Direction:Education and Subject Methodology
Position:Associate Professor

Zakaria Giunashvili was born in Tbilisi on 12 July 1964. He graduated from Komarov’s Physics and Mathematics specialized high school in 1981, and from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University’s Mathematics department with a Bachelor of Mathematics in 1986. He remained at the Tbilisi State University’s Math department to complete PhD degree in Physics and Mathematics in 1990.

After receiving his education and completing his PhD thesis in mathematical methods of theoretcal physics, Zakaria Giunashvili continued his research work at A. Razmadze Mathematical institute of Georgian Academy of Sciences. At this institute he worked until 2017. Durng this period, main topics of his interests were quantum computing and quantum information processing. In 2002-2003 Zakaria Giunashvili visited Yokohama City University’s Department of Mathematics and Computer Science as a participant of Nishina Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. The research topics during this visit were quantum computing and quantum information processing. In 2004 Zakaria Giunashvili started his career in the field of education policy and education research. In particular, he was the chief of mathematics and ICT group at the department of Natonal Curriculul of Ministry of Science and Education of Georgia. Under his leadership was developed the national curriculum of mathematics of Georgia. His other activity was related with development and localization of educational digital resources and tools.

In 2011 Zakaria Giunashvili started his new job at the Natonal Center for Teacher Professional Development. He worked at this center until 2019. Main duties on this position were development of math teachers’ professional development training materials and management of teachers’ trainings. In 2017-2019, under the guidance of Zakaria Giunashvili, almost all Georgian secondary and high school mathematics teachers were trained in the Methods of Active Learning, in the framework of Millenium Challenge Corporation Project: Training Educators for Excellence Millemnium Challenge Account – Georgia’s project

Scientific interests / research interests

Researches in Eduation: active learning methods and their impact on students’ achievements in mathematics;

Statistical Methods and their Application in Educational Researches;

List of publications

  • Geometric methods for construction of quantum gates. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 153. Number 2, August 2008. Pages 120-158.
  • Methods of geometric control theory for quantum computations. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 141. Number 2, February 2007. Pages 1113-1133.
  • Hamiltonian Systems on Complex Grassmann Holonomy and Schrödinger Equation. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 137 (2006), No. 5, 5117-5136.
  • Geometric control methods for quantum computations, Modern Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 27 (2005).
  • Noncommutative geometry of Poisson structures, Modern Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 27 (2005).
  • Hamiltonian systems on the complex Grassmann manifold. Holonomy and Schredinger equation, Modern Mathematics and its Applications 22 (2004).
  • Geometric control methods for quantum Proceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics. Vol. 3, N 1-2, 2004.
  • Noncommutative symplectic foliation, Bott connection and phase space Georgian Math. J. 11 (2004), No. 2.
  • Noncommutative geometry of Poisson New Developments In Mathematical Physics Research – 2004 ISBN: 1-59033-922-3.


  • Noncommutative geometry of phase space. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 119, No. 4, 2004.
  • Several cohomology algebras associated with Poisson Geogian Mathematical Journal 5 (1998), No. 6, 513-520.
  • Phase space reduction from the point of view of noncommutative Proceedings of the International Meeting, Mathematical Methods in Modern Theoretical Physics ISPM–98 (1998), 217-220.
  • Cohomology algebra of noncommutative Poisson Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Selected Topics of Theoretical and Modern Mathematical Physics SIMI96 (1996), 309-312.
  • David Malazonia, Sofiko Lobzhanidze, Shorena Maglakelidze, Nino Chiabrishvili & Zakaria Giunashvili (2021) Intercultural competencies of students their civic activities (Case of Georgia), Cogent Education, 8:1, DOI:10.1080/2331186X.2021.1918852
  • David Malazonia, Sofiko Lobzhanidze, Shorena Maglakelidze, Nino Chiabrishvili, Zakaria Giunashvili1 and Natia Natsvlishvili (2023) The role of colaborative learning in the education for democratic citizenship (case of Georgia), Cogent Education (2023), 10: 2167299,

Current Courses

Course Catalog

  • ICT in Teaching Math at Elementary and Secondary Levels;
  • Numbers and Methods of Teaching Arithmetic Operations
  • Using Modern Education Strategies in Teaching Algebra;
  • Modern methods of teaching data analysis, probability and statistics at the primary level;
  • Research I (Quantitative Data Analysis Methods in Education)
  1. Calculus II – Georgian Technical University, Deartment Apllied Mathematics, 1995 – 2002, Bachelor’s
  2. Differental Geometry – Georgian Technical University, Deartment Apllied Mathematics, 1995 – 2002, Bachelor’s, Master’s
  3. Algorithms Basics – International Black Sea University, 1997 – 2007, Bachelor’s
  4. Programming Basics – International Black Sea University, 1997 – 2007, Bachelor’s
  5. Calculus II – Free University of Tbilisy, 2011-2018, Bachelor’s
  6. Mathematical Methods of Theoretical Physics – Free University of Tbilisy, 2011-2018, Bachelor’s