Position:Associate Professor

I 1999-2003 Giorgi Dalakishvili  enrolled Ivane Javakhishvili State University of Tbilisi and in 2003 he received Bachelor Degree with high honors. In 2003-2005 Giorgi continued graduates study in Ivane Javakhishvili State University of Tbilisi and in 2005 he received  Master Degree with high honors. In 2007-2010 Giorgi Dalakishvili warked on his PhD prject in Katholieke Universiteit Leuven/Ruhr-Universit¨at Bochum, in the framework of SOLAIRE research and training network. Giorgi has been awarded corporately the degree of Doctor of Sciences: Mathematics (PHD) from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Doctor of Natural Science (Dr.rer.nat.) from the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of the Ruhr-Universit¨at Bochum accordingly.

Scientific interests / research interests

  • Scientific interests / research interests
  • Near-Earth space physics
  • Atmosphere and ionosphere physics
  • Asrophysics
  • Numerical methods

Featured publications
• Didebulidze, G.G.; Dalakishvili, G.; Todua, M. (2020). Chapter: “Formation of Multilayered Sporadic E under an Influence of Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs)”. Earth and Its Atmosphere, Editor: Liu Chenming, ISBN: 978-81-945175-8-0, VIDE LE٨F, p.35
• G. Dalakishvili, G.G. Didebulidze, M. Todua, Formation of sporadic E (Es) layer by homogeneous and inhomogeneous horizontal winds, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 209, 2020,105403
• Didebulidze, G.G.; Dalakishvili, G.; Todua, M. Formation of Multilayered Sporadic E under an Influence of Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs). Atmosphere 2020, 11, 653

• Dalakishvili G.T., Didebulidze G.G., Todua M.M., (2020), Formation of sporadic E (Es) layer by homogeneous horizontal wind, Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue (B), Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean, and Space Plasma, v. 23b, No 3.

• Goderdzi G. Didebulidze, Giorgi Dalakishvili, Levan Lomidze, Giorgi Matiashvili, Formation and behavior of Es layers under influence of AGWs evolving in the horizontal shear flow , JASTP, 136,163, (2015)

• Goderdzi G. Didebulidze, Giorgi Dalakishvili, Levan Lomidze, Giorgi Matiashvili, Formation of ionospheric sporadic E layers by atmospheric gravity waves, Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, 2014

Articles in magazines
Articles in newspapers
Published popular, scientific articles in newspaper “24 Hours (24 saati)”
An extensive list of publications

• Didebulidze, G.G.; Dalakishvili, G.; Todua, M. (2020). Chapter: “Formation of Multilayered Sporadic E under an Influence of Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs)”. Earth and Its Atmosphere, Editor: Liu Chenming, ISBN: 978-81-945175-8-0, VIDE LE٨F, p.35
• G. Dalakishvili, G.G. Didebulidze, M. Todua, Formation of sporadic E (Es) layer by homogeneous and inhomogeneous horizontal winds, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 209, 2020,105403

• Didebulidze, G.G.; Dalakishvili, G.; Todua, M. Formation of Multilayered Sporadic E under an Influence of Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs). Atmosphere 2020, 11, 653

• Dalakishvili G.T., Didebulidze G.G., Todua M.M., (2020), Formation of sporadic E (Es) layer by homogeneous horizontal wind, Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue (B), Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean, and Space Plasma, v. 23b, No 3.

• Goderdzi G. Didebulidze, Giorgi Dalakishvili, Levan Lomidze, Giorgi Matiashvili, Formation and behavior of Es layers under influence of AGWs evolving in the horizontal shear flow , JASTP, 136,163, (2015)

• Goderdzi G. Didebulidze, Giorgi Dalakishvili, Levan Lomidze, Giorgi Matiashvili, Formation of ionospheric sporadic E layers by atmospheric gravity waves, Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, 2014

• Dalakishvili, G., Centrifugal force reversal from the perspective of rigidly rotating observer, arXiv:1110.550, (2011).

• Dalakishvili, G., Kleimann, J., Fichtner, H., Poedts, S., Magnetic clouds in the solar wind: a numerical assessment of analytical models, Astron. Astrophys. , 536, A100, (2011).

• Dalakishvili, G., Rogava, A., Lapenta, G., Poedts, S., Investigation of dynamics of self-similarly evolving magnetic clouds, Astron. Astrophys. , 526, A22, (2011).

• Dalakishvili, G., Study of Dynamical Plasma Processes in Stellar Winds, PhD thesis, © Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – Faculty of Science Celestijnenlaan 200 B, B-3001 Leuven (Belgium),Wettelijk depot D/2010/10.705/64, ISBN 978-90-8649-372-2 (2010).

• Dalakishvili, G., Poedts, S., Fichtner, H., Romashets, E., Characteristics of magnetized plasma flow around stationary and expanding magnetic clouds. Astron. Astrophys., 507, 611, (2009).

• Osmanov Z., Dalakishvili G. and Machabeli G., On the reorganization of a magnetosphere pulsars nearby the light cylinder surface. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 383, 1007, (2008).

• Dalakishvili G.T., Rogava A.D., Berezhiani V.I., Role of radiation reaction forces in the dynamics of centrifugally accelerated particles. Phys.Rev. D 76, 45003. (2007).

• Rogava, A.,Dalakishvili, G., Osmanov, Z., Centrifugally driven relativistic dynamics on curved trajectories, Gen.Rel.Grav. 35, 1133. (2003).


• G. Dalakishvili, G.G. Didebulize and M. Todua, 14. International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Structure and Analysis November 26-27, 2020 in Jerusalem, Israel

• M. Todua, G.G. Didebulize, G. Dalakishvili, 14. International Conference on Planetary and Atmospheric Physics, November 11-12, 2020 in Rome, Italy Didebulidze, G.G., G. Dalakishvili and M. Todua, AGU Fall meeting 2019, SA21B-3100 Dalakishvili, G., G.G. Didebulize and M. Todua, LPMR2019_Abstractbook, 2019, pp. 10.

• Giorgi Dalakishvili, Goderdzi Didebulidze, Horizontal wind velocity direction, value and lower thermosphere structural factors in formation of multilayered sporadic E under an influence of AGWs, EGU General Assembly 2019, 7-12 April, 2019, Vienna, Austria

• Goderdzi Didebulidze, Giorgi Dalakishvili, et al., Influence of AGWs on layered structure of the ionosphere F2 region , EGU General Assembly 2019, 7-12 April, 2019, Vienna, Austria

• Goderdzi Didebulidze, Giorgi Dalakishvili, Horizontal wind’s factor in formation of sporadic E under influence of atmospheric wave42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 14-22 July, Pasadena, CA, United States

• Goderdzi Didebulidze, Giorgi Dalakishvili, Lower thermosphere factor in formation of sporadic E under influence of horizontal wind and AGWs, 14th Quadrennial Solar-Terrestrial Physics Symposium (STP14), July 9-13,2018, Toronto, Canada

• Goderdzi Didebulidze, Giorgi Dalakishvili, Giorgi Matiashvili Formation of Ionosperic Sporadic E by Atospheric Gravity Waves, 41st COSPAR Scientifc Assembly, 30July-07 August, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey

• Goderdzi G. Didebulidze, Giorgi Dalakishvili, Giorgi Matiashvili, Formation and Behavior of Sporadic E Under influence of Atmospheric Gravity Waves, CEDAR-GEM Joint Workshop, 19 –24 June, 2016, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

• Giorgi Dalakishvili, Goderdzi G. Didebulidze, and Giorgi Matiashvili., Tidal wind as a possible link of coupling between atmospheric waves activity and sporadic E formation., EGU General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April, 2016, Vienna, Austria

• Giorgi Matiashvili, Giorgi Dalakishvili, and Goderdzi G. Didebulidze., Formation of sporadic E under the influence of AGWs and horizontal background wind. EGU General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April, 2016, Vienna, Austria

• Didebulidze, Goderdzi; Dalakishvili, Giorgi ; Lomidze, Levan ; Matiashvili, Giorgi ; Formation and Behavior of Es Layers under Influence of AGWs Evolving in the Horizontal Shear Flow. 14th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium IES2015. 12-14 May 2015, Alexandria, VA, USA

• Goderdzi .G. Didebulidze, Giorgi Dalakishvili, Nikoloz B. Gudadze, Giorgi Matiashvili, Sporadic Ionospheric Structures Caused by Atmospheric Waves Evolving in the Inhomogeneous Horizontal Wind and their Coupling with the 557.7 nm and 630.0 nm Line Nightglow Intensity Variations, AGU Fall Meeting, 15-19 December, 2014, San Francisco, USA

• Goderdzi .G. Didebulidze, Giorgi Dalakishvili, Nikoloz B. Gudadze, Giorgi Matiashvili, The variations of the mid-latitude oxygen green 557.7 nm and red 630.0 nm line nightglow intensities coupled with ionosphere sporadic structures, 6th Network Detection Mesospheric Changes, 19-22 May, 2014, Germany

• Dalakishvili G, Didebulidze G.G., Matiashvili G The formation and behavior sporadic E under influence of atmosphericvortical perturbation and AGW , CAWSESII- 18-22 Novembere, 2013, Nagoya Japan

• Dalakishvili, G., Characteristics of magnetised plasma flow around stationary and expanding magnetic clouds, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 18-25 July, 2010, Bremen, Germany

• Dalakishvili, G.T., Rogava, A.D., Berezhiani, V.I., Influence Of Centrifugal And Radiation Reaction Forces On Dynamics Of Relativistic Charged Particles Moving In The Magnetospheres Of The Rotating Astrophysical Objects, (2006). International Congress on Plasma Physics National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Proceedings Contributed Paper.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Electricity and Magnets; Electromagnetic Waves (ENG); Basics of Physics I (including Lab); Basics of Physics I (including Lab) (ENG); Basics of Physics II


Geometric and Wave Optics; Electric and Magnetic Fields (ENG); Basics of Physics I (including Lab); Basics of Physics
  • Mechanical engeneering 220, dynamics, 2020-2021, spring, bachelor’s
  • Ordinary differential equations in natural sciences and engeneering, 2020-2021, fall, bachelor’s
  • Mechanical engeneering 200, statics, 2020-2021, fall, bachelor’s
  • Role of nature rules, 2019-2029, spring, bachelor’s
  • Mathematical methods in natural sciences, 2019-2029 , fall, bachelor’s
  • Chem 410 hysical chemistry, 2017-2018 , spring, bachelor’s
  • Numerical methods in astrophysics 1, 2020-2021 , spring, master’s
  • Numerical methods in astrophysics 2, 2016-2017, fall, master’s