Direction:Conservation Biology and Population Ecology
Position:Full Professor

Graduated from Tbilisi (Ivane javakhishvili) State University (Biology, zoology) (1981). PhD in Zoology from Institute of Zoology, Georgian Acadamy of Sciences, 1999. The doctoral research on the Natural Mechanisms of Red Deer Population Regulation in Lagodekhi Reserve.
Studied in Jercey Wildlife Conservation Trust (Great Britain) (1997) where was certified as specialist in Breeding and management of Endangered Species. Graduated Endangered Species Recovery postgarduate programme (University of Kent) (1997) with diploma in Conservation of Endangered Species.
Work Experience:
NACRES (Biodiversity Conservation and Research/ non-govermental organization) (1989-2002);
Institute of Zoology, Georgian Acadamy of Sciences (1989-2002)
Invitee lecturer in Tbilisi State University (Course: Wildlife Management) 2004-2006
Senior Technical Specialist; Georgian Protected Areas Development Center (2002-2006)
Since 2006 Tbilisi Zoo Director
Since 2006 till 2013 associate professor at Ilia State University
Since 2013 full professor at Ilia State University, Institute of Ecology, Program for the Ecology and Conservation of Large Mammals
Has been involved in over 15 international projects in field of Conservation Biology
Since 2000, scientific council member of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bone Convention);
Studies largely in conservation biology of large mammals and in ecology of predator-prey interactions

Scientific interests / research interests

  • Conservation Biology
  • Ecology of predator-prey interaction
  • Black Sea Cetacean
  • Black Sea Habitat Asessment
  • Endangered Large Mammals
  • Human-Carnivore conflict

  • Kopaliani N., Shakarashvili M., Gurielidze Z., Qurkhuli T.,  Tarkhnishvili D. 2014. Gene  flow between wolf and shepherd dog populations in Georgia (Caucasus). Journal of Heredity/ doi: 10.1093/jhered/esu014
  • Murtskhvaladze M, Gurielidze Z,  Kopaliani N, Tarkhnishvili D. 2012.  Gene introgression between Gazella subgutturosa and G. marica: limitations of maternal inheritance analysis for species identification with conservation purposes. Acta Theriologica, 2012
  • Kopaliani N. & Gurielidze Z. 2009. Status of Turs in Georgia and Conservation Action Plan CEPF, WWF.
  •  Lukarevsky V, Akkiev M, Askerov E, Agili A, Can E, Gurielidze Z, Kudaktin A, and Yarovenko Y. 2007.  Status of the Leopard in the Caucasus. CAT News Special Issue 2 – Caucasus Leopard. Stampfli Publikationen AG, Bern,Switzerland
  • Gurielidze Z. 2004. Red Deer : Natural Mechanisms of Population Regulation. Proceedings of the Institute of Zoology (Georgian Academy of Science) Tbilisi
  • Гуриелидзе З., Мачарашвили И., Лорткипанидзе Б. 2003. Результаты исследования охотничьих угодий. Консервация Аридных и Семиаридных Экосистем Закавказья. Сборник Научных Трудов, NACRES, Тбилиси 2003.
  • Мачарашвили И., Гуриелидзе З., Лорткипанидзе Б. 2003. Инвазивные виды млекопитающих аридных и семиаридных экосистем Восточной Грузии. Консервация Аридных и Семиаридных Экосистем Закавказья. Сборник Научных Трудов, NACRES, Тбилиси 2003.
  • Лукаревский В., Аскеров Э., Гхазарян З., Гуриелидзе З,. Малхазян А. Мачарашвили И. 2003. Состояние популяции леопарда в Закавказье. Материалы Международного Совещания. VII съезд Териологического Общества. Москва, 2003. 400 с.
  • Badridze J., Butkhuzi L., Gurielidze Z. 1998.  Population Assessment of the Striped Hyena in Georgia. “Russian conservation news” vol 12. Moskow
  • Badridze J. Gurielidze Z. Butkhuzi L, Kopaliani N. 1998.  Wolf II: Formation of predatory and hunting behavior in the captive rised wolves. Metsniereba. Tbilisi
  • Gurielidze Z., Kopaliani N., Devidze N., Ninua L., Dekanoidze D., Javakhishvili Z.,  Paposhvili N., Qerdikoshvili N. 20014. Monitoring of Black Sea Cetacean in Georgian Waters.  Report for the Kolkheti National Fund and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection of Georgia. Supported by Kolkheti National Fund
  • Gurielidze Z., Kopaliani N., Devidze N., Shakarashvili M. Javakhishvili Z. 2012. Black Sea Biodiversity. Situation Analysis. NBISEP. Supported by GIZ (Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Predator-Prey Relation in Ecosystem; Conservation of Species; Methods of Animal Research/Monitoring


Marine Ecosystems
  • Bachelor’s level
  • Predator-prey interacions in ecosystem (Spring semsester)  Since 2011
  • Diversity of life.  Since  2006 till 2008
  • Master’s Level
  • Marine ecosystems (Autumn Semester) Since 2014
  • Monitoring of animal species (Spring Semester) Since 2008
  • Species Conservation (Spring Semester) Since 2008
  • Population Viability Analysis  Since 2007 till 2010

  • Since 2009 suppervised 9 MSC  thesis
  • Participation in international scientific  forums
  • Conservation and status of montane ungulates in Georgia. The 6th International Congress on Mountain Ungulates and 5th International Symposium on Mouflon Nicosia (Lefkosia) Cyprus. 30 August–2 September 2016.
  • The 6th International Congress on Mountain Ungulates and 5th International Symposium on Mouflon Nicosia (Lefkosia) Cyprus. 30 August–2 September 2016.
  • Conservation and ecology of chamois in Georgia. Chamois International  Congress. Majella National Park. Lama dei Peligni. Abruzzo, Central Italy.  17th-20th June 2014.
  • Convention of Migratory Species (CMS) Scientific Council Meeting. 2013. Bonn. Germany
  • ACCOBAMS Regional Meeting. Conservation Status of Black Sea Cetaceans. 2012. Istambul, Turkey.
  • Convention of Migratory Species (CMS) Scientific Council Meeting. 2010. Bergen. Norway