Professor Emeritus, Particle Physics and Cosmology

He studied at Tbilisi State University and received MSc in Theoretical Physics in 1965. He completed his PhD in 1970 and DSc in 1985 at Andronikashvili Institute of Physics (Tbilisi) and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Russia).

Subsequently, he worked as Principal Research Fellow at Andronikashvili Institute of Physics (1985–present), Professor of Theoretical Physics at Tbilisi State University (1986-1990), and Professor of Theoretical Physics at Ilia State University (2006–present).

In 1991-2012 he was also a Visiting Research Professor at many leading centres in high energy physics, including the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Max-Planck Institute in Munich, Royal Holloway University of London, University of Glasgow, University of Maryland, University of Melbourne.

J. Chkareuli is a Member of the American Physical Society (1993) and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK, 2000).

Scientific interests / research interests

Particle physics and cosmology

  • Unified Theories of Quarks and Leptons
  • Flavor Mixing and Family Symmetries
  • Grand Unification and Superunification
  • Superstring Inspired Models
  • Spontaneous Lorentz violation and Origin of Symmetries
  • Emergent Gauge and Gravity Theories
  • Topological Defects in Particle Physics and Cosmology
  • Extra Space-Time Dimensions