Direction:Public Law
Position:Associate Professor

Vakhtang Menabde has worked at the Public Defender’s Office (PDO) on political and civil rights, refugee rights and rights of people with disabilities. Moreover, he has worked on the issues of freedom of the press, personal data protection at the Georgian Young Lawyer’s Association (GYLA), and was a program director of institutional reforms at the Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC). Mr. Menabde has ten years of experience working on human rights issues, twelve years of litigation experience about 30 cases before the Constitutional Court of Georgia and eight years of experience in teaching and lecturing.

Scientific interests / research interests

Political Law, Human Rights

Featured publications:

  • Teacher’s Manual. Human Rights Basic Course for bachelors, Coauthor, Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GILA), 2017.
  • The Third Fundamental Revision of the Constitution of Georgia, Georgian Law Journal, Volume1, 2017, The periodical of the Georgian-Norwegian Rule of Law Association;
  • TWENTY YEARS WITHOUT PARLIAMENTARY OVERSIGHT. Head and Academic Editor, Cezanne, Tbilisi, 2017;
  • Georgian Constitutional Court: The System of Legal Capacity of Natural Persons and its Impact upon the Georgian Legislation, ICL Journal, Vol 10, 4/2016;
  • Counter-terrorist State – State of Emergency of Contemporary World and the Fate of Transformative Democracy on the Case Study of Georgia; National and International Human Rights Protection Mechanisms, collection of articles, (ed. Konstantine Korkelia), Tbilisi, 2016;
  • Taming the Power – Incapacity of the Constitution and Revolution. Compilation of articles, OSGF publication, Tbilisi, 2016.
  • DEMISE OF POLITICS – SELECTION OF THE COMPOSITION OF THE SUPREME COURT ON THE EXISTING NOTIONS OF STATUS QUO AND PROSPECTS OF THE REFORM. Journal of Constitutional Court of Georgia and Ilia State University ,,Constitutional Law Review’’, #8; 2015;
  • Revision of Constitution of Georgia, What ensures the legitimacy of the supreme law – “From Super-presidential to Parliamentary System, Constitutional Changes in Georgia’’, Compilation of Articles, Publication by KAS, 2013;
  • Human Rights and legal proceedings practice of Constitutional Court of Georgia – Co-author – Tbilisi, 2013;


  • Teacher’s Manual. Human Rights Basic Course for bachelors, Coauthor , Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GILA), 2017.
  • TWENTY YEARS WITHOUT PARLIAMENTARY OVERSIGHT. Head and Academic Editor, Cezanne, Tbilisi, 2017;
  • Human Rights and legal proceedings practice of Constitutional Court of Georgia – Co-author – Tbilisi, 2013;
  • Freedom of Information in Georgia (central tendencies of court practice). Publication by GYLA, 2011;
  • Report: May 26th/Attack on the protest action; Analysis of the human rights violation facts. Publication by GYLA (co-author), 2011;
  • Freedom of Information in Georgia (central tendencies of court practice). Publication by GYLA, 2011;

Articles in magazines

  • TWENTY YEARS WITHOUT PARLIAMENTARY OVERSIGHT. Head and Academic Editor, Cezanne, Tbilisi, 2017;
  • Georgian Constitutional Court: The System of Legal Capacity of Natural Persons and its Impact upon the Georgian Legislation, ICL Journal, Vol 10, 4/2016;
  • Counter-terrorist State – State of Emergency of Contemporary World and the Fate of Transformative Democracy on the Case Study of Georgia; National and International Human Rights Protection Mechanisms, collection of articles, (ed. Konstantine Korkelia), Tbilisi, 2016;
  • Taming the Power – Incapacity of the Constitution and Revolution. Compilation of articles, OSGF publication, Tbilisi, 2016.
  • DEMISE OF POLITICS – SELECTION OF THE COMPOSITION OF THE SUPREME COURT ON THE EXISTING NOTIONS OF STATUS QUO AND PROSPECTS OF THE REFORM. Journal of Constitutional Court of Georgia and Ilia State University ,,Constitutional Law Review’’, #8; 2015;
  • Right to Equality. Guide book for the female candidates participating in self-government elections, Compilation of articles, publication by EMC, 2014;
  • Revision of Constitution of Georgia, What ensures the legitimacy of the supreme law – “From Super-presidential to Parliamentary System, Constitutional Changes in Georgia’’, Compilation of Articles, Publication by KAS, 2013;
  • The Substance of the Right to Own Shares In Accordance with the Case-Law of the Constitutional Court of Georgia – South Caucasus Law Journal 03/2012 Entrepreneurs and Law;
  • FREEDOM OF RELIGION – WHERE SHOULD WE LOOK FOR IT? ABOUT THE DEMARCATION BETWEEN ARTICLES 19 AND 24 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF GEORGIA. Journal of Constitutional Court of Georgia and Ilia State University, ,,Constitutional Law Review’’, #5; 2012;
  • Rights of the persons with disabilities – Universal challenge. Compilation of articles: International Standards for Human Rights Protection and Georgia (Redaction by Konstantine Korkelia), Tbilisi, 2011;
  • Specific control paradigm in Constitutionalism. Compilation: Constitutional and International Mechanisms for Human Rights Protection (Redaction by Konstantine Korkelia), Tbilisi, 2010.

An extensive list of publications

  • Right to Equality. Guide book for the female candidates participating in self-government elections, Compilation of articles, publication by EMC, 2014;
  • The Substance of the Right to Own Shares In Accordance with the Case-Law of the Constitutional Court of Georgia – South Caucasus Law Journal 03/2012 Entrepreneurs and Law;
  • Freedom of Information in Georgia, 2011, Publication of Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA), 2012;
  • FREEDOM OF RELIGION – WHERE SHOULD WE LOOK FOR IT? ABOUT THE DEMARCATION BETWEEN ARTICLES 19 AND 24 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF GEORGIA. Journal of Constitutional Court of Georgia and Ilia State University, ,,Constitutional Law Review’’, #5; 2012;
  • Disciplinary Proceedings in Public Service (Legal and Factual Review). Publication by GYLA, 2012;
  • Report: May 26th/Attack on the protest action; Analysis of the human rights violation facts. Publication by GYLA (co-author), 2011;
  • 10th of December – Reports (Freedom of Information). Publication of GYLA, 2011;
  • Rights of the persons with disabilities – Universal challenge. Compilation of articles: International Standards for Human Rights Protection and Georgia (Redaction by Konstantine Korkelia), Tbilisi, 2011;
  • Freedom of Information in Georgia (central tendencies of court practice). Publication by GYLA, 2011;


Current Courses

Course Catalog

Constitutional Law of Georgia (State and Legal Structure); Parliamentary Oversight
  • Paradoxes of Constitutionalism, 2017-2018 / Spring, Master’s;
  • Constitutional Justice in Georgia, 2016-2017, 2015-2016, 2014-2015 / Spring, Bachelor’s;
  • Constitutional Law of Georgia (State Structure), 2016-2017, 2015-2016, 2014-2015 / Autumn / Bachelor’s;
  • Structural Logic of Violence, 2016-2017, 2015-2016 / Autumn / Spring, Bachelor’s, 2014-2015 / Autumn, Bachelor’s;
  • Human Rights Law, 2015-2016, 2014-2015 / Spring, Bachelor’s;
  • Public Law, 2013-2014 2012-2013, 2011-2012, 2010-2011 / Autumn / Spring, Bachelor’s;
  • Bachelor’s Seminar (Law), 2012-2013 / Spring, Bachelor’s;
  • Constitutional Law Clinic, 2012-2013 / Autumn / Spring, Bachelor’s;