Direction:Sociology and Demography
Position:Full Professor

Born in Tbilisi, Georgia, on June 22, 1967. After graduation of high School in 1984 entered Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University, which graduated in 1989 with diploma of teacher of philosophy. In 1992 and 1997 defended, respectively, thesises of Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy. His working experience consists with different positions, as a field worker in Center for Recovery of Endangered Species (1985-1995), Chief Editor of regional newspaper (1987-1988), lecturer (from 1992 till nowadays) and consultant for governmental reforms (1995-1997 [UNDP], 2000-2001 [World Bank]). In different years he served as Head of research department of Parliament of Georgia (1997-2000), member of State Council for the Coordination of Anticorruption Politics in Georgia (2001-2003), Director of Georgia’s education reform project (2004-2006), and first rector (2006-2013) of Ilia State University. In 2006 he headed the govermental project of founding of Ilia State Univeristy. In different times he holds position of chair in different universities. From 2006 – Professor of Sociology at Ilia State University and Director of 4D research Institute of the same Univerity.

Author of more than 50 articles, 14 books and tens of blogs on on Georgian, English, Macedonian, German and Russian languages. Among his books three is written in the fiction genre.

Scientific interests / research interests

in philosophy, sociology, political anthropology, education policy, theory of evolution, ethno-ecology, human genetics and brain studies.

Featured publications

  1. Der Salon als Instanz einer Vermittlung zwischen Staat und Gesellschaft. Eine Studie zur Geschichte literarischer Vermittlung” in: “Europa – ein Salon? Beitrage zu Internationalitaet der literarischen Salons. Serie B. Europaeische Literaturen und Internationale Prozesse. Band 6. Wallshtein Verlag. Gottingen. 1999 (German) 80-89 pp.
  2. History of Mediation – Episode 1. In: Essays of Scholars with special awards of President of Georgia. Tbilisi. 1999 (Georgian) 127-132 pp.
  3. Political Discourse. In: “Demokraticheski Pregliad” band 33. Autumn 1997. Sofia. (Bulgarian) 253-257 pp.
  4. Paradigm and the Beast. In: Filosofskii Poisk. Minsk. 1997. # 3. (Russian).
  5. Main civic and State institutions and Values in Contemporary Georgia. in: Building Democracy in Georgia. International IDEA (English). 2003
  6. Power Elites in Georgia. in: After Shevardnadze. Georgian Security Governance after Rose revolution. Geneva Center for democratic Control of Armed forces (English). 2004
  7. Structure of Values. in: Values of Georgian Society. Tbilisi (Georgian). OSGF. 2007.
  8. Sociological View from the Top of Tree of Sociological Perspective. In: 10 Questions on Georgia’s political development; CIPDD (English). 2008.
  9. The Birth of Georgian Nation. In: Identity Studies. Ilia State University. #1. 2009. (English). 5-22 pp.
  10. “Political Theology” – A deconstruction of methodology. In: Identity Studies. # 3. 2012. Ilia State University Press. (English);
  11. Secularization and the Birth of Nation. Identity Studies. #2. 2011. Ilia State University Press. (English).
  12. Theoretical Aspects of World Value Survey: Main Principles, Challenges and Critics (With Levan Tarkhnishvili). Asian Social Science. Vol. 9, No 11 (2013). (English).
  13. “KPS”?: In the final analysis, what is this ‘Knight in the Panther’s Skin’? In: Zurab Kiknadze _80. Ilia State University Press. 2014 (English and Georgian).
  14. Scholarly and literary reconstructions of the second part of Aristotle’s ‘Poetics’, the chance discovery by Umberto Eco of a trace of a medieval debate hitherto unknown to him, and issues of the Christian tradition of translation. In: Kadmosi. 2014 spring edition. Ilia State University Press (English and Georgian).
  15. Svaneti Project Svanetian Towers and Svanetian High Art History and Hypothesis (with Nikoloz Vacheishvili). Kadmos. Volume 6. Ilia State University. (English).
  16. Loss of traditional knowledge aggravates wolf–human conflict in Georgia (Caucasus) in the wake of socio-economic change. (with Zaal Kikvidze). Ambio, A journal of the human environment. (English).
  17. Human Paternal Lineages, Languages, and Environment in the Caucasus. (With davit Tarkhnishvili, Alexandre gavashelishvili and marina Murtskvaladze). Human Biology # (English). 2014.
  18. Lonely Neanderthal: Neurochemical Hypothesis for the Domestication of Animals and Plants (with Revaz Solomonia Zaal Kikvidze, Davit MIkeladze. Kadmos. Volume 7. 2015/12. (English). Ilia Stae University.
  19. Ethno-ecological contexts of the Skhalta Gorge and the Upper Svaneti (Georgia, the Caucasus) (with Zaal Kikvidze). Journal of Political Ecology. Volume 23. (English).
  20. Children with epilepsy and autistic spectrum disorders show similarly high levels of urinary p-cresol. G Tevzadze, L Shanshiashvili, D Mikeladze – 2017.


  1. History and Value. Tbilisi University Press. Tbilisi. 1989 (Georgian) 26 pp.
  2. Our Time, Sphinx and Zeno’s Arrow (Aesthetics of consciousness); Tb. “Goni” 1993 (Georgian) 114 pp.
  3. Signs of Future (Aesthetics of being) Tbilisi. Publishing House Meridiani. 1995. (Georgian). 120 pp.
  4. Georgia – Simulations of Power. Bakur Sulakauri Publishing House. Tbilisi 1999. (Georgian) 136 pp.
  5. Signs of Future (Aesthetics of being); Magor Ltd. Macedonia. 1999 (Macedonian) 132pp.
  6. Georgia – returning of Power. Bakur Sulakauri Publishing House Tbilisi 2003 (Georgian) 160 pp.
  7. Here and Everywhere (fiction). Publishing house Siesta. Tbilisi. 2006 (Georgian). 120 pp.
  8. Disenchantment. Five essays on contemporary Georgia. Bakur Sulakauri Publishing House. Tbilisi 2009. (Georgian). 94 pp.
  9. Unknown books for Georgian Readers (fiction). Bakur Sulakauri Publishing House. Tbilisi 2010. (Georgian). 110 pp.
  10. Unknown books for foreign Readers (fiction). Bakur Sulakauri Publishing House, Tbilisi 2010.  (Georgian). 110 pp.
  1. Evolution of Social behavior to Homo and after. Ilia State University Press. Tbilisi 2013 (Georgian); 130 pp.
  2. Evolution of Social behavior to Homo and after. Ilia State University Press. 2013 (English). 126 pp.
  3. Evolution (with Zaal Kikvidze). Bakur Sualkauri Publishing House. Tbilisi, 2015. (Georgian) 128 pp.
  4. The Ultimate Philosophy. Bakur Sualkauri Publishing House. Tbilisi, 2017. (Georgian) 186 pp.


Current Courses

Course Catalog

  • Evolution of Human behavior (bachelor level, 1st and 2nd semesters);
  • Identity theory (master level, 1st semester);
  • Ultimate Philosphy (master level, 2nd semester);