Ana Chkuaseli earned  BA and MA in Philology at  Ivane Javakhishvili State University in 2004-2006. She continued studies at the doctoral level of  Ilia State University in the direction of Philology in 2010. In  2021 She defended  the doctoral thesis with the topic of- From the History of Georgian philology : catholic inculturation and unknown dictionaries of the XVII-XIX centuries.  Since  2012 she has been an invited lecturer at the Ilia State University    Georgian as a second language  an integration program. Since 2023  she has been an assistant-professor at the Faculty School of  Arts and Sciences.

Scientific interests / research interests

  • Lexicographical, linguistic, religious and medical activities of Catholic missions in Georgia.
  • Translational and explanatory missionary dictionaries; religious texts.

  •  Methods and Strategies for Studying Georgian as a Foreign Language by the first Europeans, International Journal of Multilingual Education, #11, 2018, pp. 19-26
    Music as a form of collective Identity Formation in The National Self-determination Process, Proccedings: XII International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Criticism The Idea of State Sovereignty and XX Century Literature, 2018, 433-443
  •  The Medical Case as a Social and Religious mission (from the history of Catholic missions), Catholic Heritage in Georgia 3-4 International Symposium (June 5-6, 8-9) Proceding, 2022, 179-204
  •  Methods and Strategies for Studying Georgian as a Foreign Language by the first Europeans, Catholic Heritage in Georgia 2 The 2nd International Symposium (June 5-6) Proceding, 2019,78-89

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Media Course II (Georgian as a Second Language); Georgian Language B1_B2 (Georgian as a Foreign Language); Grammar of Georgian Language for Communication (Georgian as a Foreign Language)

Media Course 1 (Georgian as a Second Language); Georgian Language B1_B2 (Georgian as a Foreign Language); Grammar of Georgian Language for Communication (Georgian as a Foreign Language)

  • Introduction to Georgian Philology  (2023)
  • Georgian Language B1_B2 (Georgian as a Foreign Language) (2017, 2019, 2020, 2021)
  • Grammar of Georgian Language for Communication (Georgian as a Foreign Language) (2021, 2022)
  • Media Course II (Georgian as a second Language) (2019, 2020, 2022)