In 1981 graduated from the faculty of Geology at Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. In the same year started the post-graduate study at Janelidze Geology Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. In 1987 finished Ph.D. in the geology of gold and base metals deposits of the Achara region. Worked in the Institute of Geology till 2002 (from 1992 part-time), was Chief Scientific worker and deputy head of the department of Geology and Geochemistry of Mineral Deposits. Studied all main deposits of Georgia. He was the first to discover in the Caucasus a Hydrothermal fauna and established the hydrothermal-sedimentary genesis of the Madneuli and Cu-porphyry genesis of Merisi deposits.
In parallel to scientific work in different years he worked: as Deputy Head of the State Fund of Valuables of the Ministry of Finance (curated precious metals mining); as a Head of the Engineering-technical department, Georgian International Oil Corporation (participated in Baku-Supsa, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceihan Main Oil and South Caucasian Gas Pipelines, and other projects); as head of the division of International Relations, Economy and Marketing of Mineral Resources, State Geological Department; as director general of “Geo-Eng-Eco Service”; as chief manager of Strategic Projects and Quality Systems, “IDS-Borjomi”; as manager of “Optimal+”.
Worked on various projects of the World Bank, UNDP, IFC, USTDA, TACIS, Japan JNOC and JICA, Know-How Fund, WWF, and other international organizations. Trained in USA, China, and UK. From 2005 invited lecturer of Tbilisi State University. From 2012 works at Ilia State University. he is the head of 4 study programs, among which one is at the faculty of Business, Technology, and Education. Author of more than 70 publications.
Scientific interests / research interests
Geology and geochemistry of mineral deposits, Environmental geology, economic geology, remote sensing, Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, Mining law, and Unconventional energy.
Featured publications
- Magalashvili A. 2014. Metallic resources of Georgia. In: Our Possessions, V 5, Tbilisi, Tsigni-Eri publisher. 240.
- Magalashvili A., Margvelashvili M., Tsintsadze P., King M. 2013. Results of preliminary study for feasibility of shale gas exploration in Georgia. Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Technical Conference “Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Balkan-Black Sea Region”. Varna, Bulgaria. p. 158-164.
- Magalashvili A. 2008. Georgian mineral resources – real capital or derelict treasure? “24 Hour” newspaper 13 December, N131. Tbilisi. Pp. B1, B4-B5.
- Little Crispin T.S., Magalashvili G. Archil, Banks A. David. 2007. A Neotethyan late Cretaceous volcanic arc hydrothermal vent fauna. The Geological Society of America. Geology. September, v.35; no. 9. 835-838.
- Magalashvili A. 2007. Recommendations on expanding of Madneuli deposit reserves and efficient prospecting and exploration of similar mineralization. Science and technologies, N10-12. Tbilisi, 21-24.
- Magalashvili G., Kofman R., Magalashvili A., Sirbiladze I. 2007. Minerageny of Georgia. Problematic issues of geodynamics, petrology and metallogeny in the Caucasus. Proceedings of Scientific Session dedicated to 100th anniversary of academician Sh. Azizbekov. Baku, 158-166.
Kandelaki R., Magalashvili A. & Mikiashvili T. 2005. English-Russian-Georgian Oil & Gas Dictionary (1st ed.). Tbilisi: Sulakauri Publishers. 595 p.
- Magalashvili A.G., Kikava A.A., Tuskia T.D., & Kvatashidze R.Yu. 2004. Merisi mining region in Adzharia (Western Georgia). Mining Journal, N4.71-75.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1995. Gold potential of Georgian Republic, problems and ways of its realization under the market economy conditions. Problems of mining industry, energy, transportation and use of natural resources. Proceedings of the Republic scientific-practical conference. Tbilisi: Technical University Press. 43-45.
- Magalashvili A. G. 1991. Zoning and genesis of the Merisi Copper-Polymetallic Ore Field. Tbilisi: Metsniereba Publishers. 76.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1991. Hydrothermal-sedimentary ores of the Madneuli deposit. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia, 142, N 2. 353-356.
- Tvalchrelidze A.G., Magalashvili A.G., & Bakhsoliani A.A. 1987. Rhythmical zoning of vein-type polymetallic deposits and its genesis. Geologica Carpathica, 38, 2. 225-236.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1987. Regional and local zoning of the vein-type plutonogenic deposits based on the example of Merisi Ore Field (Georgian SSR). Geological sciences and mineral resources. Proceedings of the 2nd National Workshop on Geology with international participation. Sophia: Bulgaria. 57-64.
- Magalashvili A., Bukhnikashvili A., Arabuli G., Machavariani M.,Vashakmadze I.,Kachkachishvili I. 2022. Guria National Park. WWF Caucasus. Tbilisi, 70.
- Magalashvili A. 2014. Metallic resources of Georgia. In: Our Possessions, V 5, Tbilisi, Tsigni-Eri publisher. 240.
- Kandelaki R., Magalashvili A. & Mikiashvili T. 2005. English-Russian-Georgian Oil & Gas Dictionary (1st ed.). Tbilisi: Sulakauri Publishers. 595 p.
- Magalashvili A. G. 1991. Zoning and genesis of the Merisi Copper-Polymetallic Ore Field. Tbilisi: Metsniereba Publishers. 76.
Articles in magazines
- apanadze K., Magalashvili A., Imnadze P. 2021. Radiological hazards assessment due to natural radioactivity in soils from Imereti region (Georgia). Arabian Journal of Geosciences volume 14, Article number: 1115 (2021).
- Kapanadze K., Magalashvili A., Imnadze P. 2019. A Study of Distribution of Natural Radionuclides in Soils and Assessment of Exposure Hazards from Terrestrial Gamma-Radiation in the Region of Tsalka (Georgia)”. European Chemical Bulletin. 8(8), pp. 274-281.
- Kapanadze K., Magalashvili A., Imnadze P. 2018. Distribution of natural radionuclides in the soils and assessment of radiation hazards on the example of Khrami Late Variscan crystal massif (Georgia). HELIYON. Volume 5, Issue 3.
- Magalashvili A. 2017. The problem of replenishment of mineral resources base of Georgia and some ways of its solving. Mining Journal, Tbilisi, 134-138.
- Little Crispin T.S., Magalashvili G. Archil, Banks A. David. 2007. A Neotethyan late Cretaceous volcanic arc hydrothermal vent fauna. The Geological Society of America. Geology. September, v.35; no. 9. 835-838
- Magalashvili A. 2007. Recommendations on expanding of Madneuli deposit reserves and efficient prospecting and exploration of similar mineralisation. Science and technologies, N10-12. Tbilisi, 21-24.
- Magalashvili G.A., Magalashvili A.G, & Abashidze K.I. 2005. About possibility of Aluminum production in Georgia. Georgian Oil and Gas, N12. 75-78.
- Magalashvili A.G., Kikava A.A., Tuskia T.D., & Kvatashidze R.Yu. 2004. Merisi mining region in Adzharia (Western Georgia). Mining Journal, N4.71-75.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1991. Hydrothermal-sedimentary ores of the Madneuli deposit. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia, 142, N 2. 353-356.
- Kikava A.A, Magalashvili A.G., & Tvalchrelidze A.G. 1990. New data on the geological structure of the Merisi ore field. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, 140, N 1. 81-84.
- Tvalchrelidze A.G., & Magalashvili A.G. 1988. Zoning of polymetallic mineralization at the Merisi Ore-Field. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, 129, N 2. 361-364.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1988. Ball Textures in Metasomatites of the Vaio Deposit (Achara ASSR). Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, 129, N 1. 101-104.
- Tvalchrelidze A.G., Magalashvili A.G., & Bakhsoliani A.A. 1987. Rhythmical zoning of vein-type polymetallic deposits and its genesis. Geologica Carpathica, 38, 2. 225-236.
- Magalashvili A.G., & Tvalchrelidze A.G. 1985. Local zoning of the polymetallic vein-type ores in the Merisi Ore District (Achara ASSR). Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, 120, N 2. 345-348.
Articles in newspapers
- Magalashvili A. 2010. How to utilize mineral resources commercially? The University. Tbilisi State University newspaper, December, N14. Tbilisi. 6-7.
- Magalashvili A. 2008. Georgian mineral resources – real capital or derelict treasure? “24 hour” newspaper 13 December, N131. Tbilisi. B1, B4-B5.
An extensive list of publications
- Magalashvili A., Bukhnikashvili A., Arabuli G., Machavariani M.,Vashakmadze I.,Kachkachishvili I. 2022. Guria National Park. WWF Caucasus. Tbilisi, 70.
- Kapanadze K., Magalashvili A., Imnadze P. 2021. Radiological hazards assessment due to natural radioactivity in soils from Imereti region (Georgia). Arabian Journal of Geosciences volume 14, Article number: 1115 (2021).
- Kapanadze K., Magalashvili A., Imnadze P. 2019. A Study of Distribution of Natural Radionuclides in Soils and Assessment of Exposure Hazards from Terrestrial Gamma-Radiation in the Region of Tsalka (Georgia)”. European Chemical Bulletin. 8(8), pp. 274-281.
- Magalashvili A., Doliashvili L., Karchkhadze K., Nadaraia A. 2018. Heavy Metals in Mine Waters of Diverse Mineralization of Polygenetic Ore-Magmatic System: Merisi Ore Cluster, Achara Region, Georgia. In: The Structural Geology Contribution to the Africa-Eurasia Geology. Springer. 65-67.
- Kapanadze K., Magalashvili A., Imnadze P. 2018. Research into the distribution of natural radionuclides in the soils and assessment of radiation hazards on the example of Khrami Late Variscan crystal massif (Georgia). HELIYON.
- Magalashvili A. 2018. The problems of Terminology Management. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference: Terminology – Heritage and Modernity. Tbilisi, 149-150.
- Magalashvili A. 2017. Linguistic threats related to the translation of Earth Science terms in Georgia and recommendations of theirs prevention. Proceedings of the Conference – Scientific Terminology, Tbilisi, 30-31.
- Magalashvili A. 2017. The problem of replenishment of mineral resources base of Georgia and some ways of its solving. Mining Journal, Tbilisi, 134-138.
- Magalashvili A. 2016. Vulnerability and adaptation. In: Climate change and sustainable development. The course book. Tbilisi, 39-55.
- Magalashvili A., Magalashvili G., Keleptreshvili Sh., Kordzadze G. 2015. Discovery of commercial occurrences of bentonite clay in Sarmatian marls of Western Georgia and its genesis. Proceedings of international conference of the Mineralogical Society of Georgia. Tbilisi, 25-31 (in Georgian)
- Okrostsvaridze A., Magalashvili A., Janelidze Z., Elashvili M. 2013. Quaternary geology, volcanism, seismicity, and mineral resources of Georgia, the Caucasus. Proceedings of the IGCP 610 First plenary Conference and Field Trip “From the Caspian to Mediterranean: Environmental Change and Human Response during the Quaternary”. Tbilisi, Georgia. p. 106-107.
- Magalashvili A. Javakhishvili Z., Elashvili M. 2013. Caucasus Active Tectonics – New Challenges to Study and New Practical Applications. Proceedings of 1st International Conference and Workshop: Caucasus Active Tectonics and Magmatism – Hazards and Resources. Tbilisi, p. 30.
- Magalashvili A. 2013. Two alternates of development of long-lived arc type ore-magmatic systems of South Georgia (lesser Caucasus). Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Research Activities and New Results about the Regional Geology, the Geodynamics and the Metallogeny of the Lesser Caucasus. A SCOPE meeting. Tbilisi. p. 26.
- Magalashvili A. 2013. Shale Gas and Shale Oil Production Earthquakes – Lesson to be learned and provided for. Proceedings of 1st International Conference and Workshop: Caucasus Active Tectonics and Magmatism – Hazards and Resources. Tbilisi, p. 31.
- Magalashvili A. 2012. Types of Gold & Base Metal Deposits of Georgia. Proceedings of International Workshop “Gold and Base Metal deposits of the Mediterranean and the South Caucasus – Challenges and Opportunities”, Tbilisi, Georgia, p. 24-25.
- Adamia Sh., Sadradze N., Enukidze O., Chabukiani A., Magalashvili A., Sosson M. 2012. Oil and Gas Prospective of the eastern Black Sea-Western South Caucasus (Georgia). Proceedings of the International Conference “Integrated Approach for Unlocking Hydrocarbon Resources”, Baku. 20.
- Magalashvili A., Margvelashvili M., Tsintsadze P., King M. 2010. Potential for shale gas in Georgia: Results of preliminary study for feasibility of shale gas exploration in Georgia. The International Scientific Conference: Problems of Geology of the Caucasus dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Al. Janelidze Institute of Geology. Tbilisi. 66-68.
- Magalashvili A. 2010. How to utilize mineral resources commercially? The University. Tbilisi State University newspaper, December, N14. Tbilisi. 6-7.
- Magalashvili A. 2009. Geology, Genesis and Stratigraphy for Further Prospecting of Madneuli and Similar Type Deposits, Georgia. Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Research Activities and New Results about the Regional Geology, the Geodynamics and the Metallogeny of the Caucasus and the Balkans. A SCOPE meeting. Tbilisi. p. 9.
- Kofman R., Magalashvili A. 2009. Volcano-plutonic process and polygenesis of associated mineralization on example of some deposits of the Caucasus. Proceedings of the International Scientific Session in the honor of the anniversary of Professors G. Zaridze and T. Tatrishvili. Tbilisi: Georgia.
- Jordania I., Vezirishvili K., Magalashvili A., Magalashvili G., Betaneli T., Gedevanishvili I., et al. 2008. The natural resources of Imereti region and prospects of their utilization. Tbilisi, 243.
- Jordania I., Vezirishvili K., Magalashvili A., Magalashvili G., Betaneli T., Gedevanishvili I., et al. 2008. The natural resources of Kakheti region and prospects of their utilization. Tbilisi, 223.
- Jordania I., Vezirishvili K., Magalashvili A., Magalashvili G., Betaneli T., Gedevanishvili I., et al. 2007. The natural resources of Achara region and prospects of their utilization. Tbilisi, 206.
- Jordania I., Betaneli T., Magalashvili A., Magalashvili G., Gedevanishvili I., Vezirishvili K., et al. 2007. The natural resources of Guria region and prospects of their utilization. Tbilisi, 216.
- Kofman R., Magalashvili A. 2007. Role of conjugacy of intrusive and effusive magmatism in ore genesis (as a problem statement). Problematic issues of geodynamics, petrology and metallogeny in the Caucasus. Proceedings of Scientific Session dedicated to 100th anniversary of academician Sh. Azizbekov. Baku, 312-322.
- Magalashvili G., Magalashvili A. 2007. Opal-like linings of agate geodes and hydrothermal-metasomatic mineralization. In: Changing geological environment, the time-space interrelations of endogenic and exogenous processes. V1, Kazan University Publisher, Kazan. 115-120.
- Jordania I., Vezirishvili K., Magalashvili A., Magalashvili G., Betaneli T., Gedevanishvili I., et al. 2006. The natural resources of Samegrelo-Upper Svanety region and prospects of their utilization. Tbilisi, 234.
- Magalashvili G.A., Magalashvili A.G, & Abashidze K.I. 2005. About possibility of Aluminium production in Georgia. Georgian Oil and Gas, N12. 75-78.
- Magalashvili A.G., Lebanidze Z.M., & Tvalchrelidze M.N. 2004. Engineering geology of the East-West Energy Corridor projects on the Georgian territory. Contemporary problems of hydrogeology and engineering geology. Tbilisi: Technical University press. 23-24.
- Magalashvili A.G. 2004. New factors of economic geology of the Bolnisi mining district (Southern Georgia). Georgian Academy of Sciences, Al. Janelidze Geological Institute Proceedings. 823-828.
- Magalashvili A.G. & Gurgenidze B.M. 2002. Some aspects of interference between main pipelines and physical environment. New Technologies for Georgia. Proceedings of International Scientific and Engineering Conference. Tbilisi: Technical University Press. 24-25.
- Magalashvili A.G. 2002. Correlation between volcanism and ore mineralization based on the Madneuli deposit: further evaluation of Academician G. Dzotsenidze ideas. Georgian Academy of Sciences A. Janelidze Geological Institute proceeding, New series, vol. 117. Tbilisi: Metsniereba Publishers. 460-466.
- Magalashvili G.A., & Magalashvili A.G. 1998. Question of the occurrence of the new type of gold mineralization in the Black Sea coastal sublaterits. Theses of the Batumi University anniversary Scientific Conference. Batumi: University press. 34-35.
- Magalashvili G.A., Magalashvili A.G., & Kikava A.A 1998. Hydrothermaly altered rocks of Achara as a mineral raw for ceramics. Theses of Batumi University anniversary Scientific Conference. Batumi: Georgia. 36-38
- Magalashvili A.G., Kikava A.A. 1998. Structure of the intrusive complex of the Merisi Ore Field and history of its formation. Proceedings of the International Scientific Session in the honour of the anniversary of Prof., G. Zaridze. Tbilisi: Georgia. 23-24.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1995. Gold potential of Georgian Republic, problems and ways of its realization under the market economy conditions. Problems of mining industry, energy, transportation and use of natural resources. Proceedings of the Republic scientific-practical conference. Tbilisi: Technical University Press. 43-45.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1995. Geological structure and genetic model of the Madneuli ore deposit.
- Proceedings of the Georgian Geological Academy Institute anniversary Scientific Conference. Tbilisi: Metsniereba Publishers. 76-77.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1993. New outlook of the ore-bearing potential of the Achara ore region. Proceedings of the Georgian Geological Society anniversary Scientific Conference. Tbilisi: Metsniereba Publishers. 66-67.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1992. Reconstruction of geological settings of formation of the Madneuli deposit (Georgia). Theses of the Scientific Conference. Chelyabinsk, Miass. 33-34.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1991. Hydrothermal-sedimentary ores of the Madneuli deposit. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia, 142, N 2. 353-356.
- Kikava A.A, Magalashvili A.G., & Tvalchrelidze A.G. 1991. Thermophysical model of the Merisi ore field. Tbilisi: Metsniereba Publishers. 21.
- Kikava A.A., Magalashvili A.G., & Tvalchrelidze A.G. 1990. New data on the geological structure of the Merisi ore field. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, 140, N 1. 81-84.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1990. Some peculiarities of the Madneuli deposit structure. Proceedings of the 2nd Republic Scientific Conference. Tbilisi: Academy of Sciences press.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1990. Hydrothermal-sedimentary ores of the Madneuli deposit. Preprint, Tbilisi. 10.
- Kikava A.A., Magalashvili A.G., & Tvalchrelidze A.G. 1988. Preliminary prognostic assessment of the Merisi ore field for the cupper-porphyry mineralization. Batumi: State University Press. 22-23.
- Tvalchrelidze A.G., & Magalashvili A.G. 1988. Zoning of polymetallic mineralization at the Merisi Ore-Field. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, 129, N 2. 361-364.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1988. Model of the copper-porphyry system of the Merisi Ore Field. Multi-factorial models of ore deposits – basis for development of efficient methods of exploration, assessment and prospecting. Theses of All-Union Scientific Conference. Tbilisi. 95-96.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1988. Geological-prospecting model of the Merisi copper-polymetallic ore field. Collected addresses of the Republic conference of young scientists and specialists. Baku: Elm. 47-48.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1988. Ball Textures in Metasomatites of the Vaio Deposit (Achara ASSR). Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, 129, N 1. 101-104.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1987. Geological peculiarities, conditions of formation and zoning of Merisi copper-Polymetallic ore field. PhD thesis, Geological Institute, Georgian Academy of Sciences. Tbilisi. 22. 256.
- Magalashvili A.G. 1986. The theory of rhythmic zonation based on example of polymetallic deposits of the Merisi Ore Field. Proceedings of the Republic Scientific Conference. Tbilisi. 46-47 (in Russian).
- Magalashvili A.G. 1986. Rhythmic zonation of polymetallic ores and prognostication of mineralization. Theses of the 6th Republic Scientific Conference. Alma-Ata. 32-33 (in Russian).
- Magalashvili A.G., & Tvalchrelidze A.G. 1985. Local zoning of the polymetallic vein-type ores in the Merisi Ore District (Achara ASSR). Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, 120, N 2. 345-348 (in Russian).