Position:Assistant Professor

Tamaz Tokhadze received his PhD in philosophy from the University of Sussex. Before that, he did his MA at the University of Tartu, and his BA and MA at Ilia State University.

Tamaz’s principal areas of research are epistemology (including social epistemology; traditional and formal epistemology, and their intersection) and the philosophy of science. He also has research interests in animal ethics, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of statistics.

He has taught a variety of courses including courses on rational thinking, metaphysics, political philosophy, analytic philosophy, epistemology, logic, and Bayesianism.

Tamaz’s current work focuses on the demands of rationality and evidence on belief. Specifically, he is interested in how strongly our evidence constrains what we ought to believe and whether pragmatic, non-evidential factors have a substantive normative role to play in rational belief. This topic connects to several other debates in epistemology, like the epistemic significant disagreement, the relationship between belief and credence, and the nature of evidence and evidence processing.

Scientific interests / research interests

Epistemology, Philosophy of Science

Featured publications

2021    “Hybrid Impermissivism and the Diachronic Coordination Problem”. Philosophical Topics. Special issue: Epistemology.(
2021    “Fine-Tuning, Weird Sorts of Atheism and Evidential Favouring”. Analytic Philosophy. (

An extensive list of publications

2022  “Likelihoodism and Guidance for Belief”. Journal for General Philosophy of Science. (

2022  “Is Evidential Support the Same as Increase-in-Probability?”. Grazer Philosophische Studien (

2022  “Extreme Permissivism Revisited”. European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 18 (1): (A1) 5-26. (

2021  “Hybrid Impermissivism and the Diachronic Coordination Problem”. Philosophical Topics. Special issue: Epistemology.(

2021 “Fine-Tuning, Weird Sorts of Atheism and Evidential Favouring”. Analytic Philosophy. (

2020 “Steadfast Views of Disagreement are Incoherent”. Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 34(2):33-52.

2017 “ემოციები და ნორმატიული შეფასებები”, ფილოსოფია და ლოგიკა, თამარ ცხადაძე (ედიტორი), სავლე წერეთლის ფილოსოფიის ინსტიტუტი, ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის გამომცემლობა.

2018 “უთანხმოება და მტკიცებულება”, სავლე წერეთლის ფილოსოფიის ინსტიტუტი, ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის გამომცემლობა.


Current Courses

Course Catalog

Rational Thinking: Its nature and Value; Introduction to Contemporary Thought II; An Introduction to Formal Logic; Epistemology

Bachelor Thesis (Philosophy); Formal Methods in Philosophy: An Introduction; Introduction to Contemporary Thought I; Bayesian Epistemology; Themes from modern metaphysics

BA Courses:

“Introduction to Metaphysics” (2021-2022, Spring Semester)

“Formal Methods in Philosophy” (2017-2018, Spring Semester)

“Introduction to Political Philosophy” (2017-2018, Spring Semester)

“Introduction to Epistemology” (2017-2018, Fall Semester)

MA courses:

“Knowledge, Belief, and Degree of Belief” (2021-2022, Fall Semester)