Direction: Linguistics
Position:Full Professor

Since 2014 Irina Lobzhanidze works as an Associate Professor of Linguistics at the Ilia State University and teaches courses for BA, MA and PhD students with majors in “Georgian Studies” and “Applied Linguistics”. In 2013 she graduated with a Dr. Phil. in Linguistics from Ilia State University (Georgia). The dissertation topic concerns the morphosyntactic features of Georgian idioms and degree of their frozenness. 2010-2013 as a Scientific Secretary of a peer-reviewed academic journal Kadmos provided its inclusion into the EBSCO database. In 10 years of research on Georgian Language she covered topics on Natural Language Processing, particularly, the computational modeling of Modern Georgian Language implemented as a finite-state transducer (xfst, lexc) and development of Georgian Language Corpus and compiled the Online Dictionary of Idioms.

Scientific interests / research interests

  • Digital Humanities
  • Applied Linguistics
  • Corpus Linguistics
  • E-Lexicography
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computational Modeling of Modern Georgian Language

Featured publications

  • Lobzhanidze, I., Realization of Verbal Models in the Corpus of Modern Georgian Language, TbilLLC, 114-129, 2017
  • Lobzhanidze, I., Online Dictionary of Idioms, Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University Press, 710-717, 2016
  • Doborjginidze, N., Lobzhanidze, I. Corpus of the Georgian Language, Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University Press, 328-335, 2016
  • Doborjginidze, N., Lobzhanidze, I. Parallel Corpus of the Georgian Chronicles, Kadmos, 402-414, 2015
  • Lobzhanidze, I., Finite State Morphological Approach to Georgian Verbal Paradigm, TICCSAM, 79-85, 2015
  • Doborjginidze, N., Lobzhanidze, I. Corpus of the Main in the Panther Skin, Pro Georgia. Journal of Kartvelological Studies, 91-100, 2015 (Index Copernicus)
  • Lobzhanidze, I., On-line Corpus of ‘the Knight in the Panther’s Skin’, Kadmos, 387-400, 2013
  • Lobzhanidze, I., Morphological Analyzer and Generator of Modern Georgian Language, GMLT, 82-83, 2013
  • Lobzhanidze, I., To the Problem of compilation of the Modern Georgian – Modern Greek Dictionary of Idioms (in Greek), ICGL, 899-904, 2012

An extensive list of publications

  • Lobzhanidze, I., Dative Alternation of Idioms (Modern Greek vs Modern Georgian) (in Georgian), Kadmos, 177-206, 2011
  • Lobzhanidze, I., Similar Ways of Forming Idioms in Georgian, Udi and Russian Languages, Proceedings of the International Conference: Current Advances in Caucasian Studies, Macerata, 431-438, 2010
  • Lobzhanidze, I., A Cross-Cultural View of Idioms in Modern Greek, Russian and Georgian (in Greek), Proceedings of the 5th Athens Postgraduate Conference of the Department of Philology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, 190-196, 2010
  • Lobzhanidze, I., To the Equivalent Translation of Idiomatic Expressions (in Russian), Collection of Scientific Papers “Languages and Cultures in the New Europe: Contacts and Identity”, Dmytro Burago Publishing House, 161-168, 2009
  • Lobzhanidze, I., Comparative Analysis of Greek and Georgian Idiomatic Expressions, Phasis 11, 6-14, 2008
  • Lobzhanidze, I., About the Method of Spectral Analysis (Sample of Udi Language) (in Georgian), Caucasian Messenger, Special Issue dedicated to the 75th Birthday of Vaclav A.Cerny, Tbilisi – Prague, 262-265, 2006
  • Lobzhanidze, I., For the some aspects in study of Udi Pharyngeal Vowels (in Georgian), Proceedings of the Fourth Scientific Conference of Young Scholars, Tbilisi, 35-39, 2006
  • Lobzhanidze, I., About the Computer Analysis of Some Vowels in Udi Language (in Georgian), Amirani, Montreal – Tbilisi, 256-263, 2006
  • Lobzhanidze, I., For the History of Pharyngeal Vowels (in Georgian), Proceedings dedicated to the 85th Birthday of G.Tsibakhashvili, Universal, 92-98, 2006
  • Lobzhanidze, I., Modern Experimental Phonetic Research Methods on Udi Language (in Georgian), Brochure, Tbilisi, 2-28, 2006
  • Lobzhanidze, I., Towards the Method of Computer Analysis of the Experimental Phonetics (in Georgian), Caucasian Messenger, No 13, Tbilisi, 188-196, 2006
  • Lobzhanidze, I., For Study of Pharyngeal Vowels in Tsakh, Rutul and Udi Languages (in Georgian), Caucasian Proceedings, Universal, 57-62, 2004
  • Lobzhanidze, I., Russian Words in Georgian Mass-Media and their acquisition (in Russian), Slavic Studies in Georgia, TSU, 146-150, 2000

Current Courses

Course Catalog

Language and Technologies; Syntax Theory and Generative Grammar; Translation and Translation Technologies; Programming for Humanities

Computational Linguistics; Computational Linguistics (ENG); Linguistic Research Methods; Seminar in Corpus Linguistics; Seminar: Digital Issue

  • Field Linguistics and Language Documentation, Bachelor’s Course
  • Old Georgian Language I, Bachelor’s Course
  • Old Georgian Language II, Bachelor’s Course
  • Seminar in Linguistics, Master’s Course
  • Seminar in Corpus Linguistics, Master’s Course
  • Seminar in Computational Linguistics, Master’s Course
  • Modern Syntactic Theory and Generative Grammar, Master’s Course
  • Methods of Linguistic Research, Master’s Course

Research Projects:

Digital Humanities (Digital Epigraphy, Computational Linguistics, Digital Prosopography), Young Scholar, financed by the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, 2016-2020

On-line Dictionary of Idioms, Principal Investigator, financed by the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, 2014-2017

Corpus Annotation and Analysis Software for Modern Georgian Language, Linguistic Coordinator, financed by the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, 2012-2014

Parallel Corpus of the Georgian Chronicles, Linguistic Coordinator, financed by the Ilia State University, 2011-2012

Parallel Corpus of the Knight in the Panther’s Skin, Linguistic Coordinator, financed by the Ilia State University, 2011-2012

Georgian-Modern Greek Dictionary of Idioms, Principal Investigator, financed by the Foundation for Georgian Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2009-2010