Revaz Solomonia (28.05.1956) graduated from I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Biology in 1978, specialized in Biochemistry.During 1978-1982 years he did post-graduate studies at the Institute of Molecular Biology, Moscow. In 1983 he received his Ph.D. at Moscow State University.From 1982 till present R.Solomonia is a fellow Of I. Beritashvili Center of Experimental Biomedicine (former I. Beritashvili Institute of Physiology) in parallel with other positions.
R.Solomonia took 1 year training course at International Center of Biological Research in Szeged,Hungary in 1985-1986 years.
In 1992 R. Solomonia received Science Doctor degree in Biochemistry and Physiology
In 1994-1996 worked at Department of Zoology,University of Cambridge as a fellow of Wellcome Trust. In 1997 received Wellcome Trust fellowship for joint project between the Institute of Physiology and University of Cambridge. In 1999 worked at Department of Biochemistry,University of Cambridge as Wellcome Trust fellow.In the following years he has received two grants from Royal Society for collaboration of Institute of Physiology and University of Cambridge.
In 2002-2005 Revaz Solomonia was Full Professor and head of Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds at I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
Since 2006, R. Solomonia has been a full professor at Ilia State University and director of the Institute of Chemical Biology. By combination, he is the head of Biochemical Neuropharmacology at the Ivane Beritashvili Center of Experimental Biomedicine.
Solomonia has received 20 international research grants. He has published 90 articles, more than 45 of which were published in journals with international impact factor. In 2017, he received the National Lecturer Award of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies for a plenary lecture at the Congress of the Turkish Biochemical Society.
More than 20 doctoral theses have been defended under his supervision.
Scientific interests / research interests
- Molecular Neurobiology
- Molecular Microbiology
Featured publications
- Tsverava L., Lordkipanidze T. Lepsveridze E., Nozadze M. Kikvidze M. Solomonia R (2016) Myoinositol Attenuates the Cell Loss and Biochemical Changes Induced by Kainic Acid Status Epilepticus,” BioMed Research International, vol. 2016, Article ID 2794096, 14 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/2794096.
- Solomonia R. and McCabe B.J. (2015) Molecular mechanisms of memory in imprinting. Neuroscience Biobehavioural Reviews, 50, 56-69.
- Meparishvili M, Nozadze M, Margvelani G, McCabe BJ and Solomonia RO (2015) A Proteomic Study of Memory After Imprinting in the Domestic Chick. Behav. Neurosci. 9:319. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00319
- Nozadze M, Zhgenti E, Meparishvili M, Tsverava L, Kiguradze T, Chanturia G, Babuadze G, Kekelidze M, Bakanidze L, Shutkova T, Imnadze P, Francesconi SC, Obiso R and Solomonia R (2015) Comparative proteomic studies of Yersinia pestis strains isolated from natural foci in the Republic of Georgia. Public Health 3:239. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00239
- Nozadze M., Mikautadze E., Lepsveridze E., Mikeladze E.,Kuchiashvili N., Kiguradze T., Kikvidze M., &Solomonia R.“Anticonvulsant Activities of myo-Inositol and scyllo-Inositol on Pentylenetetrazol Induced Seizures”. Seizure:European Journal of Epilepsy20 (2011): 173-176
- Solomonia R., Mikautadze E., Nozadze M., Kuchiashvili N., Lepsveridze E., Kiguradze T. “Myo-Inositol Treatment Prevents Biochemical Changes Triggered by Kainate-Induced Status Epilepticus”. Neuroscience Letter 468 (2010): 277-281
- Solomonia R., Kotorashvili A.,Kiguradze T., McCabe B.J., Horn G. “Ca2+/calmodulin Protein Kinase II and Memory: Learning-Related Changes in a Localized Region of the Domestic Chick Brain”. J Physiol.569, (2005): 643–653
- Solomonia R. Morgan K., KotorashviliA., McCabe B.J., Jackson A.P., Horn G. “Analysis of Differential Gene Expression Supports a Role for Amyloid Precursor Protein and a Protein Kinase C Substrate (MARKCS) in Long-term Memory”. J. Neurosci. 17 (2003): 1073-1081
- Solomonia R.O., McCabe B.J. and Horn G. “Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules, Learning and Memory in the Domestic Chicks”. Behavioural Neurosciences 112 (1998): 646-655
- Maderspach K., Solomonia R.O. “Glial and Neuronal Opioid Receptors: Apparent Positive Cooperativity Observed in Intact Cultured Cells”. Brain Research 441 (1988): 41-47
An extensive list of publications
- 1. Margvelani, G,Meparishvili M, Tevdoradze E McCabe BJ, Solomonia R. (2018) Mitochondrial fusion and fission proteins and the recognition memory of imprinting in domestic chicks. Neuroreport, 29,128-133.
- Kvitsinadze N., Davitashvili E., Koshoridze M., Chubinidze K., Koshoridze N., Goguadze M., Tsintsadze O., , Karazanazhvili G. And Solomonia R. (2016) The Role of Microsomal Galactose-tissues Specific Lectins from Prostate in Gland Peroxidation.International Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics4(4): 37-44, 2016
- Solomonia, R., Lepsveridze, E., Kiguradze, T. And Nozadze, M. (2013) Inositols and Epilepsy In “Inositol: Synthesis, Functions and Clinical Implications” Eds: H.Rocha and M.Cardoso. NOVA Publishers,pp.105-128,
- Kotaria N, Kiladze M, Zhvania MG, Japaridze NJ, Bikashvili T, Solomonia RO, Bolkvadze T. (2013) The protective effect of Myo-Inositol on hippocampal cell loss and structural alterations in neurons and synapses triggered by kainic acid-induced status epilepticus. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 33(5):659-71
- Solomonia RO, Meparishvili M, Mikautadze E, Kunelauri N, Apkhazava D, McCabe BJ. (2013) AMPA receptor phosphorylation and recognition memory: learning-related, time-dependent changes in the chick brain following filial imprinting. Exp Brain Res.226(2):297-308
- Solomonia, R., Gogichaishvili, N.,Nozadze M.,Lepsveridze E., Dzneladze D., Kiguradze T. (2013) Myo-Inositol Treatment and GABA-A Receptor Subunit Change After Kainate-Induced Status Epilepticus. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 33, 119-127
- Azmaiparashvili E, Berishvili E, Kakabadze Z, Pilishvili O, Mikautadze E, Solomonia R, Jangavadze M, Kordzaia D. (2012) Ductular reaction at the early terms of common bile duct ligation in the rats. Acta Biol Hung, 63,321-332
- Solomonia, Kunelauri N., Mikautadze E., Apkhazava D., McCabe BJ., Horn G. (2011) Mitochondrial Proteins, learning and Memory:Biochemical Specialization of a Memory System”Neuroscience 194,112-123
- Kharlamov EA., Lepsveridze E., Meparishvili M., Solomonia RO., Lu B., Miller ER., Kelly KM., Mtchedlishvili Z. “Alterations of GABA(A) and Glutamate Receptor Subunits and Heat Shock Protein in Rat Hippocampus Following Traumatic Brain Injury and in Posttraumatic Epilepsy”.Epilepsy Research. 95(2011):20-34
- Davitashvili E., Kvitsinadze N., Megrelishvili I., Karazanashvili G., Solomonia R.,Aleksidze N. “Influence of Beta-Galactose-Specific Mitochondrial Lectins From Prostate Hyperplasic Tissue on Mitochondrial Properties.”The Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation70, (2010): 33-39
- Zhvania M.G., Bolqvadze T, Solomonia R.O., Kuchiashvili N, Japaridze N.J. “Effect of Acoustic Stimulation on GABAergic Neurons in Limbic Structures of Krushinskii-Molodkina Rats”.Bull Exp Biol Med. 145 (2008):398-400.
- Solomonia R., Apkhazava D., Nozadze M., Jackson A.P., McCabe B.J., Horn G. “Different Forms of MARCKS Protein Are Involved in Memory Formation in the Learning Process of Imprinting”. Exp Brain Res.188(2008): 323–330
- Solomonia R., Nozadze M.,Mikautadze E., Kuchiashvili N.,Kiguradze T., Abkhazava D., Pkhakadze V., Mamulaishvili I., Mikeladze E., Avaliani N. “Effect of Oleamide on Pentylenetetrazole-InducedSeizures in Rats”. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 145 (2008):225-228.
- Zhvaniia M.G., Solomoniia R.O., Bikashvili T.Z., Kotariia N.T., G, Kiladze M.T., Nozadze M.B., Dzhaparidze N.D. “The Influence of myo-inositol on the Ultrastructure of Hippocampal CA1 Area in Kainate Treated Rats”. [in Russian] Tsitologiia.49, no.11 (2007): 939-43
- Koshoridze N., Menabde K., Surguladze N., Vardiashvili T., Solomoniia R., Aleksidze “The Influence of Endogenous Lectins on the Activity of the HCO3- ATP-ase of the Brain”. Ukrainian Biochemical Journal 79 (2007): 13-18
- Solomonia R.,Nozadze M., , BolkvadzeT., KiladzeM., ZhvaniaM., Kiguradze T., V. Pkhakadze. “Study of Effects of myo-Inositol on Pentylentetrazol and Kainic Acid Induced Convulsions in Rats”. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 143 (2007): 58-60.
- Zhvaniya M.G., Bolkvadze T.A., Dzhaparidze N.D., Solomoniya R.O., Kuchiashvili N. “Effect of Kindling on GABAergic Neurons of the Hippocampus and Pyriform Cortex”. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 140 (2005): 57-59
- Solomonia R., Kuchiashvili N., Berulava A., Pkhakadze V., Trapaidze N., Zhvania M., Abesadze I., Kojima H.,Dalakishvili N. “Purification and Identification of Components of the Aquilegia Vulgaris Extract Fraction Exhibiting Anti-Epileptic Activity”. Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry 4, (2004): 185-192.
- Bolokadze N., Varasahvili M., Salia N., Momtselidze N., Solomonia R., Mchedlishvili G. “Lipid Peroxidation in the Erythrocytes Under Condition of Their Increased Aggregation”.Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation. 30, no. 3-4 (2004):453-455.
- Bolokadze N., Lobjanidze N., Momtselidze N., Solomonia R., Shakarishvili , Mchedlishvili G. “Blood Rheological Properties and Lipid Peroxidation in Cerebral and Systematic Circulation of Neurocritical Patients”. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation30, no. 2 (2004): 99-105
- Mikeladze E., Schulte A., Mosbach A., Blochl E., Csoregi E., Solomonia R., Schuhmann W. “Redox Hydrogel-Based Bienzyme Microelectrode for Amperometric Monitoring of L-glutamate”. Electroanalysis 14 (2002): 393-399.
- Solomonia R.O., Kiguradze T. McCabe B.J., Horn G. “Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules, Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II and Long- term Memory in Domestic Chicks”. Neuroreport 14 no. 11 (2000): 31139-3143
- Harvey R.J., McCabe B.J., Solomonia R.O., Horn G.,Darlison M.G. “Expressiom of the GABAA Receptor g4-subunit Gene: Anatomical Distribution of the Corresponding mRNA in the Domestic Chick Forebrain and the Effect ofIimprinting Training”. Journal of Neuroscience 10 (1998): 3024-3028
- Solomonia R.O., McCabe B.J., Jackson A.P., Horn G. “Clathrin Proteins and Recognition Memory”. Neuroscience 80 (1997): 59-67
- Van der Zee E.A., Bolhuis J.J., Solomonia R.O. , Horn G.,Luiten P.G.M. “Differential Distribution of Protein Kinase C (PKC alpha-beta and PKC gamma) IsoenzymeImmunoreactivity in the Chick Brain”. Brain Research676, (1995): 41-52
- Solomonia R.O., Machaidze G.G., Mikeladze D.G. “On Some Biochemical Changes of the Chick Brain Membranes After Visual Imprinting”. Biological Membranes (In Russian, USSR), 8, (1991): 1186-1187.
- Solomoniya R.O.,Nesterova M.V., Severin, E.S. “Study of Certain Physico-Chemical Properties of Cyclic – Nucleotide Independent Protein Kinase from the Myxomycete Physarum Polycephalum”. Biochemistry (in Russian, USSR), 47, (1982): 1552-1556
- Solomoniya R.O.,Nesterova M.V., Kostyuk D.G., Severin E.S. “Purification and Some Physico-chemical Properties of Cyclic-Nucleotide Independent Protein Kinase From the Myxomycete Physarum Polycephalum”. Biochemistry International 3, (1981): 147-155