Direction:Culture and Religion
Position:Full Professor

  • 1976 – 1981 : Studies in the Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Phisics (High Energy and Elementary Particles).
    1981 – 1989 : Resercher in Tbilisi Institute for Phisics (Cosmic rays)
  • 1989 – 1992 : Studies in Tbilisi Theological Academy.
    1994 : License in Theology (Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, Italy)
  • 1996 : Doctor in Eastern Ecclesiastic Sciences (Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, Italy)
  • 1996 – 2002 : Docent of Italian Language and Literature in Javakhishvili State University (Tbilisi, Georgia)
  • 2001 – 2015 : Columnist and Press-Ombudsman in the daily newspaper “24 Saati”
  • 2002 – 2006 : Professor of Medieval History in Language and Culture Institute (Tbilisi)
  • Since 2006 : Professor in Ilia State University
  • 2010 – 2014 : Author and Anchorman of the Cultural Programm “B-flat” in Georgian Public Broadcaster.
  • 2008 : National Award of Italian Republic for the Literary Translation and Spreading of Italian Culture.

Scientific interests / research interests

Medieval History and Culture, Italian Literature.

Featured publications

  • San Teodosio Pecerskij, in Dizionario internazionale di Omiletica, Edizioni Salesiane, Roma 1995.
  • Problemi del pellegrinaggio nella spiritualità russa dell’Ottocento, “Vivere In”, Bari 1995.
  • San Filaret di Mosca (Drozdov), in Dizionario internazionale di Omiletica, Edizioni Salesiane, Roma 1995.
  • Davide IV “Cantico Penitenziale”. Saggio di Analisi storico-liturgica, Edizioni PIO, Roma 1996.
  • Tamar (la regina), “Biblioteca sanctorum”, Città Nuova, Roma 1996.
  • Giovanni Petrizi, “Biblioteca sanctorum”, Città Nuova, Roma 1996.
  • Mirian III, “Biblioteca sanctorum”, Città Nuova, Roma 1996.
  • Sciuscianik (la martire), “Biblioteca sanctorum”, Città Nuova, Roma 1996.
  • Concetto di santità nella spiritualità georgiana, “Biblioteca sanctorum”, Città Nuova, Roma 1997.
  • Le opere di Antonio Rosmini in lingua georgiana, in “Atti del Congresso Rosminiano”, Brescia 1997.
  • Antonio Rosmini nell’ambiente cristiano-ortodosso, in “Atti del Congresso Rosminiano”, Stresa 1997.
  • Filosofia di Antonio Rosmini e la fine della storia, in “Atti del Congresso Rosminiano”, Roma 1998.
  • Piegando le ginocchia del cuore (Davide IV), in collana “Testi dei padri della Chiesa”, Edizioni “Qiqajon”, Bose 1998.
  • Rinnovamento cristiano del pensiero, come la base delle nuove scoperte intellettuali nel Nuovo millennio, in “Nuovo Areopago”, Roma – Bologna – Forlì 2000.
  • Paesi cristiani dell’Est e la civiltà europea, in “Atti del convegno internazionale Civiltà europea e valori cristiani”, Torino 2001.


  • Sociolinguistics, “Open Societi — Georgia” Publishing, Tbilisi 2001.

Articles in newspapers

  • More than 300 articles in the newspaper “24 saati”.

An extensive list of publications

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Introduction to Contemporary Thought II; Dante Alighieri’s World


Introduction to Contemporary Thought I; Christian Church and Birth of Europe

Ancient Christian Gospels (2002 – 2010) (1 semester, BA), Antonio Rosmini Serbati — The Profile of Italian Philosopher (2004 – 2008) (1 semester, BA), The History and The Social Theory (2006 – 2012) (1 semester, BA), History of Italian Literature (2006 – 2016) (4 semesters, BA), The Theory of Leterary Translation (2012 – 2016) (1 semester, MA), Travel and Biography – Two Pillars of Subjectivism in Medieval Europe (2012 – 2017) (1 semester, MA).