Direction:Comparative History
Position:Associate Professor

Adrian Brisku is an intellectual and comparative historian with a doctoral degree in history from European University Institute, Florence; currently working as Associate Professor in Comparative History at Ilia State University and as Assistant Professor on the Caucasus at Charles University, Prague.Brisku has published several impact factor and peer-reviewed articles from comparative and conceptual history perspectives on modern European identity, politico-economic thought, reform and empire in the Balkans, the South Caucasus and nineteenth century Ottoman and Russian political histories. He is the author of two monographs: Bittersweet Europe: Albanian and Georgian Discourses on Europe, 1878-2008 (New York: London, Berghahn Books, 2013) and Political Reform in the Ottoman and Russian Empires: A Comparative Approach (London: Bloomsbury Academics, 2017)

Scientific interests / research interests

Empire, European Identity, Reform, Political Economy, Comparative History, Georgian and Albanian Modern History

Featured publications

C 1. Articles in Impact Factor Journals
• 2017 “Renegotiating the Empire, Forging the Nation-State: The Bohemian/Czechoslovakian Case through the Political-economic Thought of Thomas G. Masaryk and Karel Kramář”, Nationalities Papers, DOI: 10.1080/00905992.2016.1268585
• 2016 “Empires of Conquest and Civilization in Georgian Political and Intellectual Discourse since Late Nineteenth Century”, Intersections. EEJSP 2(2): pp. 104-123, DOI: 10.17356/ieejsp.v2i2.185
• 2015 “Renegotiating the Empire, Forging the Nation-State: The Case of Georgia through the Political Economic Thought of Niko Nikoladze and Noe Zhordania, c. 1870-1920s”, Nationalities Papers, DOI: 10.1080/00905992.2015.1102214
• 2015 “So fern und doch so nah Das Europabild in Georgien: Eine Ideengeschichte” – Grenzland
Konflikt und Kooperation im Südkaukasus, Osteuropa 7-10, pp. 515-529, ISBN: 978-3-8305-1708-5

C 2. Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
• 2009 “Internalising Europe: Albanian Perceptions of the Continent in Historical Perspective (1878-2008)”, Journal of Educational Media, Memory and Society, 1(2), Autumn, pp. 97-124
• 2006 “Occidentalising the Past and Orientalising the Present: Ismail Kadare and President Moisiu’s ‘European’ Albanian Identity”, Albanian Journal of Politics, 2(2), pp. 82-103

E. Other Works
• (In Albanian)
• 2008 “Imazhi i fesë islame në tekstet shkollore të historisë”, Përpjekja, 25, fq. 223-37
• 2006 “Oksidentalizimi i së shkuarës dhe orientalizimi i së tashmes: identiteti ‘evropian’ i shqiptarëve sipas shkrimtarit Ismail Kadare dhe presidentit Alfred Moisiu”, Përpjekja, 23, fq. 52-69
• (In Georgian)
• 2014 “ხიდების ფორმირება“, სამხრეთი კაბკასია გზაჯბარედინზე, ს. ასათიანი, ნ. ლეჟაბა (რედ.), თბილისი: Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus Regional Office), გვ. 44-54
• Scientific Monographs
2017 Political Reform in the Ottoman and Russian Empires: A Comparative Approach (London: Bloomsbury), ISBN: 9781474238533
2013 Bittersweet Europe: Albanian and Georgian Discourses on Europe, 1878-2008 (New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books), ISBN 978-0-85745-984-8
• An extensive list of publications
• Scientific Monographs
2017 Political Reform in the Ottoman and Russian Empires: A Comparative Approach (London: Bloomsbury), ISBN: 9781474238533
2013 Bittersweet Europe: Albanian and Georgian Discourses on Europe, 1878-2008 (New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books), ISBN 978-0-85745-984-8

• Chapters in Monographs
2015 “The Holy Alliance as ‘An Order of Things Conformable to the Interest of Europe and to the Laws of Religion and Humanity’” in Paradoxes of Peace in Nineteenth Century Europe, M. Vec & Th. Hippler (eds), (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 153-169.
2014 “Politics of Change and Stability’ in the Ottoman and Russian Empires, 1815-1915”, in Europe 1815-1914: Creating Community and Ordering the World, M. Koskenniemi & B. Stråth (eds) (Helsinki: Unigrafia Oy,), pp. 44-58
2014 “Shaping Bridges: Perceptions of Western Engagement in the South Caucasus”, in South Caucasus at a Crossroad: Thorny Realities and Great Expectations, S. Asatiani & N. Lejava (eds) (Tbilisi: Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus Regional Office), pp. 44-54
2013 “Empires without Cosmopolitanism? – Locating Cosmopolitanism in Nineteenth Century Ottoman and Russian Empires”, in Cosmopolitanisms in Enlightenment Europe and Beyond, P. Slotte & M. Garcia-Salmones (eds), (Brussels: Peter Lang), pp. 125-140
2010 “Islamization Reconsidered: Islam and Albanians in Albanian History Texts (1973-2006), in Narrating Islam, G. Jonker & Sh. Thobani (eds) (London & New York: I. B. Tauris Publishers), pp. 168-93
2007 With George Welton, “Contradictory Inclinations? The Role of ‘Europe’ in Albanian Nationalist Discourse’ in Theorising Social Change in Post-Soviet Countries, B. Sanghera et al (eds), (Bern: Peter Lang), pp. 87-110

C 1. Articles in Impact Factor Journals
2017 “Renegotiating the Empire, Forging the Nation-State: The Bohemian/Czechoslovakian Case through the Political-economic Thought of Thomas G. Masaryk and Karel Kramář”, Nationalities Papers, DOI: 10.1080/00905992.2016.1268585
2016 “Empires of Conquest and Civilization in Georgian Political and Intellectual Discourse since Late Nineteenth Century”, Intersections. EEJSP 2(2): pp. 104-123, DOI: 10.17356/ieejsp.v2i2.185
2015 “Renegotiating the Empire, Forging the Nation-State: The Case of Georgia through the Political Economic Thought of Niko Nikoladze and Noe Zhordania, c. 1870-1920s”, Nationalities Papers, DOI: 10.1080/00905992.2015.1102214
2015 “So fern und doch so nah Das Europabild in Georgien: Eine Ideengeschichte” – Grenzland
Konflikt und Kooperation im Südkaukasus, Osteuropa 7-10, pp. 515-529, ISBN: 978-3-8305-1708-5

C 2. Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
2009 “Internalising Europe: Albanian Perceptions of the Continent in Historical Perspective (1878-2008)”, Journal of Educational Media, Memory and Society, 1(2), Autumn, pp. 97-124
2006 “Occidentalising the Past and Orientalising the Present: Ismail Kadare and President Moisiu’s ‘European’ Albanian Identity”, Albanian Journal of Politics, 2(2), pp. 82-103

E. Other Works
(In Albanian)
2008 “Imazhi i fesë islame në tekstet shkollore të historisë”, Përpjekja, 25, fq. 223-37
2006 “Oksidentalizimi i së shkuarës dhe orientalizimi i së tashmes: identiteti ‘evropian’ i shqiptarëve sipas shkrimtarit Ismail Kadare dhe presidentit Alfred Moisiu”, Përpjekja, 23, fq. 52-69
(In Georgian)
2014 “ხიდების ფორმირება“, სამხრეთი კაბკასია გზაჯბარედინზე, ს. ასათიანი, ნ. ლეჟაბა (რედ.), თბილისი: Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus Regional Office), გვ. 44-54

Current Courses

Course Catalog

  • Introduction to Intellectual History: Approaches and Methods (2015-2016 fall Semester/Doctoral; 2016-2017 Spring Semester/Master’s)
  • Nationalism(s) in Europe
  • (2016-2017 Spring Semester/Master’s; 2017-2018 Spring Semester/Master’s)
  • Introduction to Intellectual History: Approaches and Methods (2015-2016 fall Semester/Doctoral; 2016-2017 Spring Semester/Master’s
  • Nationalism(s) in Europe
  • (2016-2017 Spring Semester/Master’s; 2017-2018 Spring Semester/Master’s)