Direction: Management
Position:Associate Professor

Kakha Karchkhadze graduated from Tbilisi State University, received MS degree in biology and chemistry in 1981 and BA in English Language in 1990.

Kakha Karchkhadze worked in various leading universities in Europe and the USA, among them Cornell University, Pennsylvania State University, and University of North Texas; his scientific interest and research fields were: agribusiness management and rural development, technology transfer, security of intellectual property, alternative, renewable energies.

At Ilia State University Kakha Karchkhadze led large technological projects; in 2015 he was the manager of the project to build the first solar power station build in Georgia with 35 kV installed capacity; In 2016-17 he fulfilled the project “Development of Biofuel in Georgia”, which later on provided the basis for launching the first biodiesel plant in Georgia, producing alternative, renewable, eco-friendly fuel – biodiesel.

From 2014 to 2017 years Kakha Karchkhadze was invited as the advisor to the Government of Georgia to work on “Low Emissions Development Strategies” (LEDS) for Georgia; from 2019 he has been a member of the consulting council at The Sector Economy and Economic Policy Committee of the parliament of Georgia.

Kakha Karchkhadze has published more than two dozen scientific works; he participated in several dozen symposiums and conferences, among them as an invited speaker, he has received many certificates and an award from the US government.

Scientific interests / research interests

  • Management and commercialization of innovative technology, climate change, alternative, renewable energy

Kakha Karchkhadze, Natela Khetsuriani, Elza Topuria, Irina Mchedlishvili. Madlena Chkhaidze. STUDY OF PELETTES OBTAINED FROM BIOMASS. 8th   International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers & Advances Materials  ICSP & AM 8, 2023, 1-3 August, Tbilisi, Georgia. p.135.
Natela Khetsuriani, Madlena Chkhaidze, Elza Topuria, Kakha Karchkhadze, Irina Mchedlishvili. PRODUCTION OF ETHANOL FROM BIOMASS ­– RESEARCH AND PERSPECTIVES. 8th   International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advances Materials  ICSP & AM 8, 2023, 1-3 August, Tbilisi, Georgia. p.139.
Karchkhadze Kakha, Khetsuriani Natela. Improving of Quality of Biodiesel Fuel Derived from Bioresources. Book Abstract of the 4th Bioenergy Studies Symposium.  Abstract E-Book, May 26-27, 2022,  Samsun, Turkey
N.T.Khetsuriani, K.J. Karchkhadze, V.G.Tsitsishvili. Improving storage time and technical specifications of biodiesel. Book of Abstracts XII International Mass Spectrometric Conference on Petrochemistry, Environmental and Food Chemistry – Petromass 2022, p.41. 16-23 October 2022,Grete, Greece.
N.T.Khetsuriani, E.N.Topuria, I.J.Mchedlishvili, K.J. Karchkhadze, Study of Photochemical Oxidation of Petroleum and Petroleum Products.  Book of Abstracts XII International Mass Spectrometric Conference on Petrochemistry, Environmental and Food Chemistry – Petromass 2022, p.39. 16-23 October 2022, Crete, Greece.
Khetsuriani Natela, Karchkhadze Kakha, Biofuel from Georgian Secondary Raw Materials. International Scientific Conference “Modern Problems of Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of an academician Rafiga Aliyeva. 29-30 September, Baku State University)
Karchkhadze Kakha, Khetsuriani Natela. Specifications, Analyses and Quality Improvement of Biodiesel Produced on Industrial Scale in Georgia. International Scientific Conference “Science, Technology and Development of Innovative Technologies” Dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of Independence of Turkmenistan, Books Abstracts pp. 91-92.
Karc15hkhadze Kakha, Khetsuriani Natela. Improvement of Biodiesel Quality with Nano-Compositions. Works of The International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Development and Production of Environment”. Tbilisi, 2020, pp.25-29.   ISBN 978-9941-8-2009-0.
Khetsuriani Natela,  Karchkhadze Kakha, Tsitsishvili Vladimer. IMPROVEMENT OF BIODIESEL QUALITY WITH NANO-COMPOSITIONS.  6th   Caucasian Symposium of Polymers and Advances Materials  ICSP & AM 6, Batumi 2019, 17-20 July, p.57.(poster)
Karchkhadze Kakha, Khetsuriani Natela. International Journal of Environment & Sustainability[UES]. Ottawa, Canada, 2018, Vol.7, #2, pp.81-87.  ISSN 1927-9566;
Khetsuriani Natela,  Karchkhadze Kakha, Tsitsishvili Vladimer. Development of Bio-Energy in Georgia. XI International Mass Spectrometry Conference on Petrochemistry, Environmental and Food Chemistry “Petromass2018”, Bled, Slovenia, 15-18 April 2018, Book of abstract; ISBN  78-961-228-332-4, p.38.
K. Karchkhadze, N.Khetsuriani. Sustainable City Transport Development and Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions through the Introduction of Biodiesel Fuel. AIEC2018, Ajman 5th International Environmental Conference on Climate Change & Sustainability, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2018, Book of Abstracts, pp.159-160.
K. Karchkhadze, N.Khetsuriani. Biodiesel Production Technologies. Development of Innovative Briquette Fuel Compositions. Proceeding of International Scientific – Practical Conference “Science and Innovative Technologies” Volume I, pp.112-115. Kutaisi, Georgia
Khetsuriani Natela,  Karchkhadze Kakha, Tsitsishvili. Production of Biodiesel using Supercritical Fluids  Technology. Journal Chemical Problems, Baky, Azerbaijan, 2017, #1, pp.21-25. DOI: 10.32737/2221-8688-2017-1-21-25
N.Khetsuriani, V.Tsitsishvili, Goderdzishvili K, Karchkhadze K. Production of biodiesel fuel from renewable energy sources. Book of Abstracts of   IX International Mamedaliyev Conference on Petrochemistry, October 4-5, 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan, P.167
N.Khetsuriani, K.Karchkhadze,, V.Tsitsishvili, K.Goderdzishvili .  Production of Biodiesel using Supercritical Fluid Technology. Modern Research and Prospects of Their Use in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Related Fields.  p.210. Ureki, Georgia,
N.Khetsuriani, V.Tsitsishvili, K.Goderdzishvili , K. Karchkhadze. Alternative Renewable Sources of Energy. Proceedings the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Chemical Series, 2016,#1,  v.42,pp/73-79.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

  • Fundamentals of Management