of Dogmatic Excerpts in a Fragmented Manuscript of the 10th-Century (No. 209 from the New Collection of the National Center of Manuscripts). Studies in Christian Archeology, VI, 2013, pp. 9-18.
  12. E. Kochlamazashvili, The Rule for a Priest. Kadmos (Journal of Studies of Humanities), 4, 2012, pp. 337-352.
  13. E. Kochlamazashvili, A Symbol of Faith (Brief Narration of Dogmas) in Old Georgian Translations. Calendar of the Georgian Apostolic Church, 2012, pp. 139-155.
  14. E. Kochlamazashvili, N. Makharadze, New Bibliographic Series about Literature in Old Georgian Translation. Kartvelology, 5, 2012, pp. 98-102.
  15. E. Kochlamazashvili, “God Will Betray All Languages by this Language” Studies in Christian Archaeology, 4,Tbilisi, 2011, pp. 484-493.
  16. 18. E. Kochlamazashvili, Two ascetic Orationes Ascribed to St Gregory of Nyssa.Studies in Christian Archaeology, 4, Tbilisi, 2011, 204-242.
  17. 19. E. Kochlamazashvili, Allegory of Treasure in the Ascetikon of Ephraim the Syrian Studies in Christian Archaeology, 4, Tbilisi, 2011, 243-254.
  18. 20. E. Kochlamazashvili, The Anointment Phrayer in the Old Georgian Euchologion Collections Studies in Christian Archaeology, 4, Tbilisi, 2011, 494-509.
  19. E. Kochlamazashvili, A.Kshutashvili, hrism Blessing in Georgia. Uplis Tsikhe 1, 2011, pp. 16-18.
  20. E. Kochlamazashvili, The Homily of St. John the Chrysostom “For Holy Mass” and its Old Georgian Translation. Studies in Christian Archaeology, III, 2010, pp. 188-210.
  21. E. Kochlamazashvili, Miracle of Faith, i.e. Symbol of Faith in Old Georgian Translations. Studies in Christian Archaeology, III, 2010, pp. 11-125.
  22. E. Kochlamazashvili, “Life of St. Gregory the Wonderworker” by St. Gregory of Nyssa and its Old Georgian Translations: Studies in Christian Archaeology, II, Tb. 2009, pp. 375-539.
  23. Taisi Toronjadze (60 Years in Service of the Georgian Church Chanting), Jubilee Album. Compiled by Ekvtime Kochlamazashvili, Tb. 2010.
  24. E. Kochlamazashvili, The Most Ancient Hymnographic Regulations for Mentioning Shiomgvimeli. The Syrian Fathers in Eastern and Western Traditions, Tb. 2009, pp. 316-323.
  25. E. Kochlamazashvili, For Establishing a Critical Text of Ioane Zedazneli’s “Life”. The Syrian Fathers in Eastern and Western Traditions, Tb. 2009, pp. 163-167.
  26. E. Kochlamazashvili, For Identity of Khursime the Apostle. Kadmos (Journal of Studies of Humanities), 1, Tb. 2009, pp. 294-296.
  27. E. Kochlamazashvili, For Attribution of Old Georgian Translation of the “Big Catechetical Oration” by St. Gregory of Nyssa. Kadmos (Journal of Studies of Humanities), 1, Tb. 2009, pp. 96-108.
  28. E. Kochlamazashvili, Filling in the Ellipsis or Shifting the Emphasis? Byzantology in Georgia, 2 (In Memory of Acad. Grigol Tsereteli), Ed. Neli Makharadze, Marina Giorgadze, v. 1, Tb. 2009, pp. 359-364.
  29. E. Kochlamazashvili, A Reading for the Day Before Epiphany (homily on the gospel of Matthew 3, 17) by St. Gregory of Nyssa and its Literary Parallels. Byzantology in Georgia, 2 (In Memory of Acad. Grigol Tsereteli), Ed. Neli Makharadze, Marina Giorgadze, v. 1, Tb. 2009, pp. 350-358.
  30. E. Kochlamazashvili, Selected Translations from St. JohnClimacus’ “The Ladder of Divine Ascent” in Post-Athonite Books of . Journal “Religia”, no. 1, 2009, pp/ 18-29 and no.2, 2009, pp. 5-15.
  31. E. Kochlamazashvili, Oratio Catechetica Magna by Gregory of Nyssa and its Old Georgian Translation. Studies in Christian Archaeology, I, Publishing House “Akhali Sakartvelo”, Tbilisi, 2008, pp. 7-204.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Literature in Georgian Patristics (2nd semester, Master’s studies).
Theology of the New Testament ( 1st semester, Master’s studies).
Codicology (1st semester, Master’s studies).
Eastern Christian Typos and Liturgical Literature (1st semester, Master’s studies).
Methodology and Practice of Working with Critical Texts (2nd semester, Master’s studies).
Georgian Classical Poem ( Autumn, Bachalor’s studies).
At the Origins of Georgian Translation Culture (2nd semester, Bachalor’s studies).
New Testament and Exegetics (Bachalor’s studies).
History of Manuscripts (Bachalor’s studies).

History and Experience of Textological and Dogmatological Studies of the Georgian Literature in Patristics (Academic year 2014-15, Spring; Academic year 2011-12, Spring; Doctoral studies).
Old Georgian Lexicology and Lexicography (Academic year 2015-16, Autumn, Master’s studies).
Eastern Christian Typos and Liturgical Literature (Academic year 2015-16, 1st semester, Master’s studies).
Eastern Christian Literature in Misticism and Asceticism (Academic year 2015-16, Autumn, Master’s studies).
Methodology and Practice of Working with Critical Texts (Academic year 2015-16, Autumn; 2014-15, Autumn; Academic year 2012-13, Spring; 2012-13, Autumn. Master’s studies).
Georgian Literature in Dogmatics and Theology (Academic year 2014-15, Spring; Academic year 2012-13, Spring. Master’s studies).
Literature in Georgian Patristics (Academic year 2014-15, Autumn, Master’s studies).
Hagiology (Academic year 2014-15, Spring; Academic year 2012-13, Spring. Master’s studies).
Theology of the New Testament (Academic year 2014-15, Autumn; Academic year 2013-14, Spring; Academic year 2013-14,Autumn. Master’s studies).
History and Theology of Church Service (Academic year 2013-14, Spring; Academic year 2012-13, Spring. Master’e studies).
At the Origins of Georgian Translation Culture (Academic year 2015-16, Spring; Academic year 2014-15, Spring; Academic year 2013-14, Spring; Academic year 2012-13, Spring; Academic year 2011-12, Spring. Bachelor’s studies).
Exegetics of the New Testament (Academic year 2015-16, Spring; Academic year 2013-14, Spring; Academic year 2013-14, Autumn; Academic year 2012-13, Autumn. Bachelor’s studies).
History of the Georgian Church (Academic year 2015-16, Autumn; 2014-15, Autumn; Academic year 2013-14, Autumn; Academic year 2012-13, Autumn. Bachelor’s studies).
History of Manuscripts (Academic year 2016-17, Autumn Academic year 2015-16, Spring; 2014-15, Autumn; Academic year 2012-13, Autumn. Bachelor’s studies).
Georgian Classical Poem (Academic year 2016-17, Spring. Bachelor’s studies).