Direction:Public Law
Position:Full Professor

Professor Vardzelashvili has 10 years of judicial experience and more than 12 years’ experience of working with international organizations (UN Human Rights Committee, European Court of Human Rights, CoE/Venice Commission, the British Council, etc.) and academic institutions; First-hand experience in fields of rule of law and administration of justice, experience in providing legal advice and assistance to governments in constitutional and legal reforms; demonstrated consistent contribution to civic education and formal academic education.

  • Since 2015 – Professor Vardzelashvili is a Member of Advisory Board of the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law and since 2010 he is a Member of Advisory Board of the Constitutional Law Review (published jointly by Constitutional Court of Georgi and Ilia State University);
  • In 2017 Professor Vardzelashvili acted as expert to by OHCHR and took part in the mission to the Philippines engaging in discussions with Members of the Senate, representatives of civil society, on the issue of legal implications of reintroduction of the death penalty. Later in the same year he was also commissioned by ICCPR Centre (Geneva) to follow up on implementation Human Rights Committee’s recommendation by Kazakhstan.

In 2017 Professor Vardzelashvili was involved in academic activities in Georgia and abroad, he deliver lectures at the Summer School organized by Constitutional Court of Moldova and EU Delegation; deliver trainings to enhance capacity of the Public Defender’s Office of Georgia on “Fighting All Forms of Discrimination in Georgia”, as well as  at the Legal Education Training Workshop on using Treaty Body Shadow Reporting and Amicus Brief Writing organized by EastWest Management Institute / USAID;

  • In 2006 – 2016 Professor Vardzelashvili was Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia.
  • In the period of 2012-2016 he was Member of the UN Human Rights Committee:
    • For the period of 2014 – 2015 was elected as a Vice-Chair of the Committee and for the period of 2015 – 2016 – as a Rapporteur of the Committee;
  • During 2007 – 2015 Professor Vardzelashvili was Substitute Member of the European Commission for Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission).
  • In 2010 – 2014 he was Visiting Professor at the Free University (Tbilisi, Georgia);
  • In 2009 he acted as an Ad Hoc Judge to the European Court of Human Rights;
  • During 2004 -2006 he was the Deputy Ministry of Justice of Georgia;

Scientific interests / research interests

Comparative Constitutional Law, Human Rights, Public Policy and Law, International Law  

  • Co-author of numerous reports, opinions and amicus briefs on behalf of the Venice Commission during the period of 2007-2015, such as: Opinion on the Draft Constitutional Amendments on the Judiciary of Albanian, 2016); Opinion on the Draft law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014); Opinion on the draft amendments to the Law on the High Judicial Council of Serbia, 2014; Opinion on the draft amendments to the Law on the Judiciary of Serbia, 2013; Amicus Curiae Brief for the Constitutional Court of Moldova, 2015; Joint Opinion of the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR on Constitutional Law of Kazakhstan on the Judicial System and Status of Judges (2011); Opinion on the Draft law on the Judicial Code and Evaluation of Judges of Armenia, 2014; Opinion on the Draft Code on Judicial Ethics of the Republic of Tajikistan, 2013; Opinion on the draft law on Courts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013; on Draft Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kyrgyzstan, 2011); on the Draft Constitutional Law “On Introducing Amendments and Additions to the Constitutional Law “On the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kyrgyzstan”, 2014; on the Draft Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Introduction of Changes and Amendments To The Constitution” Of The Kyrgyz Republic, 2015; on the Rules of Procedure of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kyrgyz Republic, 2015; Authored of the Report on the Reform of Judiciary in the Kyrgyzstan, 2012;
  • Editor for the Georgian edition of the Human Rights in Criminal Proceedings by Stefan Trechsel, first published in 2005 by Oxford University Press Inc., published in 2009;
  • Member of editorial board, Constitutions of the Foreign States, published in 2006;
  • Editor of Human Rights: Freedom of Expression Manual, published in 2003.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Constitutional Law of Georgia (State and Legal Structure)

Introduction to Jurisprudence; Practical Course in Constitutional Proceedings