Nunu Metreveli graduated from Physics Faculty at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in 1987. From 1988 to 1996, she worked as a researcher at the same university’s macromolecular physics department. In 1997, she defended her PhD thesis: Denaturation Increment of Heat Capacity in Diluted Aqueous Solutions of Collagen, in biophysics. From 1998 to 2005, she worked at the department of Macromolecular Physics at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University as an associate professor and intensely engaged in academic and research processes. Since 2006 she has been a professor at Ilia State University. Since 2011 she has been the director of the Institute of Biophysics at the same university.
Scientific interests / research interests
- Molecular Biophysics
- Biophysics of Photobiological Processes
- Biotechnology
Featured publications
- Structure of tetrahelical DNA homopolymers support quadruplex world hypothesis; L. Lomidze, M. Yang, D. Khutsishvili, N. Metreveli, K. Musier-Forsyth, B. Kankia; ACS Chemistry 7, 4311-4316; 2022.
- Bioremediation potential of hexavalent chromium- resistant Arthrobacter globiformis 151B: Study of the uptake of Cesium and other alkali ions; Rcheulishvili Olia, Solomonia Revaz, Tsverava Lia, Metreveli Nunu, Hoi-Ying Holman; International Microbiology, 25(4), pp.745-758, 2022.
- Quadruplex Priming Amplification at a Range of Human Body Temperature; David Gvarjaladze, Tamari Gulua, Shota Gogichaishvili, Jozef Hritz, Nunu Metreveli; Biointerface Research In Applied Chemistry, V.11, Issue 1, p.7932- 7942, 2021.
- Sr2+ Induces unusually stable d(GGGTGGGTGGGTGGG) quadruplex dimers; Levan Lomidze, Sean Kelley, Shota Gogichaishvili, Nunu Metreveli, Karin Musier-Forsyth and Besik Kankia; Biopolymers, Volume 105, Issue11, p811-818, 2016.
- Stable Domain Assembly of a Monomolecular DNA Quadruplex : Implications for DNA-Based Nanoswitches ; Besik Kankia, David gvarjaladze, Adam Rabe, Levan Lomidze, Nunu Metreveli, and Karin Musier-Forsyth; Biophysical Journal, Vol.110, Issue 10, p2169-2175, 2016.
- UV damage of collagen: Insights from model collagen peptides; K. Jariashvili, B. Madhan, B. Brodsky, A. Kuchava, L. Namicheishvili, N. Metreveli, Biopolymers, Volume 97, Issue 3, pages 189-198, 2012.
- UV-Vis and FT-IR Spectra of Ultraviolet Irradiated Collagen in the Presence of Antioxidant Ascorbic Acid; Nunu Metreveli, Ketevan Jariashvili, Louisa Namicheishvili, George Mrevlishvili, David Svintradze, Marine Dgebuadze, Alina Sionkowska, Joanna Skopinska. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 73, 448-455, 2010.
- Identification of Free Radicals Induced by UV Irradiation in Collagen Water Solutions; Nunu Metreveli, Louisa Namicheishvili, Ketevan Jariashvili, Eduard Chikvaidze, Marine Dgebuadze, Alina Sionkowska; Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, 93(2),61-5, 2008.
- Collagen-DNA Complex; David Svintradze, George Mrevlishvili, Nunu Metreveli, Ketevan Jariashvili, Luisa Namicheishvili, Joana Skopinska, Alina Sionkowska; Biomacromolecules, Vol. 9, No. 1, p. 21-28, 2008.
- Mechanisms of the Influence of UV Irradiation on Collagen and Collagen-Ascorbic Acid Solutions; . N.Metreveli, L.Namicheishvili, K.Jariashvili, G.Mrevlishvili, A.Sionkowska; International Journal of Photoenergy, Article ID 76830, p.1-4, 2006.
- Partial Heat Capasity – Fundamental Characteristic of the Prosses of Thermal Denaturation of Biological Macromolecules (Proteins and Nucleic Acids); G. Mrevlishvili, N. Metreveli, G. Razmadze, T. Mdzinarashvili, G. Kakabadze, M. Khvedelidze; Thermochemica Acta, 308, p.41-48, 1998.
- Liposome-DNA Interaction: Microcalorimetric Study; G. Mrevlishvili, B. Kankia, T. Mdzinarashvili, N. Metreveli; Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 94, p.139-143, 1998.
- Calorimetric Investigation of DNA in the Native and Denatured State; G. M. Mrevlishvili, G.Z. Razmadze, N.O. Metreveli; Thermochimica Acta, 274, p.37-43, 1996.
An extensive list of publications
- Structure of tetrahelical DNA homopolymers support quadruplex world hypothesis; L. Lomidze, M. Yang, D. Khutsishvili, N. Metreveli, K. Musier-Forsyth, B. Kankia; ACS Chemistry 7, 4311-4316; 2022.
- Bioremediation potential of hexavalent chromium- resistant Arthrobacter globiformis 151B: Study of the uptake of Cesium and other alkali ions; Rcheulishvili Olia, Solomonia Revaz, Tsverava Lia, Metreveli Nunu, Hoi-Ying Holman; International Microbiology, 25(4), pp.745-758, 2022.
- Quadruplex Priming Amplification at a Range of Human Body Temperature; David Gvarjaladze, Tamari Gulua, Shota Gogichaishvili, Jozef Hritz, Nunu Metreveli; Biointerface Research In Applied Chemistry, V.11, Issue 1, p.7932- 7942, 2021.
- Proteomic responses of stress-resistant Arthrobacter globiformis 151B to Cr and Mg and the influence of Mg on the uptake process of Cr(III) and Cr(II); O.Rcheulishvili,, N.Metreveli, L.Tsverava, R.Solomonia, A.Rcheulishvili, L.Tugushi, M.Gurielidze; Annals of Agrarian Science V.18, p.546-554, 2020.
- Heavy metals specific proteomic responses of a highly resistant Arthrobacter globiformis 151B; O. Rcheulishvili, L. Tsverava, A. Rcheulishvili, M. Gurielidze, R. Solomonia, N. Metreveli, N. Jojua, H-Y Holman; Annals of agrarian Sciences; Vol.17, No 2, p.218-229, 2019.
- Sr2+ Induces unusually stable d(GGGTGGGTGGGTGGG) quadruplex dimers; Levan Lomidze, Sean Kelley, Shota Gogichaishvili, Nunu Metreveli, Karin Musier-Forsyth and Besik Kankia; Biopolymers, Volume 105, Issue11, p811-818, 2016.
- Stable Domain Assembly of a Monomolecular DNA Quadruplex : Implications for DNA-Based Nanoswitches ; Besik Kankia, David gvarjaladze, Adam Rabe, Levan Lomidze, Nunu Metreveli, and Karin Musier-Forsyth; Biophysical Journal, Vol.110, Issue 19, p2169-2175, 2016.
- The Uptake and detoxification of Chromium by bacteria of Arthrobacter species and the influence and of different metal ions on these processes; Olia Rcheulishvili, Tamaz Kalabegishvili, Hoi-ving Holman, Nino A. Rcheulishvili, Dimitri M.Papukashvili, Nunu Metreveli, Alexander Rcheulishvili; Conference Paper. Conference: The 8th international Workshop on Contaminant Biovailability in the Terrestrial Environment., At Nanjing, China, October, 2015.
- Study of cadmium distribution and accumulation in saffron ; Rcheulishvili O, Rcheulishvili A, Osefashvili M, Papukashvili D, Tugushi L, Metreveli N; Proceedings Of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, v.39, N3-4, 2014.
- Effect of Chromate on DNA of Arthrobacter globiformis; O. Rcheulishvili, N. Datukishvil, I. Gabriadze, T. Kutateladze, D. Pataraya, M. Gurielidze, N. Metreveli; Nano Studies, 7, pages 193-2007, 2013.
- UV damage of collagen: Insights from model collagen peptides; K. Jariashvili, B. Madhan, B. Brodsky, A. Kuchava, L. Namicheishvili, N. Metreveli; Biopolymers, Volume 97, Issue 3, pages 189-198, 2012.
- UV-Vis and FT-IR Spectra of Ultraviolet Irradiated Collagen in the Presence of Antioxidant Ascorbic Acid; Nunu Metreveli, Ketevan Jariashvili, Louisa Namicheishvili, George Mrevlishvili, David Svintradze, Marine Dgebuadze, Alina Sionkowska, Joanna Skopinska; Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 73, 448-455, 2010.
- Identification of Free Radicals Induced by UV Irradiation in Collagen Water Solutions; Nunu Metreveli, Louisa Namicheishvili, Ketevan Jariashvili, Eduard Chikvaidze, Marine Dgebuadze, Alina Sionkowska; Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, 93(2),61-5, 2008.
- Collagen-DNA Complex; David Svintradze, George Mrevlishvili, Nunu Metreveli, Ketevan Jariashvili, Luisa Namicheishvili, Joana Skopinska, Alina Sionkowska; Biomacromolecules, Vol. 9, No. 1, p. 21-28, 2008.
- Modyfikacja kolagenu promieniowaniem UV w obecności kwasu askorbinowego; A. Sionkowska, M. Wiśniewski, J. Skopińska-Wiśniewska, N. Metreveli, K. Jariashvili, L. Namicheishvili, D. Svintradze, G. Mrevlishvili; w „Modyfikacja polimerów. Stan i perspektywy w roku 2007” pod red. R. Stellera i D. Żuchowskiej, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław, str. 345-348, 2007.
- Investigation of Collagen-DNA Films; David Svintradze, George Mrevlishvili, Nunu Metreveli, Ketevan Jariashvili, Luisa Namicheishvili, Joana Skopinska, Alina Sionkowska; Journal of biological Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 7, No. 3, p. 107-116, 2007.
- Mechanisms of the Influence of UV Irradiation on Collagen and Collagen-Ascorbic Acid Solutions; N.Metreveli, L.Namicheishvili, K.Jariashvili, G.Mrevlishvili, A.Sionkowska; International Journal of Photoenergy, Article ID 76830, p.1-4, 2006.
- Microcalorimetric and Electron Spin Rezonance Study of the Influence of UV Radiation on Collagen; N.O.Metreveli, L.O. Namicheishvili, K.K.Jariashvili, E.N.Chikvaidze and G.M.Mrevlishvili; Biophysics, Vol.51, No.1, pp.29-32, 2006.
- Ultraviolet (UV) Irradiation on Collagen: Mechanisms of the Influence; N. Metreveli, L. Namicheishvili, K. Jariashvili, E. Chikvaidze, G. Mrevlishvili; Journal of biological Physics and Chemistry, 5, p. 133, 2005.
- Subdenaturational Heat-Absorption in Water Solutions of Collagen under Various Factors; Metreveli N., Jariashvili K., Namicheishvili L., Mrevlishvili G.; Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2004. V.170. N3. p.584-586, 2004.
- The Action of Ascorbic Acid on Collagen as a Protective System Against UV Irradiation; Metreveli N., Jariashvili K., Namicheishvili L., Mrevlishvili G.; Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, V.169. N2. p.357-359, 2004.
- The Influence of UV Irradiation on Collagen in the Presence of Vitamin C; Metreveli N., Jariashvili K., Namicheishvili L., Mrevlishvili G.; Bull. of the Georgean Acad. of Sci., 2003.-V.168.-N3.-p.546-548, 2003.
- Microcalorimetric and Electron Spin Resonance Study of the Ultra-Violet Irradiation on Collagen; N. Metreveli, L. Namicheishvili, K. Jariashvili, E. Chikvaidze, G. Mrevlishvili; Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, V.165. N3. p.552-555, 2002.
- The Influence of Ultra-violet Irradiation on Collagen; N. Metreveli, L. Namicheishvili, K. Jariashvili, I. Jorjishvili, G. Mrevlishvili; Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, V.164. N3. p.538-540, 2001.
- Denaturation Increment of Heat Capacity in Diluted Aqueous Solutions of Collagen in the Presence of Neutral Salts; N. Metreveli, L. Namicheishvili, K. Jariashvili, G. Mrevlishvili; Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, V.160. N3. p.553-555, 1999.
- Partial Heat Capasity – Fundamental Characteristic of the Prosses of Thermal Denaturation of Biological Macromolecules (Proteins and Nucleic Acids); G. Mrevlishvili, N. Metreveli, G. Razmadze, T. Mdzinarashvili, G. Kakabadze, M. Khvedelidze; Thermochemica Acta, 308, p.41-48, 1998.
- Liposome-DNA Interaction: Microcalorimetric Study; G. Mrevlishvili, B. Kankia, T. Mdzinarashvili, N. Metreveli; Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 94, p.139-143, (1998).
- The Denaturing Increment of the Heat Capacity in Dilute Aqueous Collagen Solutions; G.M.Mrevlishvili, N.O. Metreveli and T.Dzh.Mdzinarashvili; Biophysics, 1997, Vol.42, No.1, pp.81-85, 1997.
- Calorimetric Investigation of the Thermodynamic Parameters of Denaturing of Collagen in Dilute Solutions at Different Scanning Rates; T.V.Burdzhanadze, N.O. Metreveli, T. Dzh. Mdzinarashvili and G.M. Mrevlishvili; Biophysics, Vol.42, No.1, pp.77-79, 1997.
- The microcalorimetric study of thermodinamic parameters of collagen melting in diluted water solutions at different scanning rates; N. Metreveli, T. Mdzinarashvili, G. Mrevlishvili; Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, 155, N2, p.279-282, 1997.
- Calorimetric Investigation of DNA in the Native and Denatured State; G. M. Mrevlishvili, G.Z. Razmadze, N.O. Metreveli; Thermochimica Acta, 274, p.37-43, 1996.
- Physics of the Interaction of DNA and Water With Reference to Two Types of Hydrogen Bonds in Water; G.M.Mrevlishvili, G.Z.Razmadze, N.O.Metreveli and G.R.Kakabadze; Biophysics, Vol.40, No.2, pp.263-265, 1995.
- Physics of water-dna interaction with reference to the two kinds hydrogen bonds in watert; . G. M. Mrevlishvili, G.Z. Razmadze, N.O. Metreveli; Proceedings Of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, v.20 N1-6, 1994.
- Phase Diagram for Aqueous Solution of Benzolpurpurin 4B dye and Effect of Water on Stabilization of Liotropic Liquid-Crystaline Structures ; V.A. Bykov, G.M. Mrevlishvili, N.O. Metreveli ; Molecular cristals and liquid cristals science and technology, section C, Mol.Mat.,.V.1, p.73-83, 1992.
- Microcalorimetric Study of the Bacteriophage DDVI ; G.M.Mrevlishvili, T.D.Mdzinarashvili, N.O.Metreveli, L.G.Kalandarishvili ; Biofizika, Vol.37, No.1, pp.48-52, 1992.
- Thermal capacity of DNA in the native and denatured states ; G.M. Mrevlishvili, T.D. Mdzinarashvili, N.O. Metreveli and G.R.Kakabadze ; Biophysics, Vol.37, No.5, pp.755-756, 1992.