Position:Associate Professor

Tamaz Gabisonia graduated from Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire in 1986 as musicologist, in 2009 he was awarded a PhD in Musicology. In 1995-2011 he was a lecturer and scientific worker at Tbilisi State Conservatoire. At various times he taught at Tbilisi Institute of Culture, Giorgi Mtatsmindeli High School of Chant and Batumi Conservatoire. Since 2011 he has worked at Ilia State University.

Scientific interests / research interests

Georgian folk music and church chant, traditional music of the world peoples, music and religion, semiotics.

Featured publications
• Criteria for Determining the Types of Polyphony of Georgian Folk Songs. In: Echoes from Georgia: Seventeen Arguments on Georgian Polyphony. Focus on Civilizations and Cultures – Music. 2009. Editors: Rusudan Tsurtsumia, Joseph Jordania. Reviewers: Simha Arom (France), Polo Vallejo (Spain) Nova Science Publishers. Inc. New York.
• Terminological priorities of Georgian traditional polyphony. In: European Voices II (Cultural Listening and Local Discourse in Multipart Singing Traditions in Eupore).Ardian ahmedaja (ed). Pp 207-219. Bohlau Verlag Wien-Koln-Weimar. 2011
• Dialectics of a Second in Ethnic Music. Statics and Dialectics, proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, International Research Centre for Traditional Polyphony of Tbilisi State Conservatoire, 2013
• The known examples of personal influence on Georgian musical tradition. – Third Symposium of the ICTM Study Group for Multipart Music 12-16 september 2013 Budapest. 2015;
• Semiotic Dimensions of Drone in Ethnic Music, proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, International Research Centre for Traditional Polyphony of Tbilisi State Conservatoire, 2015
• Metaphores in Music. Parallels of Rhetorical Figures in Georgian Traditional Music. 5th Scientific Conference in Semiotics, The World in Metaphores and the World of Metaphores. Semiotics XIV. Tbilisi, 2014
• Encyclopedic Dictionary of Georgian Music, editor-consultant in folklore and chant, author of articles (folk music, folklore Georgian musical, Georgian musical dialects, etc). Author-compilers and editors: Rusudan Kutateladze and Mzia Japaridze, Tbilisi, 2015


Georgian Folk Music – a text-book for the students of Performance Faculty of Tbilisi State Conservatoire –compiler together with Tamar Meskhi, Tbilisi, 2005.

Articles in magazines
• “Georgian Folk Choral Music”, “ICB – International Choral Bulletin”, Volume XXV, N 4-4th Quarter, (managing Editor Jutta Tagger), Louvigny, France, 2006
• Критерии „аутентичности“ в грузинском народном музыкальном исполнительстве, Musicology, a peer-reviewed journal of the Institute of Musicology of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts #17 (2014).
• articles in “Musika” journal

Articles in newspapers

articles in newspapers (“Rezonansi”, “Shvidi dghe”,” Akhali shvidi dghe”, “Akhali kartuli gazeti”, “Droni”, etc)

An extensive list of publications


Current Courses

Course Catalog

Students Chorus of Folk Songs at IliaUni; Music of World Nations; Music, Religion, Ritual; Georgian Ecclesiastical Music; The Phenomenon of Georgian Traditional Music

Introduction to Ethnomusicology (Bachelor course)
Music, religion, ritual (Bachelor course)
Traditional music of the peoples of the world (Bachelor course)
Georgian church music (Bachelor course)
Music from different points of view (Bachelor course)
Iliauni student folk choir (Bachelor course)
Performing features of georgian folk songs (Bachelor course)
Music in the context interdisciplinary researches (Doctoral course)
Georgian folk musical art (Bachelor course)
Ethnomusicology (Bachelor course)
Notation of folk music (Bachelor course