Nino Kirvalidze graduated from Tbilisi State Institute of Foreign Languages in 1970 majoring in the English and the Spanish languages. In 1981 she defended her candidate dissertation (Ph.D Thesis) at Moscow Moris Torez State Institute of Foreign Languages. In 1991 she defended her second dissertation, Habilitation Thesis, at Moscow State University of Linguistics and was conferred a scientific degree of the doctor of philological sciences in Germanic languages. In 1995 she was conferred a scientific-pedagogical title of the Professor of Anglistics.
In 1970-2003 Nino Kirvalidze worked at the English Language Chair at the Institute of Foreign Languages. In 2004-2006 she headed the Chair of Romance and Germanic Philology at Ilia Chavchavadze State University of Language and Culture. At present she takes an academic position of a full professor of English and American studies at Ilia State University.
Nino Kirvalidze has published more than 60 scientific works (among them two monographs) and two textbooks for graduate and postgraduate students of English philology. She has supervised eight doctoral dissertations in Anglistics and presented her research papers at different International Conferences in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Freiburg, Munich, Paris and London (all her presentations are published in international peer-reviewed journals).
At the invitation of the TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION London Office, which was based on her research publications, Nino Kirvalidze participated in the World University Ranking 2022 – 2025 Surveys as a representative of both her discipline and her country.
Scientific interests / research interests
• Text linguistics
• Linguocultural and interdisciplinary studies of the text
• Cognitive linguistics (the problems of metaphorization and reference)
• Syntactic stylistics
Featured publications
- Kirvalidze, N. & Samnidze, N. (2018) – Aesthetic Morality and Intertextuality of Oscar Wilde’s THE HAPPY PRINCE AND OTHER TALES // International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 11 (01), 2018, pp. 343-356. USA: University Publications Net. ISSN 1944-6934.,5
- Kirvalidze N. (2017). Linguo-Cultural and Pragmatic Peculiarities of the Phenomenon of Anglicisation in Georgia. // Journal of Teaching and Education, 06(02), 2017, pp. 269 – 280. USA: University Publications Net. ISSN: 2165-6266.
- Kirvalidze N., Samnidze N. (2016). Political Discourse as a Subject of Interdisciplinary Studies. // Journal of Teaching and Education, 5(1), 2016, pp. 161-170. USA: University Publications Net. ISSN: 2165 – 6266.
- Kirvalidze N., Samnidze N. (2014). Linguistic Basis of Teaching Complex Syntactic English Structures at Higher Schools. // Journal of Teaching and Education, December 3 (3), 2014, pp. 143-151. USA: University Publications Net. ISSN: 2165 – 6266.
- Kirvalidze N. (2014). Three-Dimensional World of Similes in English Fictional Writing. // Sino-US English Teaching. Volume 11, Number 1, January 2014 (Serial Number 121), pp. 25-39. USA: David Publishing Company. ISSN 1539-8072(Print), ISSN 1935-9675(Online).
- Kirvalidze N. (2013). Syntactic-Stylistic Aspect of Teaching English Narrative Texts at Higher Schools. // Proceedings of EDULEARN13 (5thInternational Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies), 2013, Barcelona, Spain. pp. 4027–4035. ISBN: 978-84-616-3822-2. Indexed in: ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index(thomson reuters)
- Kirvalidze N., Davitishvili N. (2012). Blake’s Romantic Discourse and the “Introduction” to Songs of Innocence as a Megametaphor. // US-China Foreign Language. Volume 10, Number 9, September 2012 (Serial Number 108), pp. 1577–1586. USA: David Publishing Company, ISSN 1539-8080 (Print), ISSN 1935-9667 (Online).
- Kirvalidze N. (2012). Linguocultural and Pragmatic Fundamentals of Teaching Political Discourse at Higher Schools.//Proceedings of ICERI2012 (5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation), 2012, Madrid, Spain. pp. 5171–5176. ISBN: 978-84-616-0763-1. Indexed in: ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index(thomson reuters) Kirvalidze
- Kirvalidze N. (2007). Modern Trends in Language Teaching: Discourse Approach to Text Interpretation. // NEW TRENDS IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Journal of the materials of the 4th International Silk Road Sympozium conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and International Black Sea University. Tbilisi, 2007, pp. 210-218. Google scholar:
- Kirvalidze N. (2006). The Author’s Modality and Stratificational Structure of a Literary Text in Modern English. // International Refereed Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal of International Black Sea University. Vol. 1, Tbilisi, 2006, pp. 210-218. ISSN 1512-3731
- Kirvalidze N., Inauri N. (1999). Semiological Typology of Anthroponyms in Modern English. // Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. Volume 160, # 3, November – December. Tbilisi, 1999, pp. 586-591 (The volume is published in English). ISSN 0132-1447,5
- Kirvalidze N., Inauri N. (1997). Object-Logical Typology of Anthroponyms in the English Language. // Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. Volume 155, # Tbilisi, 1997, pp. 307 – 309 (The volume is published in English). ISSN 0132-1447 of Anthroponyms in the English Language.pdf
- Кирвалидзе Н. (1991). Дейктические средства в системе современного английского языка и их роль в организации текста. Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора филологических наук. Москва (Habilitation Thesis)‚ 1991.,5
- Кирвалидзе Н. (1988). Прагматический аспект дейктических средств языка (на материале современного английского языка). НДВШ. ФИЛОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ. 1988‚ № 6. Москва‚ 1988‚ с. 58 – 64.ISSN 0130-9730,5
- Kirvalidze, N. (2008). A University Course in Text Linguistics (For gradu-ate and postgraduate students of English philology). Tbilisi: Ilia Chavchavadze State University Publishing House. ISBN 978-9941-0-0528-2,5&as_sdtp
- Kirvalidze N. (2008). Modern Theories of Grammar (For graduate and postgraduate students of English philology). Tbilisi: Ilia Chavchavadze State University Press. ISBN 978-9941-0-0774-3 (In Georgian).,5
- Kirvalidze N, Kobakhidze Sh. (2006). Metaphorical Thought and Similes in English Fictional Writing. Tbilisi: Ilia Chavchavadze State University Press. ISBN 99940-23-28-4,5
- Кирвалидзе, Н. (1989). Семантика и текстообразующие функции анлийских дейктических слов. МОНОГРАФИЯ. Издательство ТГУ. Тбилиси‚ 1989. ISBN 5-511-00361-1
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