Direction: Medical Radiology
Position:Full Professor
Okujava MikheiliMikheil Okujava graduated with honors from Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU) Faculty of Medicine in 1994. In 1994-1996 he trained Neurology as resident in Department of neurology of TSMU. At the same time he got interested in imaging diagnostic methods and comlpeted the course of Roentgenoradiology in Tbilisi Medical Academy. In 1995-1996 he did internship in neuroradiology in different international centers (Moscow Institute of Neurology, Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery (Moscow), Radiology Institute of Ruhr University (Bochum, Germany). Since 1995 he worked in the MRI department of Institute of Radiology and Interventional Diagnostics. In 1999 he obtained his PhD degree and in 2006 degree of DSc. In 2000-2001 as DAAD-stipend fellow was engaged in research work in Bethel Epilepsy Center (Bielefeld, Germany). Since 2007 he is invited lecturer in TSSU for Residents in Radiology. In 2017 he earned the TSSU Clinical Professor title. 2012-2017 Mikheil Okujava was Head of the Radiology Department of S. Khechinashvili University Hospital. Since 2010 he is active as Head of Neuroradiology and Neuroscience in Acad. F. Todua Medical Center. Since 2012 M. Okujava is elected Full Professor of Radiology in Iliauni School of Natural Sciences and Medicine. M. Okujava is Vice-president of Georgian Association of Radiology and expert of Ministry of Health of Georgia in this field. He is author of more than 30 scientific publications and one textbook.
Epileptology, Functional Neuroimaging, Radiological biomarkers in Neurooncology, Neurodegenerative disease
⦁ Featured publications
⦁ Jokeit H., Okujava M., Woermann F. Memory fMRI lateralizes temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology 2001; 57:1786-1893.
⦁ Okujava M., Schulz R., Ebner A., Woermann F. Measurement of temporal lobe T2 relaxation times using a routine diagnostic MR imaging protocol in epilepsy. Epilepsy Research 2002; 48:131-142.
⦁ Woermann F., Jokeit H., Luerding R., Freitag H., Schulz R., Guerter S., Okujava M. et al. Language lateralization by Wada test and fMRI in 100 patients with epilepsy. Neurology 2003; 9:699-701.
⦁ Okujava M, Schulz R, Hoppe M, Ebner A, Jokeit H, Woermann FG. Bilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: comparison of scalp EEG and hippocampal MRI-T2 relaxometry. Acta Neurol Scand. 2004; 110: 148-153
⦁ Okujava M., Janelidze M., Khatiashvili I., Lobjanidze N. Manganic encephalopathy induced by the synthetic psychostimulants. Georgian Journal of Radiology 2010; 1-2: 20-24.
⦁ Books
⦁ Todua F., Beraia M., Diasamidze I., Okujava M. MR imaging of the brain. Tbilisi, “Metsniereba” 2001.
⦁ Articles in magazines
⦁ Articles in newspapers
⦁ An extensive list of publications
⦁ Okujava M. Magnetization transfer imaging in different course of multiple sclerosis. Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ser. 1997; 23: 175-178.
⦁ Todua F.I., Lachkepiani A.N., Kodua T.E., Okujava M.V. et al. Pontine hyperintensity caused by the electrolyte disbalance of various etiology. Georgian Medical News 1998; 3: 33-35.
⦁ Todua F.I., Okujava M.V., Lachkepiani A.N. Basic differences in the MRT pattern of primary and secondary chronic progressive multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology 1999; 2: 26-29.
⦁ Okujava M., Wolf P., Woermann F. Magnetic resonance imaging of structural abnormalities in epilepsy. Georgian Journal of Radiology 2001; 1: 78—85.
⦁ Okujava M., Woermann F. Evaluation of the limbic lobe. Radiology 2001; 220:555-556.
⦁ Todua F., Beraia M., Diasamidze I., Okujava M. MR imaging of the brain. Tbilisi, “Metsniereba” 2001.
⦁ Jokeit H., Okujava M., Woermann F. Carbamazepine reduces memory induced activation of mesial temporal lobe structures: a pharmacological fMRI-study. BMC Neurology 2001; 1: 6.
⦁ Jokeit H., Okujava M., Woermann F. Memory fMRI lateralizes temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology 2001; 57:1786-1893.
⦁ Okujava M., Schulz R., Ebner A., Woermann F. Measurement of temporal lobe T2 relaxation times using a routine diagnostic MR imaging protocol in epilepsy. Epilepsy Research 2002; 48:131-142.
⦁ Okujava M., Ebner A., Schmitt J., Woermann F. Cavernous angioma associated with ispilateral hippocampal sclerosis. European Radiology 2002; 12: 1840-1842.
⦁ Woermann F., Jokeit H., Luerding R., Freitag H., Schulz R., Guerter S., Okujava M. et al. Language lateralization by Wada test and fMRI in 100 patients with epilepsy. Neurology 2003; 9:699-701.
⦁ Okujava M, Schulz R, Hoppe M, Ebner A, Jokeit H, Woermann FG. Bilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: comparison of scalp EEG and hippocampal MRI-T2 relaxometry. Acta Neurol Scand. 2004; 110: 148-153.
⦁ Schaumann-von Stosch R., Okujava M. MRT in Epilepsiediagnostik. Epileptologie 2004; 21: 98-104.
⦁ Schacher M, Haemmerle B, Woermann FG, Okujava M, Huber D, Grunwald T, Krämer G, Jokeit H. Amygdala fMRI lateralizes temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology 2006; 66: 81-87.
⦁ Okujava M., Kvernadze G., Jokeit H. Correlative study of hippocampal T2-relaxometry, EEG findings, and clinical data in temporal lobe epilepsy. Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ser. A, 2006; 3: 577-582.
⦁ Okujava V, Natishvili T, Gurashvili T, Chipashvili S, Bagashvili T, Andronikashvili G, Kvernadze G, Mitaishvili T, Okujava M. One-trial visual recognition in cats: the role of the rhinal cortex. Neurosci Behav Physiol. 2008; 6:549-554.
⦁ Janelidze M., Okujava M. Investigational methods. in Clinical Neurology (Ed. Janelidze M.) (in Georgian) Tbilisi, 2009; 101-133.
⦁ Okujava V.M., Natishvili T. A., Gurashvili T.T. et al. Slow Potentials in the rhinal region of the cat brain cortex related to visual recognition memory. Neurophysiology. Vol. 41, No. 4, 275-281; 2009.
⦁ Okujava M., Janelidze M., Khatiashvili I., Lobjanidze N. Manganic encephalopathy induced by the synthetic psychostimulants. Georgian Journal of Radiology 2010; 1-2: 20-24.
⦁ Todua F., Beraia M., Okujava M., Leiashvili S., Antia T. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain in acute CO poisoning. Georgian Journal of Radiology 2010; 1-2: 67-71.
⦁ Okujava M., Okujava N,. Shagidze S. et al. Influence of interictal epileptiform discharges on cognitive functions in temporal lobe epilepsy. Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ser. 2012; 1-2: 33-42.
⦁ Todua F., Antia T., Okujava M., et al. Diffusion tensor imaging and tractography in Neurosurgery. Georgian Journal of Radiology 2012; 1-2: 8-15.
⦁ Papuashvili N., Jorbenadze T., Bagashvili T., Andronikashvili G., Chipashvili S., Gurashvili T., Gogeshvili K., Kvernadze G., Okujava M. The experimental model of manganum toxical encephalopathy. Proc. Georgian Nat. Academy. Sci. Biomed. Series, vol. 39 (5-6): 237-249. 2013.
⦁ Rusz J., Megrelishvili M., Bonnet C., Okujava M., Brozova H, Khatiashvili I., Sekhniashvili M., Janelidze M., Tolosa E., Ruzicka E. A distinct variant of mixed dysarthria reflects parkinsonism and dystonia due to ephedrone abuse. Journal of Neural Transmission. vol. 121; 6: 655-664. 2014.
⦁ Bonnet C., Rusz J., Megrelishvili M., Sieger T., Matouskova O., Okujava M. et al. Eye movements in ephedrone-induced Parkinsonism. PloS ONE 2014 9(8): e104784. doi: ⦁ 10.1371/journal.pone.0104784
⦁ Todua F., Beraia M., Okujava M. Diagnosis of the biological features of the brain infiltrative lesions by the magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Science and Technologies, 3 (723): 112-119. 2016.
⦁ Todua F., Gachechiladze D., Okujava M. et al. Brain structural-haemodynamic changes caused by methcathinone (ephedron) abuse. Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences vol. 10, 3: 134-142. 2016.
⦁ Okujava M., Todua F., Janelidze M., Khatiashvili I. Pattern of MRI findings in ephedronic encephalopathy. Movement Disorders, Vol. 32, suppl. 2, 2017.
⦁ Kvernadze G., Andronikashvili G., Bagashvili T., Okujava M. et al. Experimental and clinical studies on mechanisms of Mn toxic encephalopathy. Proc. Georgian Nat. Academy. Sci. Biomed. Series, vol. 44 (3-4): 155-163. 2018.
⦁ Kotetishvili B., Makashvili M., Okujava M. et al. Co-occurrence of Gomez-Lopez-Hernandez syndrome and autism spectrum disorder: case report with review of literature. Intractable Rare Dis Res. 7(3): 191-195. 2018
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Doctoral Seminar I (Medicine)