Position:Full Professor

Bezhan Javakhia is a professor at Ilia State University and serves as the Head of the BA, PhD, and MA programs in Medieval Studies. From 1982 to 1986, he pursued post-graduate studies at Tbilisi State University, specializing in medieval history. In 1986, he successfully defended his thesis in world history. Starting in 1986, he worked at the medieval department of Tbilisi State University, initially as a co-scientist and later as a docent. In 1992, he completed a post-doctoral program at Saarland University in the Department of History of Centuries. From 1990 to 1992, he was a member of the first convocation of the Parliament of the Republic of Georgia, representing the political organization Round Table – Free Georgia.
During his time in the Parliament of the first convocation of Georgia, he served as the chairman of the general education subcommittee from 2006 to March 2013. Simultaneously, he held the position of a full professor of medieval history at Tbilisi State University and was the head of the department of medieval history. He actively contributed to the development of new study programs at the university and engaged in various scientific and pedagogical activities. Additionally, he was invited to several German universities, including Humboldt University of Berlin, the University of Saarland, and the University of Tübingen, through the exchange service of the German Academy and the Erasmus Mundus scholarship. He also participated in international scientific projects at the Central European University.
Bezhan Javakhia has authored numerous scientific monographs and approximately a hundred scientific articles. He has also authored several textbooks for both universities and schools. His articles have been published both in Georgia and internationally. Furthermore, he is a member of the board of several scientific societies and serves on the editorial board of various scientific journals.

Scientific interests / research interests

Medieval Studies, History of the Middle Ages and the New Age, History of the Church, History of Byzantium, Historical Anthropology, Comparative History.


  • Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Course Reader, Tbilisi, 2012
  • Eternal Rome: “The Other Rome” after Rome, Tbilisi, 2009.
  • Byzantinism and the Issue of the Byzantine Heritage, Tbilisi, 2009.
  • Knighthood in Medieval Europe, Tbilisi, 2008;
  • Medieval History, VII grade textbook, Tbilisi, 2005;
  • Medieval History, Recommended Book for Teachers, VII Grade, Tbilisi, 2005;
  • Medieval History, Textbook for Students (Old Germans, Kingdom of the Merovingian Franks, Church in the Early Middle Ages, Church in the XI-XV Centuries; Medieval Culture of Western Europe), Tbilisi, 2005;
  • From Antiquity to the Middle Ages (Western Europe, Byzantium, Georgia), Tbilisi, 2005;
  • Georgia and Georgians in Adam Olearius’ Travelogue, Tbilisi, 2005;


  • L’idea di Roma nella Georgia medieval, Roma e I Georgiani, Le relazioni diplomatiche tra la Georgia e la Santa Sede (1992-2017), Studium, Roma, 2017;
  • A Historical Source for Medieval Everyday Life – Text-Based Studies. Tb., 2014, p. 467-674;
  • Reports on Georgia and Georgians in the books of Western European travelers of Middle Ages (Benedict of Poland, Jean de Mandeville) – Historical Compendium 1, 2011, p. 171-185;
  • European Identity of Georgia in the Early Middle Ages – International Scientific Conference “Georgia in the European Space”, Proceedings, Tbilisi, 2011, p. 100-122;
  • Georgian Settlement in the Late Medieval Iran – International Conference “Cultural Dialogue and the Role of Diaspora”, Tb., 2009 p. 71-79;
    Georgien an den Anfangen der mittelalterlichen europaischen christlichen Zivilisation – Georgica, 2007, s. 56-70;
  • Protestantism (Luter’s Church) in Georgien –Round Table “Caucasus –Perspective of Intercultural Dialogue” 2007, p. 29-35;
  • Document from the Archives of the Greek Patriarchate of Jerusalem on the Georgian Colony of Jerusalem – Byzantinology in Georgia-2, Batumi-Trabzon, 2007;
  • “Different Europe” in the Middle Ages – Civilization Search, 2006, p. 45-50;

Extensive list of publications.

Comprehensive List of Publications

  • Ivane Javakhishvili on the importance of the fall of Constantinople for Georgia – Ivane Javakhishvili and the turning points of Georgian political life, Tbilisi, 2012, p. 5-20;
  • Kings Identity Marker in Medieval Europe: Pure – Georgian and European Identity Issues – Europe and Identity, Tbilisi 2011, pp.4-17;
  • New Rome – The idea of united Christian Empire in Georgian medieval write- Abstracts of Papers 4th International Conference “Via Egnatia: Peoples and States –Cultural, Political, Regional Identities in the Past and Today”, 2009. გვ. 37-39
  • The Travels of Jean de Mandeville to the East and reports on Georgia – Proceedings of the International Conference “The Travel of Heinrich Theodor Vele in Georgia”, Tbilisi, 2009, p. 95-101;
  • Second Council of Lyon and the First Ecclesiastical Union – Scientific Papers of the Tbilisi Theological Academy, I, Tbilisi, 2009, p. 131-142;
  • From the coup d’etat to the CIS Commonwealth of Independent States – Amirani, Bulletin of the International Scientific-Research Center for Caucasology, XIV-XVI Montreal-Tbilisi, 2009, p. 167-172;
  • Georgian Settlements in Iran in the 17th Century – Georgian National Commission for UNESCO – The Role of the Diaspora in the Dialogue of Cultures (Based on the Example of the Georgian Diaspora) Materials, Tbilisi, 2009, p. 50-65;
  • History and Theology in the Middle Ages – Bulletin of the AGIBAS, Bulletin of the American-Georgian Institute for Archaeological Research, Tbilisi, 2009, pp. 88-95;
  • Understanding National Unity in Medieval Western Europe – Identity and Nationalism, 2009, p. 34-44;
  • Constantinople – ” New Rome” – Historical Verticals, Tbilisi, 2009, p. 76-87
  • Byzantine Legacy to the Orthodox World – Issues of Political Sciences, Collection III, 2009, p. 64-82;
  • On the Issue of Attitudes Toward War in the Early Middle Ages and the Formation of a State Christian Worldview – Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Humanities, Grigol Kiknadze 100, Tbilisi, 2009, p. 155-156;
  • Towards Understanding the Concept of Europe in the Western Middle Ages – Civilization Searches, VI, Tbilisi, 2008;
  • The Roman Emperor in Pagan Conceptions and the Christianity (From God Emperor to Emperor from God) – From Paganism to Christianity, Proceedings of the Republican Conference, 2008, p. 84-85;
  • The Fifth Crusade and Georgia in Pilgrim Literature – Faculty Scientific Conference II, Shalva Nutsubidze – 120, Tb., 2008 p. 160-162 /GEO/internet/conference/nutsubidze.pdf;
  • Thomas Herbert on Georgians in Iran – Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Humanities – Akaki Shanidze – 120, 2007, p. 48-49;
  • Caucasus in the Cultural Landscape of Medieval Europe – Proceedings of the First International Congress of Caucasologists, Tbilisi, 2007, pp. 231-235;
  • XIII century Dominican monk about Georgia – Issues of medieval history,, VII, Tbilisi, 2005, p. 62-68;
  • Goth Bishop in Georgia (VIII) – Issues of Cultural History and Theory. 2004, XVIII, pp., 276-280;
  • European Travelers on Georgians at the Safavid Court of Iran – “Chveneburebi”, 2007, p. 59-64;
  • Church and the State in the Age of Persecution of Christianity – Issues of Medieval History, Tbilisi, 2005, VII, p. 5-13;
  • Queen Tamar through the eyes of foreigners – Holy Queen Tamar – Proceedings of the International Conference, 2006, p. 32-43;
  • Georgia in the United European World (on the Brink of Antiquity and the Middle Ages) – Civilization Searches, 2005, III p. 31-37;
  • On the attempt to spread Lutheranism in Georgia – Criterion, 2005, XIII, pp.142-147;
  • Goths and the Great War of Egrisi – Issues of Cultural Theory and History, 13, 2002;
  • Byzantine Culture – Culturology, Tbilisi, 2000, 2002;
  • Controversies of the XIII century. Ascetic Treatise of Innocent III – Issues of Medieval History, III, Tbilisi, 2001, p. 31-44;
  • Christian Renaissance and The Hymn Of The Sun of Saint Francis of Assisi – Criterion, Tbilisi, 2000, p. 42-48.
  • Medieval History from 2006 to present, Undergraduate course;
  • The History of Byzantium, 2006 to present, undergraduate course;
  • Main stages of the development of the Georgian state – 2014-15 academic year. , 2016-2017, Second Semester; Undergraduate course;
  • Georgia in the Early Middle Ages – 2014-2015, 2017-2018, First Semester, Undergraduate Course;
  • Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance – 2014-2015; 2016-2017, Undergraduate Course, Second Semester;
  • Ecclesiastical History – 2014-2015, Second Semester, Undergraduate Course;
  • Memory and Historical Science – Undergraduate Course, 2017-2018, Second Semester;
  • Holy War and Ecclesiastical Orders – 2012-2013, Undergraduate course, Second semester;
  • Contemporary Medieval Studies (Research Forms and Methods) – Master Course 2013-2014; 2014-2015; 2015-2016; 2016-2017; 2017-2018, first semester;
  • Byzantine Civilization (Main Characteristics and Peculiarities) – Master’s Course, 2013-2014; 2014-2015; 2015-2016; 2016-2017; 2017-2018, first semester;
  • Establishing Europe: Identity, Society and State (Historical Perspective – From Antiquity to the Enlightenment) – Master’s Degree; 2016-2017; 2017-2018, second semester;
  • History and memory. Reconstruction and Representation of the Past (Methodological Basics) – Doctoral Program, 2014-2015, Second Semester.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Introduction to History: What is the Craft of a Historian Studying or Creating Past?; Georgia in the Early Middle Ages (IV-VIII); Medieval History; Historical research, theoretical approach and methods; The Making of Europe: Identity, Society and State (Historical Perspective from Antiquity to Enlightenment)
Byzantine History; Late Medieval and Renaissance Europe – Renaissance and Reformation; Medieval History; The Byzantine Civilisation(Main Characteristics and Peculiarities); Modern Medieval Studies (Research Methods, Forms and Perspectives)