Position:Assistant Professor

Maia Charkviani was born in 1962 in Tbilisi, Georgia. She finished the secondary school # 61, Tbilisi. In 1987 she graduated from Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University, History faculty. In 1979-1984 and 1990-2005 she worked at the Archaeological Research Centre of State Academy of Sciences. In 1984-1990 she worked in the Department of Scientific and Educational Programs of National Television of Georgia. In 2004 he defended dissertation for attaining candidate degree of historical science. From 2005 up to the present she works as a researcher at the O. Lordkipanidze Centre of Archaeology in Georgian National Museum. She participated in the following archaeological expeditions: Tbilisi and its vicinities (1979-1984), Samtskhe (1990-2002), Vale (2003-204); Tsalka (2004-2005), Terjola (2006), Khovle (2008), GraklianiGora (2011), Ksani (2013-2015). In 2009-2014 she worked as a lecturer at the St. Andrew the Apostle Georgian University, Department of Humanities. Ms. Charkviani has been a supervisor of many students working on their Master’s degree papers. She has published 15 scientific papers. She is also a member of an editorial staff of scientific journals “Dziebani” and “Iberia-Colchis

International Conferences:
“Archaeology in the 21st century – Inheritance and Perspectives” – Tbilisi, 2002;
“Cultural-Historical Processes in the World and Georgia” – Tbilisi, 2003.
Scientific Grants:
Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Foundation:
Warfare and Weapons in Iberia-Colchis (Research and the catalogue of artifacts) – 2015-2017 (scientist).
Georgian Academy of Sciences:
Glossary of Archaeology Terms – 1997-1999 (Participant);
Silk road communication structures – 2001-2002 (Participant);
Weapons and Fortification Systems of Classical Period in Georgia – 2002-2003 (Participant);
“Open Society Foundation – Georgia”:
Gujareti Archaeological Monuments – 1999 (director of the project)

Scientific interests / research interests

Archaeological study of Colchis, Lasica and Kingdom Kartli; History of Archeology; Iconography.

Featured publications
• Ekvtime Taqaishvili and Archaeology, Great Ekvtime, 2014, pp. 93-131.
• Lamps, Iberia-Colchis # 10, 2014, pp.5-17.
• The list of representations of Greco-Roman gods and mythological characters brought to light on Georgian Territory, Iberia-Colchis # 7, 2011, pp. 172-185 (Q. Amirkhanashvili).
An extensive list of publications
• TYPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS AND STATISTICAL DATA OF WEAPONS FROM THE CEMETERIES OF 5TH-4TH CENTURIES BC EXCAVATED IN GEORGIA. – Iberia-Colchis #12, 2016, pp.209-230 (G. Gamkrelidze, V. Shatberashvili, M. Pirtskhalava, R. Davlianidze).
• Nino Khoshtaria – First Georgian woman-archaeologist, Gori State Teaching University, collection of the works, #13, 2016, pp. 195-205.
• Archaeological Activities of Ekvtime Taqaishvili, www.heritages site, Online Archaeology # 6, 2014, pp. 215-241.
• Shiosubani Burial Ground and the Setlement, Dziebani # 22, 2014, pp.124-139 (R. Kvirkvaia, V. Shatberashvili)
• Coins from richly furnished burial of the village Khovle, Iberia-Colchis, # 4, 2008, pp. 134-135,190
• Archaeological Activities of Ekvtime Taqaishvili in 1894 and 1896, Essays on the History of Archaeology of Georgia, 2007, pp. 170-201
• Ekvtime Taqaishvili at the Tbilisi State University, Archaeological collection, 5, Tbilisi State University press, 2006, pp. 63-71.
• Archaeological Sites of the Classical Period Discovered by Ekvtime Taqaishvili, Iberia-Colchis, # 2, 2005, pp. 76-84.
• Archaeological Excavations Carried out by Ekvtime Taqaishvili at the Vani City Site, Dziebani # 10, 2002, pp. 57-61.
• Field Archaeological Investigation Carried out by Ekvtime Taqaishvili, Dziebani # 9, 2002, pp. 88-99.
• Ekvtime Taqaishvili (1863-1953), Dziebani # 6, 2000, pp. 105-107.

Current Courses

Course Catalog

History of Archaeology; Fundamentals of Archaeology; Fundamentals of Glyptic; Mythological World and Archaeology; Introduction to Georgian Archaeology

Mythological World and Archaeology; Introduction to Georgian Archaeology

2015-2016 Spring: Introduction to Georgian Archaeology; Mythological World and Archaeology; Introduction to Gliptics; Classical Archaelogy (Seminars) – for bachelor’s level.
2015-2016 Autumn: History of Archaeology (Lecturs and Seminars); Introduction to Archaeology (Seminars); Classical Archaeology (Seminars) – for bachelor’s level.
2014-2015 Spring: Introduction to Georgian Archaeology; Mythological World and Archaeology; Introduction to Gliptics – for bachelor’s level.
2014-2015 Autumn: History of Archaeology (Lectures and Seminars) – for bachelor’s level.
2013-2014 Spring: Mythological World and Archaeology; Introduction to Gliptics – for bachelor’s level.
2013-2014 Autumn: History of Archaeology (Lectures and Seminars) – for bachelor’s level

Archaeological field-work practice for students of the Ilia University : Kolkheti lowland reconnoiter expedition, 2014; Archaeological excavations in Nastakisi, 2015.