Tinatin Kakhniashvili (aka Tina Kahniashvili) has received M.S. with highest honor in Physics (Theoretical Physics) from Tbilisi State University (Department of Physics), Georgia, in 1984. She got her Ph.D. degree in Physics in 1988 from Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS, Moscow, Russia). Since 1988 she worked as a researcher at Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory (Georgia) and now holds a main staff scientist position. She has received a Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics from Lebedev Physics Institute (RAS, Moscow, Russia). She joined Ilia State University in 2008 as an associate professor, and since 2011 till today she holds the position as a professor. Since 2009 she has been a research faculty at Carnegie Mellon University (USA). She was awarded the associate membership (2006-2020) from International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Italy). She worked at Geneva University (Switzerland), Kansas State University (USA), Laurentian University (Canada), New York University (USA), Rutgers University (USA), SISSA (Italy) as a research scientist or/and visiting faculty. Her work has been supported through several grants from Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF) of Georgia as well as international grants from the US Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) in coordination with Georgian Research and Development Foundation (GRDF), Collaboration in Basic Science and Engineering (COBASE), International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the independent states of the former Soviet Union (INTAS), the NASA Astrophysics Theory Program (ATP), the National Science Foundation (NSF) Astronomy and Astrophysics Grant program (AAG) , Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) SCOPES. Currently she is a PI of SRNSF (of Georgia) and NASA ATP grants and she is a co-PI of the Swedish Research Council and a senior participant of SRNSF grants. She organized the 4-weeks workshop and conferences in NORDITA (Sweden) on cosmological magnetic fields (2015, with Axel Brandenburg and Tanmay Vachaspati) and gravitational waves (2019, with Axel Brandenburg and Mark Hindmarsh).
Scientific interests / research interests
Cosmology (early and late time universe, cosmic microwave background, dark energy), Gravitational Waves Physics, Astroparticle Physics, Theory of Gravity, Hydro and Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Turbulence, Theoretical and Relativistic Astrophysics
Featured publications
- Kahniashvili, T., Brandenburg, A. Tevzadze, A., ““Evolution and Signatures of Primordial Magnetic Fields” 2015, Phys. Scripta submitted, arXiv: 1507.00510
- Aiola, S. Wang, B., Kosowsky, A. Kahniashvili, T., Firoujahi, H., “Microwave Background Correlations from Dipole Modulation”, Phys. Rev. D. accepted, arXiv. 1506.04405
- Kisslinger, L. and Kahniashvili, T., “Polarized Gravitational Waves from Cosmological Phase Transitions”, Phys. Rev. D. accepted, arXiv. 1505. 03680.
- Kahniashvili, T, Kar, A., Lavrelashvili, G., Agarwal, N., Heisenberg, L., and Kosowsky, A., “Cosmic Expansion in Extended Quasidilaton Massive Gravity”, 2015, Phys. Rev. D. Rapid Communications, 91, 041301.
- Brandenburg, A., Kahniashvili, T., Tevzadze, A., “Non-helical Inverse Transfer of a Decaying Magnetic Field”, 2015, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 075001
- Kahniashvili, T., Maravin, Yu.,Lavrelashvili, G., and Kosowsky, `A., `Primordial Magnetic Helicity Constraints from WMAP Nine-Years Data”, 2014, Phys. Rev. D. 90, 083004
- Avsajanishvili, O., Arhipova, N., Samushia, L. Kahniashvili, T., 2014, “Growth Rate in Dynamical Dark Energy Models”, The European Phys. J. C. 74, 11, 3127
- Kahniashvili, T., Tevzadze, A., Brandenburg, A., and Neronov, A., 2013 “Evolution of Primordial Magnetic Fields from Phase Transitions”, Phys. Rev. D. 87, 083007
- Kahniashvili, T., Maravin, Yu.,Natarajan, A., Battaglia, N., Tevzadze, A., 2013 “Constraining Primordial Magnetic Fields through Large Scale Structure”, Astrophys. J. 770, 47
- Campanelli, L, Fogli, G., Kahniashvili, T., Marrone, A., and Ratra, B. 2012, “Galaxy Cluster Number Count Data Constraints on Dark Energy”, The European Phys. J. 72, 2218
- Kahniashvili, T., Brandenburg, A., Campanelli, L., Ratra, B., Tevzadze, A., 2012, “Evolution of Inflation-Generated Magnetic Field through Phase Transitions”, Phys. Rev. D. 86, 103005.
- Tevzadze, A., Kisslinger, L., Brandenburg, A., and Kahniashvili, T., 2012, “Magnetic Fields from QCD Phase Transitions”, Astrophys. J. 759, 54
- Kosowsky A., and Kahniashvili, T. 2011, “The Signature of Local Motion in the Microwave Sky,” Phys. Rev. Lett . 106, 191301
- Chitov, G., August, T., Natarajan, A., and Kahniashvili, T., 2011, “Mass Varying Neutrinos, Quintessence, and the Accelerating Expansion of the Universe,” Phys. Rev. D. 83, 045033
- Kahniashvili, T., Tevzadze, A. G., and Ratra, B., 2011 “Phase Transition Generated Magnetic Field at Large Scales”,Astrophys. J. 726, 78
- Kahniashvili, T., Tevzadze, A. G., Sethi, S. K., Pandey, K., and Ratra, B. 2010, “Primordial Magnetic Field Limits from Cosmological Data”, Phys. Rev. D 82, 083005
- Kahniashvili, T., Brandenburg, A., Tevzadze, A. G., and Ratra, B., 2010, ”Numerical Simulations of the Decay of Primordial Magnetic Turbulence,” Phys. Rev. D 81, 123002
- Kahniashvili, T., Kisslinger, L., Stevens, T., 2010, “Gravitational Radiation Generated by the Cosmological Phase Transitions Magnetic Fields“, Phys. Rev. D 81, 023004
- Kahniashvili, T., Maravin, Yu.,Kosowsky, A., 2009, “Faraday Rotation Limits on a Primordial Magnetic Field from WMAP 5-years Data”, Phys. Rev. D. 80, 023009
- Kahniashvili, T., Campanelli, L., Gogoberidze, G., Yu. Maravin, and Ratra, B., 2008, “Gravitational Radiation from Primordial MHD Turbulence”, Phys. Rev. D. 78, 123006
- Kahniashvili, T., Durrer, R., and Maravin, Yu., 2008, “Testing Lorentz Invariance through WMAP Five Years Data”, Phys. Rev. D. 78 123009
- Kahniashvili, T., Lavrelashvili, G., and Ratra, B., 2008, “CMB Temperature Two-Point Correlation functions in the Universe with broken Isotropy”, Phys. Rev. D, 78, 063012
- Kahniashvili, T., Kosowsky, A., Gogoberidze, G., and Maravin, Yu., 2008, “Detectability of Gravitational Waves from Phase Transitions”, Phys. Rev. D 78 043003.
- Kahniashvili, T., Gogoberidze, G., and Ratra, B. 2008, “Gravitational Radiation from Primordial MHD Turbulence”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 231301
- Gogoberidze, G., Kahniashvili, T., and Kosowsky, A., 2007, “The Spectrum of Gravitational Radiation from Primordial Turbulence”, Phys. Rev. D., 76, 083002
- Baukh, V., Zhuk, A., and Kahniashvili, T., 2007, “Extra Dimensions and Lorenz Invariance Violation” Phys. Rev. D., 76, 027502
- Kahniashvili, T. and Ratra, B., 2007, “CMB Anisotropies Due to Cosmological Magnetosonic Waves”, 2006, Phys. Rev. D. 75, 023002.
- Kahniashvili, T., Gogoberidze, G., and Ratra, B., 2006, “Gamma Ray Burst Constraints on Ultraviolet Lorentz Invariance Violation”, Phys. Lett. B., 643, 81
- Kahniashvili, T. and Vachaspati, T., 2006, “On the Detection of Magnetic Helicity”, Phys. Rev. D, 73 063507
- Kahniashvili, T., 2006, “Effects of cosmological Magnetic Helicity on CMB”, Astr. Nach. 327, 414.
- Kahniashvili, T., Gogoberidze, G.,andRatra, B., 2005, “Polarized Cosmological Gravitational Waves from Primordial Helical Turbulence”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 151301.
- Kahniashvili, T. and Ratra, B., 2005, “Effects of Cosmological Magnetic Helicity on the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation”, Phys. Rev. D. 71, 103006
- Kahniashvili, T., 2005, “Cosmological Magnetic Fields vs. CMB”, New Astron. Rev. 49, 79
- Kahniashvili, T. 2006, “Effects of Primordial Helicity on CMB”, New Astron. Rev. 50, 1015
- Kahniashvili, T., von Toerne, E., Arhipova, N., and B. Ratra, 2005, “Neutrino Mass Limit from Galaxy Cluster Number Density Evolution” Phys. Rev. D. 71, 125009
- Kosowsky, A., Kahniashvili, T., Lavrelashvili, G., and Ratra, B., 2005, “Faraday Rotation of Cosmic Microwave Radiation Polarization by Stochastic Magnetic Field”, Phys. Rev. D. 71, 043006
- Chen, G., Mukharjee, P., Kahniashvili, T., Ratra, B, and Wang, Yu, 2004, “Looking for Cosmological Alfven Waves in WMAP Data”,Astrophys. J., 611, 655
- Caprini, C., Durrer, R., and Kahniashvili, T., 2004, ”Cosmic Microwave Background and Helical Magnetic Fields: The Tensor Mode”, Phys. Rev. D., 69, 063006
- Kosowsky, A., Mack, A., and Kahniashvili, T., 2002, “Gravitational Radiation from Cosmological Turbulence”, Phys. Rev. D., 66, 024030
- Arkhipova, N., Kahniashvili, T., and Lukash V.N., 2002, “Abundance and Evolution of Galaxy Clusters in Cosmological Models with Massive Neutrinos”, Astron. and Astroph., 386, 775
- Mack, A, Kahniashvili, T., and Kosowsky, A., 2002, “Vector and Tensor Microwave Background Signatures of a Primordial Magnetic Field”, Phys. Rev. D., 65, 123004
- Durrer, R., Ferreira, P., and Kahniashvili, T., 2000, “Tensor Microwave Anisotropies from a Stochastic Magnetic Field”, Phys. Rev. D. 61, 043001
- Valdarnini, R., Kahniashvili, T., and Novosyadlyj, B., 1998, “Large Scale Structure Formation in Mixed Dark Matter Models with a Cosmological Constant”, Astron. Astroph. 336, 11
- Durrer, R., Kahniashvili T., and Yates, A., 1998, “Microwave Background Anisotropies from Alfven Waves”, Phys. Rev. D., 58, 123004
- Durrer, R., and Kahniashvili, T., 1998, “CMB Anisotropies Caused by Gravitational Waves: A Parameter Study”, Hel. Phys. Acta, , 71, 445
- Kahniashvili, T., Machabeli G.Z., and Nanobashvili, I., 1997, “Generation of the Electrostatic Field in the Pulsar Magnetosphere Plasma”, Phys. Plasma, 4, 1132
- Kahniashvili, T., Novosyadlyj, B., and Valdarnini, R., 1996, “Primordial Inhomogeneities Spectra in Mixed Dark Matter Models with a Cosmological constant”, Hel. Phys. Acta., 69, 219
- Kahniashvili, T., and Lukash,V.N., 1996, “Creation of Potential Perturbations in the Universe Containing Weakly Interacting Particles”, J. Georgian Physical Society, 3, 56
- Chedia, O., Kahniashvili, T., Machabeli, G.Z., and Nanobashvili, I., 1996, “Magneto-hydrodynamics of a Rotating Relativistic Plasma Stream”, J. Georgian Phys. Society, 3, 37
- Chedia, O., Kahniashvili, T., Machabeli, G.Z., and Nanobashvili, I., 1996, “On the Kinematics of a Co-rotating Relativistic Plasma Stream in the Perpendicular Rotator Model of a Pulsar magnetosphere”,Astrophys. Spa. Sci., 239, 54
- Kahniashvili, T., 1990, “The Formation of the Spectra of the Pre-Galactic Inhomogeneities in the CDM and HDM Models”, Astron. Nachr., 311, 193
- Kahniashvili, T., Lominadze, J.G., Rogava, A., and Chagelishvili, G., 1990, “Generation of a Large-Scale Magnetic Field by Turbulence in a Relativistic Accretion Disk”, AAO bulletin, 68, 16
An extensive list of publications