Professor Emeritus of Romance Philology

Mzago DOKHTOURICHVILI graduated from Tbilisi Ilia Chavchavadze Pedagogical  Institute of Foreign Languages in 1971. In 1978 she completed a two-year course of the high pedagogy at Moscow Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages. At the same Institute she successfully defended the Ph.D. dissertation in 1982. In 1982-1993 she delivered the TV lessons of French at Georgian main TV channel. In 1994-2006 she headed the French Language Department at Ilia Chavchvadze State University of Language and Culture. In 2000-2010 she headed the Georgian-European University Program – French as Foreign Language/Applied Foreign Language  which she set up in the framework of academic partnership with Paul Valery University-Montpellier 3, that provided the graduate diplomas of France and Georgia. Since 2000, she occupies a position of coordinator within the University Partnership Program between Ilia State University and Paul Valery University – Montpellier 3. In 2012-2015 she served as a founder and a head of the Central and Eastern European Humanities Doctoral College – CODFREURCOR. She is currently a member of executive committee of CODFREURCOR. In 2010-1016 she was a representative of Central and Eastern European Universities in the executive committee of AFELSH. Since 2014, She edits the French annual academic journal –“Etudes interdisciplinaires en Sciences humaines”. She is awarded with two French Government medals:  “Knight in Order of the Academic Palms” and she is also  an accomplished member of International Association of the Order-owners. In 2011 she was named “Officer in Order of the Academic Palms’. On January 29, 2018 she was elected as a Member-Correspondent of Montpellier Science and Literature Academy, founded in 1706 by King Louis XIV.

Scientific interests / research interests

  • Text Linguistics / discourse analysis, didactics

Featured publications

  • L’image du Juif – du “non-type par excellence” ou de l'”homme en trop” dans l’œuvre de Patrick Modiano, published online

May 17, 2017 – Uploaded by Université Paris-Sorbonne.

Accepted for publication in Paris by Petra Publishing House, in the collection Usage de la mémoire, 15 pages.

  • Le traitement du culturel en traduction. «Dire presque la même chose» ou comment traduire le culturel. Sent for publication in Paris by Les Éditions Classiques Garnier, 20 pages.
  • La cohabitation de langues et l’image de l’Afrique dans l’œuvre de Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, Accepted for publication in Human Sciences Monograph Series 21, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada,  20 pages.
  • La représentation linguistique de différentes cultures à travers une même langue: Sent for publication in Vienna by La Maison d’Éditions De Gruyter, 20 pages.
  • Le phénomène de bi-langue dans «Amour bilingue » d’Abdelkhébir Khatibi. Accepted for publication in N 5 of the journal Etudes interdisciplinaires en Sciences humaines (Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Sciences), Editions Ilia State University, for the month of August 2018, 25 pages.
  • Les écrivains francophones entre langues et territoires, in Fondements historiques et ancrages culturels des langues, Ali Reguigui, Julie Boissonneault et Mzago Dokhtourichvili (dir.) Série monographique en sciences humaines 20, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, 2017, p. 307-340.
  • La traduction comme source de création. Le paratexte du traducteur, in Etudes interdisciplinaires en Sciences humaines, Tbilissi, Éditions Université d’État Ilia, N4, 2017. p. 170-187.
    L’expression des repères identitaires dans les œuvres littéraires, in L’Arménie et la Géorgie en dialogue avec l’Europe. De Moyen Age à nos jours, I. Aujé, V. Barkhoudarian, G. Dédéyan, M . Dokhtourichvili, I. Karaulashvili (dir.), Paris, GEUTHNER, 2016. p. 189-205
    L’intégration des emprunts aux langues romanes – français, espagnol, italien – dans le lexique géorgien, in Carmen Alén Garabato, Ksenija Djordjevic et all. (Éds), Rencontres en sciences du langage et de la communication. Mélanges offerts à Henri Boyer par ses collègues et amis. Avec le soutien du Laboratoire DIPRALANG-EA739 (Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier 3), Paris, L’Harmattan, 2016, p. 173-182.
    Métadiscours auctorial et dialogisme interdiscursif dans les discours de réception à l’Académie française et les discours de Prix Nobel de Littérature, in Études interdisciplinaires en Sciences humaines, N3, 2016. p. 205-233.
    Patrick Modiano en quête de l’identité. De La Place de l’Etoile au prix Nobel, in
    Études interdisciplinaires en Sciences humaines, Éditions Université d’État Ilia, N2, 2015, p. 225-251.
    La poétique de la révolte et le roman documentaire, in Littérature et totalitarisme 1. Ecrire pour témoigner. Presses universitaires de Namur, Belgique, 2014, p. 95-119.
    L’esthétique de la réception et le rôle de la littérature dans le développement de la rationalité . Actes du colloque international « Les sciences sociales et la société. Nouvelles approches de la rationalité ». CEREFREA de l’Université de Bucarest en collaboration avec l’Université Lumière Lyon 2) ; Presses Universitaires de l’Université de Bucarest, 2014, p. 145-163.
    Divine justice and civil justice in Umberto Eco’s novel “The name of the rose” (in Georgian), Yearbook of Comparative Literature 1, Ilia State University Press, 2013,p. 523-542.
    Les approches didactiques « plurielles » et l’enseignement des langues/cultures romanes en Géorgie, in Quelles linguistique romane au XXIe siècle ? L’Harmattan, Paris, 2010, p.119-135.
    La logique argumentative et différentes manifestations du dialogisme dans le discours épistolaire, in KADMOS, Journal of Studies of Humanities, 1.2009. p. 146-183.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Bachelor’s degree
Text – Universal Form of Perception and Expression of the World (autumn semester
Analysis of French speech (spring semester, )
Contemporary theories of enunciation (autumn semester, )
Théories contemporaines de l’argumentation (spring semester, )
Language research methods (autumn semester, )
Contemporary Linguistic Currents: Textual Linguistics / Discourse Analysis (autumn semester, )
Applied linguistics (spring semester, )
Contemporary French Literature (spring semester, )

Courses taught in French in the academic year 2013-2014:
Didactics of Writing, Literary Text Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Praxematics and Meaning-making, Contemporary Grammatical Theory and French Teaching
Courses taught in French to the European-Georgian program in the years 2003-2010:
Bachelor’s degree
General Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Historical general linguistics, French Stylistics, Intercultural Communication, Pragmatics, Syntax, Discourse Analysis, Intercultural Didactics, Linguistics and Teaching / Learning, Contemporary Theories of Argumentation
Didactics of writing; Contemporary linguistic currents; Discourse Analysis Praxematics and
The courses taught at Paul Valéry University – Montpellier 3:
Intercultural didactics and the methodological and socio-cultural problems of teaching French (on the example of Georgia and the countries of the post-Soviet space) – 01.11. 2011 01.12.2011
Men, Languages and Cultures: Subject, Teaching / Learning and Language Relationships January-February 2006
Bachelor’s degree, Master:
Intercultural didactics and the methodological and socio-cultural problems of teaching French (on the example of Georgia) – April-May 2003