Nato Darhia graduated from Ivane Javakxishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Biology in 1991. In 1991-1994 years she completed PhD studies at the Beritashvili Institute of Physiology. Nato Darchia obtained her PhD degree in “Human and Animal Physiology” in 1995 and the degree of Doctor of Sciences in “General Neurosciences” in 2006 from the Georgian Academy of Sciences. 1995-2009 years Nato Darchia worked at the Beritashvili Institute of Physiology. In 2001 she completed 5 months training at the Gui de Chauliac Hospital, Montpellier, France. In 2002-2004 Nato Darchia was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California, Davis. Her research has been primarily focused on the basic mechanisms of sleep-wakefulness cycle, sleep and aging, sleep-health relationship. She actively collaborates with University of California, Davis and University Hospital of Geneva. She is a reciepient of several scientific awards and research grants; In 2017, Nato Darchia has been elected as a scholar of Georgian National Academy of Sciences. She joined Ilia State University in 2009.
Scientific interests / research interests
- The Neurofphysiological analyses od Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle
- Sleep Regulation
- Sleep spectral analysis
- Sleep and Aging
- Sleep disorders
- Sleep and Stress
Featured publications:
- Darchia N, Campbell IG, Basishvili T, Eliozishvili M, Tchintcharauli T, Oniani N, Sakhelashvili I, Feinberg I. Sleep electroencephalogram evidence of delayed brain maturation in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a longitudinal study. Sleep, 2022, 45(9):zsac163. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsac163.
- Darchia, N., Oniani, N., Sakhelashvili, I., Supatashvili, M., Basishvili, T., Eliozishvili, M., Maisuradze, L., Cervena, K. Relationship between Sleep Disorders and Health Related Quality of Life-Results from the Georgia SOMNUS Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2018;15(8):1588. doi:10.3390/ijerph15081588
- Darchia, N., Cervena, K. The journey through the world of adolescent sleep. Reviews in the Neurosciences, 2014, 25(4):585-604
- Basishvili, T., Eliozishvili, M., Maisuradze, L., Lortkipanidze, N., Nachkebia, N., Oniani, T., Gvilia, I., Darchia, N. Insomnia in a Displaced Population is Related to War-Associated Remembered Stress. Stress and Health, 2012, 28(3):186-192
- Campbell, I.G., Darchia, N., Khaw, W.Y., Higgins, L.M., Feinberg, I. Sleep EEG evidence of sex differences in adolescent brain maturation. Sleep, 2005, 28(5):637-43. doi: 10.1093/sleep/28.5.637. PMID: 16171278; PMCID: PMC2596759.
Publications – last 10 years:
- Tsaava M, Oniani N, Eliozishvili M, Sakhelashvili I, Tkemaladze N, Aladashvili T, Basishvili T, Darchia N. Age-Based Differences in Sleep Quality, Pre-Sleep Arousal, and Psychosocial Factors during the Second Wave Lockdown of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Georgia-A Higher Vulnerability of Younger People. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022, 19(23):16221. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192316221.
- Campbell IG, Kim EI, Darchia N, Feinberg I. Sleep restriction and age effects on waking alpha EEG activity in adolescents. Sleep Adv., 2022 10;3(1):zpac015. doi: 10.1093/sleepadvances/zpac015.
- Darchia N, Campbell IG, Basishvili T, Eliozishvili M, Tchintcharauli T, Oniani N, Sakhelashvili I, Feinberg I. Sleep electroencephalogram evidence of delayed brain maturation in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a longitudinal study. Sleep, 2022 45(9):zsac163. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsac163.
- Darchia N, Campbell IG, Basishvili T, Eliozishvili M, Tchintcharauli T, Oniani N, Sakhelashvili I, Shetekauri T, Oniani T, Feinberg I. Longitudinal assessment of NREM sleep EEG in typically developing and medication-free ADHD adolescents: first year results. Sleep Med., 2021, 80:171-175. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2021.01.052.
- Campbell IG, Cruz-Basilio A, Darchia N, Zhang ZY, Feinberg I. Effects of sleep restriction on the sleep electroencephalogram of adolescents. Sleep, 2021, 44(6):zsaa280. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa280.
- Basishvili T, Oniani N, Sakhelashvili I, Eliozishvili M, Khizanashvili M, Arabidze M, Tsaava M, Charekishvili T, Tsertsvadze N, Darchia N. Insomnia, Pre-Sleep Arousal, Psychosocial Factors and Changes in Sleep Pattern during the Second Wave Lockdown of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Georgia. Brain Sci., 2021, 12(1):17. doi: 10.3390/brainsci12010017.
- Darchia, N., Oniani, N., Sakhelashvili, I., Supatashvili, M., Basishvili, T., Eliozishvili, M., Maisuradze, L., Cervena, K. Relationship between Sleep Disorders and Health Related Quality of Life-Results from the Georgia SOMNUS Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2018, 15(8):1588. doi:10.3390/ijerph15081588
- Sakhelashvili, I., Eliozishvili, M., Oniani, N., Darchia, N, Brunie, O. Sleep and Psycho-Behavioral Problems in Internally Displaced Children in Georgia. Sleep Med., 2018, 50:42-47. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2018.05.013.
- Darchia, N., Eliozishvili, M., Maisuradze, L., Lortkipanidze, N., Basishvili, T., Tsuladze, T., Oniani, N. Sleep, stress and psychological distress in internally displaced persons in Georgia. Proc. Georgian Nat. Acad. Sci., Biomed Series, 2018, 44(3-4):117-127
- Maisuradze, L., Oniani, N., Darchia, N., Lortkipanidze, N. Pros and Cons of two strategies for nonchemical REM sleep deprivation. Proc. Georgian Nat. Acad. Sci., Biomed Series, 2018, 44(3-4):181-193
- Tevzadze, G., Oniani, N., Zhuravliova, E., Darchia, N., Eliozishvili, M., Gogichadze, M., Lortkipanidze, N., Oniani, T. Jr., Kakabadze, A., Kakabadze, Z., Karalashvili, L., Kikvidze, Z., Mikeladze, D. Effects of a Gut Microbiome Toxin, p-Cresol, on the Indices of Social Behavior in Rats. Neurophysiology, 2018, 50:372–377.
- Sakhelashvili, I., Eliozishvili, M., Basishvili, T., Datunashvili, M., Oniani, N., Cervena, K and Darchia. Sleep-wake Patterns and Sleep quality in urban Georgia. Translational Neuroscience, 2016, 7(1): 62-71
- Sakhelashvili, I., Eliozishvili, M., Lortkipanidze, N., Oniani, N., Cervena, K and Darchia, N. Sleep Quality among Internally Displaced Georgian Adolescents and Population-Based Controls. J of Child health Care, 2016, (3):384-93. doi: 10.1177/1367493515598649
- Darchia, N., Cervena, K. The journey through the world of adolescent sleep. Reviews in the Neurosciences, 2014, 25(4):585-604
- Basishvili, T., Eliozishvili, M., Maisuradze, L., Lortkipanidze, N., Nachkebia, N., Oniani, T., Gvilia, I., Darchia, N. Insomnia in a Displaced Population is Related to War-Associated Remembered Stress. Stress and Health, 2012, 28(3):186-192
Book chapter:
- Darchia, N., Espa-Cervena, K. The world of adolescent sleep. In: Neurobiology of Emotions, Mind and Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle, ed. by Nikoloz Oniani, Tbilisi, ISBN- 978-9941-0-5758-8, 2013, 56-72, chapter in a book
Abstracts of International Conferences:
- Sakhelashvili, I., Campbell, I.G., Basishvili, T., Eliozishvili, M., Tchintcharauli, T., Oniani, N., Khaburzania, S., Shetekauri, T., Feinberg, I., Darchia, N. Longitudinal assessment of sleep structure and executive functions in typically developing children and drug-naïve children diagnosed with ADHD. Sleep Medicine, 2022, 100, Suppl. 1, S199-S200.
- I.G. Campbell; C. Basilio; Z. Zhang; Darchia, N; I. Feinberg. Effect of sleep restriction on sleep EEG waveforms in adolescents. SLEEP, 2020, 43, A123.
- T. Basishvili; M. Eliozishvili; T. Oniani; T. Tchintcharauli; I. Sakhelashvili; N. Oniani; I.G. Campbell, I. Feinberg; N. Darchia. NREM sleep EEG in typically developing and drug-naïve ADHD adolescents: data from a longitudinal study. . SLEEP, 2020, 43, A124.
- I. Feinberg; N. Darchia; T. Basishvili; M. Eliozishvili; N. Oniani; T. Tchintcharauli; I. Sakhelashvili; T. Oniani Jr.; IG.. Campbell; I. Feinberg. Sleep EEG as an index of brain maturation intypically developing and drug-naïve ADHD children. IBRO Reports, 2019, Suppl. 6, S484.
- M. Eliozishvili; T. Tchintcharauli; T. Basishvili; N. Darchia. Sleep and parent-reported executive functioning in typically developing and drug-naïve ADHD children. IBRO Reports, 2019, Suppl. 6, S318-S319.
- N. Darchia; T. Tchintcharauli; T. Basishvili; M. Eliozishvili; N. Oniani; T. Oniani Jr.; IG Campbell; I. Feinberg. Sleep and cognitive functions in typically developing and drug-naïve ADHD children. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2019, 29, Suppl. 6, S375-S376
- T. Basishvili; M. Eliozishvili; L. Maisuradze; N. Lortkipanidze; T. Tsuladze; N. Oniani; N. Darchia. The effects of different length of displacement on the war-related stress induced health outcomes in internally displaced persons in Georgia. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2019, 29, Suppl. 6, S543
- Oniani N., Supatashvili M., Sakhelashvili I., Eliozishvili M., Basishvili T., Maisuradze L., Cervena K., Darchia N. Relationship between sleep disturbances and health-related quality of life – results from the Georgia SOMNUS study. Sleep Medicine, 2017, 40, Suppl. 1, e73–e74.
- Sakhelashvili I., Eliozishvili M., Oniani N., Darchia N. Sleep and psycho-behavioral parameters among internally displaced Georgian adolescents and population-based controls. Sleep Medicine, 2017, 40, Suppl. 1, e289–290.
- Sakhelashvili I., Eliozishvili M., Oniani N., Darchia N. Sleep problems among Georgian adolescents – does internal displacement matter?! Journal of Sleep Research, 2016, 25, Suppl. 1, p.139.
- Eliozishvili M., Lortkipanidze N., Maisuradze L., Oniani N., Darchia N. Why sleep matters: association between sleep and psychological distress in Georgian Internally displaced population. Journal of Sleep Research, 2016, 25, Suppl. 1, p.280.
- Darchia N., Eliozishvili M., Supatashvili M., Oniani N., Basishvili T., Sakhelashvili I., Cervena K. Sleep and health related quality of life in Georgian population. Journal of Sleep Research, 2014, 23, Suppl. 1, p.246
- Darchia N., Campbell I.G., Feinberg I. Longitudinal data reveal a linear increase in the frequency of peak sigma power across ages 6-18. Neuroscience Meeting Planner, 2013, 570.09/HHH38, online.
- Basishvili T., Nemsadze M., Gogichadze M., Darchia N., Gvilia I., Datunashvili M., Oniani N. The effects of acute administration of opioid antagonists and agonist on the rat behavior. SLEEP, 2013, Suppl. 36, A71.
- Basishvili T., Eliozishvili M., Lortkipanidze N., Maisuradze L., Darchia N., Espa‐Cervena K. Insomnia complaints and associated factors in Georgian population. Sleep Medicine, 2013 14, Suppl.1, e69-e70.
- Oniani N., Datunashvili M., Saxelashvili I., Ibanez V., Espa‐Cervena K., Darchia N. Excessive daytime sleepiness and the risk for obstructive sleep apnea in Georgian population. Sleep Medicine, 2013 14, Suppl.1, e111-e112.
- Darchia N., Campbell I.G., Feinberg I. Longitudinal changes in frequency of peak sigma power across adolescence. SLEEP, 2012, 35, A 356.
- Darchia N., Lortkipanidze N., Eliozishvili M., Mamukadze M., Gvilia I. Sleep, stress and psychological problems in internally displaced children. Journal of Sleep Research. 2012, 21, Suppl. 1, P685.
Nato Darchia is a member of several professional scientific societies, and the organizer and co-organizer of international summer schools in Georgia. She serves as a reviewer for a number of international journals.